#'core beliefs' here being a phrase which means: the apostles'/nicene creed and everything else is at a step-by-step process of examination
Thinking again today about how the term "deconstruction" became such a catchall for the widespread upheaval in Christian circles the past several years, to include the embracing of agnostic/atheist stances with the throwing out of excess doctrines and ideologies to begin personal spiritual reformation.
What I have been walking through is the latter. But it has involved a lot of deconstruction. I had to (and continue to) remove the debris of All The Other Stuff that has been piled onto my faith by myself and my teachers and my culture, etc. I have to do that before I can get anywhere near the reformation part.
As far as spiritual formation goes, I think deconstructing my faith has been one of the best things to happen to me, better realizing what is meant by the builders rejecting the Cornerstone. But by no means has it been one of the easiest.
I say this here for two reasons:
One, I am so thankful for my deconstruction. I wish I didn't need it; I would prefer to never have the questions and the outrage and the anger and the grief and the confusion and the doubt and the wordless prayers and the betrayal. But they have taught me so much about the kingdom of God that I never would be able to see otherwise.
Two, it is possible (even likely) that some things I posted or reblogged or dm-ed in years past no longer align with my beliefs, though my core beliefs have not changed. I won't apologize for the change and growth bc I could not know then what I do now, and I will most certainly continue to say things I later learn better about. But I will offer an apology for any confusion that might cause, if one should come across some old post, or have followed me based on particular parameters that no longer exist.
Always be listening and learning, eager to grow, eager to see what has been hidden or neglected. It is not easy and, like with the term "deconstruction," you can be misunderstood as moving backward rather than forward. Yet be of good heart, and be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus.
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