#'a handsome guy with spooky cursed energy does not bode well'
inun4ki · 9 months
The man standing before him now bore a peculiar cursed energy signature, strange and unusual - uniquely foreign. But it was as fascinating as it was bothersome, previously relaxed nerves now tweaked by uncertainty and instinctive alarm. Kaede thought it best to be wary of and alert around sorcerers of all sorts, ally or foe, even and especially when wasting a few hours at a dive bar in the city and getting a little buzzed in the process. He was supposed to be having the fun other people his age were, meeting new people and letting loose, taking the edge off with a night out - not eyeballing a stange, handsome, probably dangerous sorcerer as if his night had been utterly, completely ruined.
He heaved a whisky-tinged sigh and rolled his eyes, pouting under the lamplight, tugging on a long lock of hair with a single finger and idly adjusting his jacket. Self-conscious at the wrong time, for he'd been caught staring, reflexively glancing away with a swiftness that would put his sober self to shame. He didn't say anything, pretending as if he hadn't been gawking at the man with silvery platinum hair and blue eyes, as if he hadn't noticed his cursed energy, the look on his face--
If he had to work on his days off, he was going to be pissed.
With a swell of, perhaps, arrogant clarity, Kaede looked at the man once more. If he spoke, he hadn't heard a word, too busy with his thoughts to listen properly. Lips moving without uttering a sound.
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"You look familiar, sorry," he said quickly, a stubborn firmness to his cover. "Was trying to figure out if you were an actor, or...someone I might have met once."
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