#'Mr Reaction Images Guy why do you let the stuff in your inbox build up to begin with' well my dear strawman
reactionimagesdaily · 10 months
quick update
Hola everyone!
Just writing a thing to say I SEE all the messages that've been sent to my inbox and I'll promise I'll get round to them soon! I've been doing National Novel-Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year (as well as some job-huntng lolol) and it's taken up a lot of my spare mental energy. Low-key it feels like all I can do to make sure that the queue doesn't run out of submissions xD
Next month I'll get to everyone's image requests - promise! - and also to those 10K celebrations I mentioned a little while ago! (I've been cooking some stuff up behind the scenes for that milestone, don't y'all worry)
And. Yeah that's about it from me. Stay tuned, thank you for your patience, love y'all, adios <3
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