#'Blest Be the Tie That Binds' is a lovely hymn and I like it
isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
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theguineapig3 · 7 years
OHO? A TAGGY GET-TO-KNOW-YOU POST? DON’T MIND IF I DO~ (Thanks, @raxon-raxoff!)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 21
B - Birthplace: North Carolina, USA 
C - Current time: 9:27 pm
D - Drink you last had: Milk- but, like, the REALLY GOOD ULTRA-PASTEURIZED SHIT. I mean, regular whole milk is already heavenly, but THIS STUFF. Aw man. Gotta get me some more of that. 
E- Easiest person to talk to: My gf and my brother! Also my guinea pigs, maybe? 
F - Favorite song: I don’t have a specified FAVORITE, I usually just have a specific JAM at any one time. Current JAM is “You’re Welcome” from Moana.
G - Grossest memory: The summer camp I used to attend is located in a swampy section of the North Carolina sandhills, so their mud is particularly abundant and gross. Every camp group is expected to embark on the (in)famous “Mudwalk” at least once during the summer, and I HATED it. The mud looked gross and smelled even worse, it was full of insects and spiders, it stained everything a horrible shade of brown, and once it dried on your skin it itched something awful. No one else seemed to understand why I hated it, because it was a favorite activity of most campers. Ugh, ugh. This summer I was a counselor for a day camp program and I was the HEROIC VOLUNTEER willing to forego the mud in order to carry everyone’s packs to the other side and photograph the event. They invited me in once some other adults had made it across, but I refused. “I did my time as a camper,” I said. Ugh. I won’t say “never again” because I’m in a career that sometimes requires dirty fieldwork, but that’s different. That’s for science. ONLY FOR SCIENCE.
H - Horror yes or Horror no: No thank you!
I - In love?: Yes!!!!.
J - Jealous of people?: I definitely get envious of other people’s talents. I’m genuinely comfortable with a happy, mediocre life, but whenever I hear about some child prodigy or genius, my knee-jerk reaction is to feel down about myself for not reaching that level. It’s frustrating.
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Is this a meme?
M - Middle name: “Clare” was the name of my great-great(?) aunt.
N - Number of siblings: One brother.
O - One wish: I’d like to be able to motivate myself without relying on a time crunch to kick me into high gear. At this point procrastination isn’t even a choice, it’s just how I function and I hate it.
P - Person you called last: My grandparents! It was kinda late when they got home so we only talked for 30 minutes, but it was a really nice conversation nonetheless.
Q - Question you are always asked: The one I get most often is “Why are you always smiling?” or “Why are you so happy all the time?” and tbh? I’m not trying. My face just looks like this. 
R - Reason to smile: The world!! Is beautiful!! And I’m!! In love!! Life is good!!
S - Song you last sang: I was working on a current project: a setting of John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer to an arrangement of the traditional hymn Blest Be the Tie That Binds. (I thought it’d be better to up the tempo to 105 bpm rather than 95, but that meant I needed to re-record the vocal track; oops.)
T - Time you woke up: 8:30, but I snoozed the alarm once.
U - Underwear colour: Orange stripes. It’s new!
V - Vacation destination: The beach, but my dream is that someday it won’t have to be a vacation destination, I’ll just look outside my home and there it is.
W - Worst habit: Should I put procrastination if it’s more of an executive dysfunction issue? I’ll go ahead and put it, considering that’s the one that most negatively impacts my daily life.
X - X-rays: Besides regular dental x-rays, the only time I’ve ever had one was the last time I was in Scotland and broke my foot while biking. 
F - Favorite food: That’s a good question. I really love soft comfort foods- macaroni+cheese and chicken ‘n dumplings are probably my most favorite. I’m particularly partial to a recipe I have for ramen noodles with ham and a homemade cheese sauce.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Western - Capricorn, Chinese- Pig
Tags, tags! You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but in case you do: @fabletelle, @ghostypeaches, @accioharo, @yami268, @djwaglmuffin, @linybeany, @cutepiku, @glittercanblog
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