#'fascists: they sure do know how to dress' is the worst of the canards but it's time for us to put the kibosh on all of this
wizzard890 · 2 years
We have moved past the need to celebrate or indeed discuss conventionally feminine women's political wardrobes. Oh you're a cis woman in the Senate and we're devoting a page in the NYT style section to your choices? Please. Society has grown beyond this.
Listen I love fashion, I love the silent language of dressing and what it means for our communication and how we perceive others and ourselves, but this shit in politics specifically is lipstick on a pig. I know what Kyrsten Sinema's dopey little outfits are supposed to communicate, or Nancy Pelosi's pink cocoon coat. I don't need coverage of them, or for us to pretend that this kind of conversation is politically meaningful outside of how these individuals imagine themselves. They're not celebrities, who are paid to dress, or even politicians’ partners, who are honestly just image boosters, regardless of gender. These people are public servants, and my half baked hot take is that they should be in something like a school uniform.
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