#🥲 I'm so tired I'll do the solomon card summary after i rest up
bbnibini · 1 year
REVENGE BANNER BB ROLLS AND Damn...getting here was painful. Thankfully I didn't hit pity. I got a lot of spooks. I wouldn't say the pulls are unlucky though. I got a ton of 5 star CEs and gold servants...
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My first Napoleon. A NITOCRIS SPOOK. I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN HER ON HER RATEUPS WTF. And it's not a great sign when Nitocris shows up. She ALWAYS does in summons with spooks holy f-
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There were some upsides though!
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Habetrot is now NP3! I got my NP8th Angra Mainyu...
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NP2 Saber Medb and the NP2 MHXX Summer!
And the real prize...
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My King is now MLB!💕 (The CE at least. Summer Arthur when-)
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