#''fuck we gotta go for butterflies or royal titles... fuck it our mate is descended from royalty lets go''
kariachi · 2 years
Realized I didn’t have an official list of daemons for the Plumber Brat parents, so may as well fix that. And add some grandparents where they’re still around and in the area, for reasons. And siblings in Alan’s case, again for reasons. In it’s own post because these fuckers are barely canon where they are at all.
Mendevin- Jubilation (unnamed sea serpent of Osmosian origin) [they/them] Eva Jones- Rufus (Snowcap Hummingbird) [he/him]
Marcela Wheels- Toni (Great Grey Owl) [he/his]
X10A Wheels- Adomi (unnamed ungulate of Kinet origin) [he/his] Tristan Wheels- April (Black Francolin) [she/her] Maria Wheels- Xavier (Malnad Gidda) [he/his] Kyxan Wheels- Thaia (unnamed predatory avian of Erinaen origin) [they/them]
Ramona Armstrong- Seve (Broad-Snouted Caiman) [he/his]
Armando Armstrong- Rosalva (Lesser Roadrunner) [she/her] Oumbia Armstrong- Margiav (unnamed small mammal of Khoron origin) [he/his]
Mercedes Validus- Pánfilo (Yellow-Headed Caracara) [he/his] Victor Validus- Miela (Tarantula Hawk) [she/her]
Selan Albright- Lassi (unnamed chiton of Pyros origin) [she/her] Lamar Ellis- Ola (Bean Weevil) [she/her] Felicia Ellis- Chrys (Poodle) [he/his]
Jessica Albright- Silver (Klipspringer) [he/his] Kayzisk Albright- Nial (unnamed reptile of Pyros origin) [she/her]
Christopher Albright- Duchess (unsettled- settles as Barking Gecko) [she/her] Jason Albright- Prince (unsettled- settles as Bat Hawk) [he/his] Sarah Albright- Queen (unsettled- settles as Cockatrice) [she/her]
Fiby- Jie (unnamed avian of Anodine origin) [they/them] Gabriel Morningstar- Serafina (Cape Fox) [she/her]
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