#'diabolik!' 'ginko!' 'i hope you die.' bit
youssefguedira · 2 years
wonderful film. enjoyed that immensely.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
incomplete wishlist for diabolik 3 diabolik chi sei
at least one (1) direct panther reference, preferably more to make up for the lack of panther references elsewhere
to reword point 1, this sequence, exactly as shown below
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actually just this panel. the image is breaking tumblr's list system so pretend this is point 3.
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see above about numbering. anyway that bit where they wake up after being kidnapped and ginkos reaction is 'i hope you die. i hope they kill you. i don't care if they kill me too i just hope you die at some point.' i deserve to see this
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