#''am i being unreasonable here?'' . which always escalates things tbh
roadside-enshrined · 1 year
the thing in my mind okay is that george and jules and lukas literally only work longterm as a trinary. jules would burn lukas up and he would come to resent her for always putting the silo first without george but george is their even keel, absorbing half the load of juliette's Everything (🥰) and allowing juliette reprieve when she needs it
but without lukas jules would come to suffocate under george's heart and without jules lukas. well honestly he probably never would've met george if he hadn't already by the time he meets jules but if he had met george he never wouldve looked closely enough to spark his obsession and george would treat him courteously and move on like.
also i think george, while at first having no idea how to handle this man (this weirdo screengazer who had a crush on his girl and when meeting him then also developed a crush on him too) comes (hehe) around to like. almost taking pride in the fact that he loves lukas. when they're out together he walks around internally going "look at my strange man who is smart and hopeful and pretty and watches outside for the stars" like. of course george was going to fall in love with him of course he grows equally as steadfast in his devotion to lukas as his to jules.
they work together. to me. it's not pretty and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone in real life whom i love but christ it's intriguing
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