#🪽. angels don't make mistakes {thread}
exorcisticlute · 3 months
{Closed thread with @letsstaytuned}
Lute was on the ground fighting against sinners. It was about to be one of their best extermination battles of the century. That was until she felt a sharp pain on her right leg. Screaming in agonizing pain as tears flowed down her face. Her teeth gritted against each other and her hands formed into fists.
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"Fuck! Ahh!"
Falling to her knees she fell down to her butt as she extended out her leg. There it was, the reason of her pain. The angel got stabbed badly in her leg with what appears to be a handmade shank. Quickly she removed her mask throwing it off to the side and taking off her exorcist uniform. It was risky but had to be done. She wrapped it around her injury but just couldn't do it. She winced in pain as she was wearing her pants and had a black tank top underneath.
She looked up in the sky to the rest of the angels flying away. With wide eyes she tried to get up but failed to only fall once more. She hit the ground realizing she was left behind in hell as her wings fell low. Injured and helpless she started to think how she was going to survive in hell.
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exorcisticlute · 1 month
Closed thread with || @exorcistsage
A recent batch was made by Adam a couple hours ago and lute was in charge of distributing the uniforms to each angel. It was the first group made besides Lute herself being created as a test. It was success and Adam went with the plan of creating an army. Returning back from his office she had 12 uniforms in hand as the new batch all stood in line. The lieutenant approached right besides Adam.
“All the uniforms have been gathered, sir”
She saluted him as she walked forward to each angel and gave them the uniform and nothing more. Getting down to the last angel she took notice of her features as her eyes skimmed up and down her body taking notes if she would be capable of being out in the battlefield.
“Alright! Listen up bitches! You are the first batch to ever be created in existence! Your sole purpose is to slaughter every single sinner down in hell! I’m your commander, first man Adam and this is my lieutenant lute. One of you lucky fuckers will be chosen to be our right hand angel… which means there’s a lot of training up ahead”
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The commander walked back and fourth as Lute stood with her arms folded behind her back. Taking a few step foreword as it was her turn to speak to the exorcists.
“There will be no mercy shown out on the battlefield. If I see a bit of mercy in your eyes your wings will be ripped off your back and you will rot in hell for eternity. I expect no weakness to be shown… do I make myself clear.”
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{closed thread with @radicheart }
Lute was left behind by the exorcist. She was too hurt to fly to heaven and also sore from yelling that she couldn’t yell for help. Her eyes widen seeing the portal closed as she quickly ran around hiding in ally. “Fuck I need somewhere to be safe” she muttered to herself throwing an old large blanket over her hiding her halo and wings. At this point she was more relaxed walking around hell a bit more asking around for information.
She finally heard the answer she was looking for. She was on the hunt for a specific overlord with a red coat. Some say he’s hard to spot while others say it’s easy.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{closed thread with @lettherebemonsters }
Lute was finishing up in Hell's embassy as she was setting up for the next meeting with Charlie. This time Sera had demanded that the meeting was in person instead of Adam doing it through a hologram. Lute would peer over at Melody who was sitting on the table playing with her own toys. She smiled straighten up the last stack of papers where Adam will be sitting at.
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She grabbed a hold of Melody getting ready to head back to heaven when all of a sudden she was caught off guard by someone grabbing her from behind. She couldn't react fast enough due to a towel being placed over her nose as her vision went blurry. The last thing she heard was Melody cry out for her.
A demon had breached into the embassy and held them both at ransom. "Take them both away" The hound instructed his backup writing a letter for whoever came in contact first along with one of Lute's feather plucked. '
The note read
Come to 354 Heyward street if you want to see your two angels alive'
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
Closed thread with @ask-adam-the-dickmaster
Sera had called Adam up to her office to have a discussion about a new position that will be opened up within the exorcist. Three of them all stood in front of her holding the attention stance. Each of them wore their exterminators uniform along with their masks clipped on their hips. A competition was held by sera from a small group of exorcist of who can fill in the possible role.
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They each had potential but at the end it would be Adam's decision if the final exorcist would be the perfect fit for him. The chance of the final one not able to tolerate Adam for more than an hour, which won't be much of a surprise. The other two have a chance at filling in the spot. "Don't worry this shouldn't take long." Anxiously she looked out her window in hoping to spot him as he has a habit of showing whenever he pleases.
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exorcisticlute · 5 months
Continued thread || @ladiesofhell
Lute groaned in pain as she looked up at Mavet. She had blood on her uniform the most as she weakly sat up with her arms. “My wings… they feel sore” she tried to stretch them out but only managed to do a bit of it. Lute winced in pain from it as she brought her wings closer to her body.
“Ugh how could I let a sinner hurt me! I’m suppose to be the best on the field” she grunted through her mask
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exorcisticlute · 5 months
Closed thread with @gentlemenofhell
It was time. The time for them all to head down to Charlie's stupid hotel and kill them all. Ever since she showed up to heaven with the grand idea to rehabilitate a sinner has brought issues along. Her and Adam decided to take it down once and for all. She gathered all for exorcist as they all geared up. Lute flew over to Adam with her sword in her hand.
"Sir we're ready to attack"
She had a sinister grin on her helmet as she was ready to cause chaos.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{Closed thread with @daddy-lucifer-morningstar}
Lute was cleaning up the mess from the last meeting as she dusted and wiped down the table in Hell’s embassy. This was the last thing she had to do before she headed off home for the week. “Finally” she muttered to herself turning off all the lights and headed out of the conference room closing the double gold doors. Her wing flickered a bit as she paused and looked around. It was too quiet as the only light that was let in was the moonlight.
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Slowly walking around she heard movement next to her as she brought out her sword but she was too late. Feeling a kick to her side sent her flying across the room. She screamed getting back up as quick as possible but could barely see anything. These attackers had blended well with their surroundings. Lute felt a sharp pain by her side causing her to fall down to her knees. A steel blade pierced her side as her gold blood starts to pour out of her.
"What the fuck" She growled laying there in a pool of her own blood. They ran out before she could catch who it was leaving the front door to the embassy wide open.
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exorcisticlute · 1 month
Closed thread with || @blitzs
It has been a couple of months ever since Lute has fallen from heaven. It was rough and a hard decision despite what happened between her and Sera. The last extermination destroyed her with Adam dying in her arms. The flashbacks still remain vivid in her head like it just happened yesterday. Being in hell she had to find something to do. Something she was good at which was killing and it was hard to find that line of work in hell that was decent and had values.
Upon walking around she saw flyers and billboards about a local company known as IMP. It seemed like a killing business where they go to the living realm to kill off humans. Different than sinners she will admit. With interest she read the poorly written address and headed to their headquarters.
The building seemed to be decaying by the hours as it was run down with cracks and unattended parking lot with potholes and faded parking lines. Walking into the building she took the elevator up to the top floor and approached the door to IMP.
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“Well it’s now or never…”
The fallen angel grunted to herself turning the doorknob and walking inside as she looked around to see if she could spot an associate.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{Closed thread with @tunedradio}
Lute had became a fallen angel. She had gone against Sera's orders and casted away she was. During the fall her wings had turned completely black and her halo was distorted. The horns from her exorcist mask made its way permanently onto her head as it was part of her feature. She still had the features of her old angelic form.
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There she was on the ground surrounded by sinners and their weapons. She was now the main target in hell. Lute has to think fast on her feet. Tilting her head back she took off into the sky flapping her wings as fast as she could. All of a sudden she jumped slightly at hearing the firing of gunshots. She looked down to see them pointing their guns at her.
"Oh fuck"
She growled starting to fly away but it didn't last too long until she felt two bullets go through her body. One on her right thigh and the second bullet through her left wing. Screaming in pain she started to fall once more. Bringing her arms up to her face as she saw she was going to crash into a structure.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{closed thread @lettherebemonsters }
Lute was getting ready for another concert with Adam. She pulled her black leather jacket over her shoulders and straighten out her black leggings. She leaned over the counter and fixed her makeup. Giving her eyeliner a darker color. “There we go much better” she smiled applying black lipstick gently on her top and bottom lip.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{Closed thread for @lcftcult}
Lute had heard the sounds of what could be a cat as she had looked down and saw a black feline sitting there. She raised an eyebrow at the feline wondering what a black cat was doing here. Yes they had animals but there were all mainly white. Was this one defective.
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"What do you want?"
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{closed thread with @celestialfcllen }
Lute was casted down to hell due to her outburst with all the elders and seraphim’s. She was angry. She was mad for what happened to Adam and it was all their fault. Now she was down in heaven amongst the sinners and demons. She still kept her wings and halo except her wings were completely black and her halo was distorted. Sighing she knew she had to find Lucifer.
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He was the only other fallen angel and it would be good to have some company. Someone she can relate to about being a fallen angel. She approached his palace seeing how huge it was. Being the king of hell sure had its perks. Nervously she knocked on the door looking around and behind her paranoid.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{Closed thread with @amilliontales}
Lute ran around the streets with a raggedy hoodie over her body. She couldn't let any sinner or demon see her. Occasionally she would go down to hell and meander within the sinners and demons. Lute won't admit it but it was somewhat better than heaven because there was more to do here. Lute was trying to find a particular building and someone in general. All over the place she has heard that if you go to valentino you become somewhat safe. Become his number one asset of his and you are guaranteed.
Finally, she looked up at a bright lit building with three X's glowing bright neon pink. She entered the building and approached the receptionist. They should have some job positions open.
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"Excuse me, do you guys have any job position opening? Preferably in assistance?"
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
{Closed thread with @drinkingdemon}
Lute walked around hell looking around every corner and behind her. Even if she has lived in hell for the past few weeks she was still paranoid of being attacked. She was casted back to hell after the last extermination. Due to heavens ignorance it lead to Adam's death and that was the breaking point. Lute had yelled and cussed at Sera and even blamed her for Adam dying in her arms. She would happily go to hell where he last was. It was home to her now. Unfortunately, she didn't lose her wings or halo instead her wings were black and her halo was broken.
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"Fuck.." She cussed as it started to rain a bit. Using her wings as an umbrella she started to walk fast and just pushed a random door open to find it somewhat empty but a few demons here and there. She arrived at a bar from her observation. Shaking her wings dry she walked over to the bar as she let out a sigh putting her face into her hands.
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
(Closed thread with @bossmanvalentino)
Lute had looked at the contract given to her by Valentino himself. She read over it as she would be on a very tight leash. No point was she allowed to leave the studio without him. Lute had a curfew and a lot of rules to follow to a T! If she was to break one of these rules then the consequences would be up to him. Looking down at the end of the paper was blank as all he needed was her signature and she would be his... forever.
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With the pen in her hand it hovered over the paper for a few seconds. Fuck she was really doing this. Lute has heard stories of him. An overlord who was an abuser and took advantage of the ones who gave themselves up for him. Despite everything she heard something drew her to him... like she didn't want to leave. A sigh escaped her lips as the pen hit the paper and she wrote her name effortless across.
Placing the pen down and sliding the paper towards him her eyes moved up to meet his. She officially signed herself over to him.
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