scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
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Awooga??? New Year new mutual???
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hi kredena!!!!
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tenebriiis-archived · 3 years
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My Dearest & Beloved @piltover-sharpshooter​ has whispered THE question ♥ ♥ ♥: The sheriff kneels in front of the Matron, anxiety and fear overwhelming her so much that she feels her heart will explode at any moment. The moonlight is shining down on the lake behind her, the flowers she had planted weeks before bloomed, the fireworks went to the sky, the ring was a black hextech in the shape of a rose and she still felt like that wasn't enough. She would give the woman the world if she could, but this would have to do. "Emilia...would you marry me, my Matron?"
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{ ⟡ } —  Once Upon a Time;   Far too long ago, & dancing within the fragile musical accords of times the mortals had already buried beneath layers upon layers of forgotten memories & long-lost wildflower fields; a young nymph had left behind her faith in ever-lasting company & lost all hope — After all, she had thought many times as Centuries came back & forth: In her tarnished & monstrous true nature below the glamorous & fake carcass, could someone ever see beyond & feel affection for her sincerely without having to play them across her fingers, woven in a thread of lies that could trap & manipulate them to her own desire?
Was she; after so-so long, broken time-after-time & breaking others over-&-over again; still be able to call upon the gentlest & equally strongest of feelings that would lead her to very same dream any young maiden would have? —Long had it been, since Emilia had stopped counting the days, months, years to pass as they would slip away from her fingers like water & wind as if those dreams had never belonged to her in the slightest...  
…& yet, she had appeared in her life; in the best way casualties happen: the kind of coincidences that make you believe Destiny had always existed & preserved a plan, the way strings are woven together without you noticing until a strong braid of golden & violet threads are pulling you closer & closer into her embrace. The type of situations that aren’t planned by her, that escape of her measured plans & how inconveniently gorgeous those could truly be.
She had played along many times, but never wishing to be the one to tell the Sheriff what to do with her life. Emilia had come to appreciate Caitlyn’s life in the same manner & regard as an equal, equally precious & treasurable as her immortal soul – yet as fragile & easy to fade as vapors of beautiful fantasies, for that was the curse of mortality, therefore even if she had entertained the thought after realizing how deep & intense & honest & possessive her Adoration for the Piltovan was... Emilia had chosen not to be the one to bound her existence to her; allowing her to do as she so pleased, perhaps go & fly to wherever & whenever she desired...
But now; oh-now~ ; the Matron felt like the most blissful fool as her eyes had witnessed with honest appreciation all the hard work on the flowers, radiant as jewels in the soothing moonlight only to glow thousands of colors in their petals when the fireworks started to create more blossoms of light in the sky... among the stars, like colorful dreams that at first had surprised her & made her jump, only to quickly let go a giggle, enjoying one more of the many great inventions from the City of Progress...   ...Oh, it distracted her enough that when looking at her Beloved again, she had never expected her to be there, kneeling by her side & showing her the most precious ring that she could had ever imagined.
🙶 Caitlyn, I – … 🙷 What an odd & marvelous sensation, to be so speechless & breathless, for someone who ever found the words to waltz confidently among any situation. Now; she felt like time had never passed or her whole nature had been sullied, & the long-buried dreams had only found the way to find the light once again & bloom just as the flowers surrounding them. The sought the Sun, the azure skies ever glowing for her in the beautiful eyes of her Beloved One...
🙶 I... 🙷 Her eyes felt tears coming forth, & her delicate porcelain digits for an instant barely covered the smile forming. If there was one person who could ever move her soul was the woman in front of her. A small nod turned into repeated motions, before her hands lowered to cradle Caitlyn’s features & allowing herself to lean enough until landing kisses among her forehead, eyelids, nose & finally her lips.
🙶 Yes...   ...Yes; I do, Mon Amour, – –  I will marry you, I will be yours forever-more... ♥ 🙷
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