#'filled with fury and ''malignant grace'''. hot
hiddenbeks · 10 months
never thought i'd find myself nerding abt lightsaber combat forms but here i am. in wookieepedia figuring out which form liah uses
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korkrunchcereal · 6 years
Not for the first time, Aurelian wondered if he was in fact cursed. It was the only logical explanation for the situations he kept finding himself in, as he stood on the precipice of a great, molten ravine that led down to bubbling lava. Perhaps the universe had heard his hatred of Volcanius, for once more the elf had found himself on that wretched demon world. It was from here the demons had been reinforcing the Eastern Plaguelands, anchoring itself to Azeroth. Aurelian was among those sent to break the anchor.
Aurelian was also alone now.
Aurelian and his comrades had succeeded in slaying the lord of Volcanius amongst a host of other demons as well as disabling the link between Volcanius and Azeroth. Through fire, rock and brimstone they had fought and bled to secure a hard-won victory…until a newcomer arrived. Emerging over the remains of Volcanius’ slain warlord, a new host had arrived to scatter the Sunguard. At their head strode a gargantuan demon that bristled with raw power, who smote the Sunguard and forced them into a panicked retreat. The survivors had escaped…all except Aurelian.
He had fallen behind securing a retreat for several others, and now found his path blocked. A sole bridge led to safety, yet the demon lord that had forced the Sunguard to retreat now stood in his way. Aurelian could barely look at the demon, his eyes watering from both the smoke and ash from the molten fire beneath his feet, and the demon’s very presence. There was malignant power in this creature; a dark radiance that sapped Aurelian’s will the more he stared.
For the first time in quite a while, Aurelian was not certain he would live. The air itself crackled around the demon, as if reality itself screamed at its presence. Behind Aurelian, he could hear the howls and war cries of more demons approaching; the remnants of Volcanius and the host of this new warlord. He was alone on this foul world.
No, not alone. Abandoned. Aurelian’s foolhardy heroism had left him stranded, and no one would come to save him. Light it was hot; he could feel the sweat on his brow beneath his helm, though whether that was from the heat or fear he was not certain. His body screamed at him to run, but where could he run too? He could face the demonic army behind him, circle all the way around and find himself blocked again. Suicidal.
He could also face the demon lord, but even he doubted his capabilities against the monstrous tyrant. As he stood on the edge of the molten ravine, he looked across to the other side. Perhaps he could make the leap? No; it was at least ten feet across. He would need a running start without being weighed down by his armor to make it at least half of that.
Panic began to grip him. He was trapped, on a barren wasteland of a world he hated. He wouldn’t even die on Azeroth, and the thought infuriated him. He wouldn’t die in his bed, old of age and surrounded by his wealth and possessions. There would be no family to mourn him, no wife to cradle his head or children to hold his hand. He wouldn’t even die in battle, saving Azeroth and his home like a hero of yore. No; he would die abandoned and forgotten on a miserable rock, with no stories to his name or legacy left behind.
He glanced between the demon lord that drew closer, and the cliffside. Fear kept him in place. It was a strange sensation; he couldn’t recall a time he had ever been so frightened. Part of him wondered if this was an instinctual reaction, or a trick by the demon. Its stare…by the light its stare sent a chill down Aurelian’s spine. What could he do? What cou-
A shrill sound pierced his ears, breaking his contact with the demon as he turned to investigate the noise. So too did the demon, both watching as a shapeless mass of void rushed forward to slam into the demon. Aurelian’s confusion was greater than his fear as he watched the thing ram itself in a suicidal charge against the demon.
“Jump!” The void creature’s voice was both feminine and familiar, Aurelian blinking in surprise as he recognized it. It was Sare’wen. He had thought he saw such a creature by her side earlier, the priestess having accompanied Aurelian in the journey. The two had grown friendly with one another, Aurelian finding they worked surprisingly well together. Her voice broke through whatever had gripped his heart in fear. He watched as the demon annihilated the void beast with a singular blow, tendrils of smoke and oil being dispersed into the air.
“Does your heart know fear?” Aurelian had turned to consider jumping the cliff once more, pausing as the demon’s voice filled his mind. Every word seemed to overpower his senses, booming like thunder yet soft as a whisper. It played tricks on him, rooting the elf in place. Slowly, Aurelian turned to watch the demon approach. Each step sent cracks into the stone, yet the demon did not lumber forward. No, there was grace in each step.
“Your friends have abandoned you. Leaving you to die.” The demon spread its arms out, stopping at the end of the bridge. He was a mere ten yards from Aurelian now, who had to crane his neck up to meet the demon’s gaze. “Even the others were sacrificed, but you remain." Aurelian nearly dropped his sword as he winced from the voice, realizing he still held it in a vice grip. The demon’s eyes wandered to the sword, spotting the fel blood dripping from its tip.
“What do you find of power?” The demon continued. “Does it call to you? Why die for those who are unwilling to die for you?” It extended out a hand to Aurelian now, a ball of raw energy hovering in its hand. “Power is overwhelming. It is beautiful. It is pure." Its voice had changed, to one Aurelian recognized. It was his betrothed now speaking to him, repeating the words as visions pierced his mind.
He saw himself not for what he was but what he could be. He was horrifying and beautiful; a lord of legions unending. A crown of felfire rested upon his brow, his form twisted and corrupted, retaining his physical prowess and yet appearing as so much more. Worlds burned before his eyes; a million, million lives snuffed out at his whim.
He was a dark lord of terror. Here was the power he so sought. His very name brought fear and recognition. He would be remembered for all time among the very cosmos of reality. Dying cultures brought to ash would remember him as their slayer. Worlds exalted by the Legion would hail him as a redeemer and savior. Time immortal would know his name.
“You can be a god, Aurelian.” His betrothed’s voice filled his fears, seductive and sweet. Soft hands fell over his body, causing him to realize he was naked. “The very universe will bend to your every desire and will. Name it, and worlds will burn to see it done.” He felt her voice against his ear, breath hot. He blinked, the world changing around him.
He stood now in a meadow, a soft breeze falling over his skin. He felt cracks in his skin, raw fel emanating from his form. His eyes that burned with fire looked down to his hands, gnarled and clawed. Fingers neither gnarled or clawed closed around his own, his eyes looking up to gaze at his betrothed. Light she was beautiful.
“Anything you desire, my beloved, is yours. Accept this gift; this great and glorious gift. Become more than you can be Aurelian. Become a god.”
Aurelian blinked, the visions fading from his mind as he found himself once more upon Volcanius. The heat of the lava below him was not like that of his vision; the felfire there had been soothing, but this was harsh and unforgiving. As a mortal, he could do so little before dying. The demon still stood before Aurelian, simply staring to hear the elf’s answer. How long had Aurelian been standing there? He did not hear the howls of the other demons, wondering if this creature had bide them stay their hand.
They wanted Aurelian. They wanted him to aid the Legion, to turn against everything he knew and protected. He did not care for the lives of the others; they had shown they did not care for his life either. What future could he find amidst being a mortal, when godhood was at his fingertips? A wisp of something shadowy fell over his glazed eyes, and like lifting a veil he realized what he was thinking.
They asked him to betray everyone he cared for. His siblings, his friends, his betrothed? They demanded he abandon his principles. He was not a servant, nor would he ever be. He was the lord of House Indaris. He could be a god of the Legion, but even godhood came with shackles. There would always be the Dark Titan in his path of ascension…and there would never be Calithielwen in this future. Slowly, Aurelian lifted his sword towards the demon.
“You know, that’s a damn good question and when I get out of here I’m going to ask all of them why they abandoned me.” A golden aura formed around the elf as he continued to speak his defiance. “Frankly, I never liked the Legion’s fashion choice. Chains and felsteel? The orcs never wore it well, and neither do you.” His tone dripped with sarcasm to mask his nervousness. He had made his choice. For answer, the demon simply sighed.
“A pity. Now then. Let us see if we can char that pretty armor of yours.” The demon was swift, leaping upon Aurelian with all the fury of its kind. Aurelian brought a hand up, a wall of light building around his form. The demon’s fist smashed into the shield, shattering it as it slammed into Aurelian’s body. He was knocked back, armor battered and body reeling from the blow. His magic had barely saved his life, and he knew it wouldn’t again. His defiance with the light had-
The light. Aurelian grinned as he pulled himself up, wincing as he felt several ribs either cracked or broken from the force of the blow. He realized how he could escape now, cursing himself for not thinking it earlier. His hand fell to his side, the other weakly holding his sword. The demon seemed unamused that Aurelian still lived, brow furrowed.
“That’s the best you can do?” For answer the demon charged forward again, fel magic behind the blow in case Aurelian tried to shield himself again. He didn’t, weaving himself around the blow. Taking the opportunity, he ran past the demon. He couldn’t take to the bridge, knowing the demon would simply leap across to block his path again. Instead he made for the ravine, cursing aloud as he ran for it. Behind him he could hear the demon charging after him.
With a cry he lept off the ravine towards the other side. He knew he couldn’t make it…at least not by physical means. He waved his hand, feeling the light pull him forward. Brief, avian wings formed from raw magic flapped brilliantly behind him, creating a flash of blinding light as it pushed him forward. With a crashing sound he slammed into the other side, rolling across the rocks. He shot up, watching the demon move to jump across.
“Remember me demon, for we shall meet again!” With a laugh born of relief Aurelian ran through the portal to safety. A maddening display of colors filled his vision, before he stood not on molten rock and ash, but on iron. Voices called out as he wearily glanced to the figures before him, grinning as he recognized his allies. Light, he hated Volcanius.
  “So you escaped from Baal himself?” Balasar had ordered more wine for the two, simply assuming Veridan did not want any. For answer Aurelian nodded, smugly grinning.
“Of course. I didn’t know who he was at the time, but I was able to fight him back long enough to make my escape.”
“You went toe to toe with a high-ranking demon lord, a lieutenant of Kil’jaeden himself and lived?” Balasar’s tone was filled with doubt.
“Do I hear doubt in your tone?”
“You do not strike me as that impressive, Aurelian.”
“You wound me, Balasar. It is true, however. It’s why he sent his elite guard after me, though that’s much later in our story.”
“Yes, it is. Whilst you were away in the Plaguelands and this ‘Volcanius’, did you have any idea of what was going on in the Gilded Lands?”
“No, not at all.”
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