#'harry potter wants to HUG ME? oh shit i'm in trouble' - ginny weasley
whinlatter · 1 year
In your opinion when did Ginny start drifting away from Dean? What was it that made her decide she didn’t want to be with him anymore? I know it can’t just be him helping her through the door because it’s such a small reason to break up with someone. Did she start to notice Harry noticing her? Or did the relationship run it’s course?
are you ready for an unhinged galaxy brain take from me
I actually think Ginny started to suspect something had changed in Harry's feelings for her not long after he himself realised, after the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match, early November. The scraps of evidence for this headcanon are few and far between but you can nonetheless prise them from my cold dead hands. Even before Harry himself realised he had feelings for Ginny, he was asking to hang out with her (on the train, in Hogsmeade) in ways that definitely would have seemed new. Then after the match itself:
'Laughing, Harry broke free of the rest of the team and hugged Ginny, but let go very quickly. Avoiding her gaze, he clapped a cheering Ron on the back instead as, all enmity forgotten, the Gryffindor team left the pitch arm in arm, punching the air and waving to their supporters.'
Ginny is a very good reader of Harry's emotions and responses at this point in the series. She seems to clock that Harry has just given her this very weird, out of character hug - weird both in that it's clearly very physically awkward and brief, but also weird in that Harry has given her a hug at all, when he's never initiated a hug with any other character before, let alone her. Then, this chat at the after party, immediately after Harry has just ditched a group of admiring (and extremely willing) girls flirting with him:
'“It looks like he’s eating her face, doesn’t it?” said Ginny dispassionately. “But I suppose he’s got to refine his technique somehow. Good game, Harry.” She patted him on the arm; Harry felt a swooping sensation in his stomach, but then she walked off to help herself to more butterbeer. Crookshanks trotted after her, his yellow eyes fixed upon Arnold.'
This is the first time Ginny touches Harry in the series. It's innocuous enough to anyone watching - Chaser pats Captain on the arm after a game - but given how unusual it is for Ginny to touch Harry, so soon after their previous strange interaction where Harry initiated touch with Ginny for the first time, I think we can see this interaction as Ginny testing her theory. (Tbh I think Harry's response to her here, including the fact that he literally doesn't even speak in front her lol, would give her even more reason for suspicion.)
I basically think Dean and Ginny are doomed after this. Not because I think Ginny would be like great Harry likes me time to break up with Dean - I think she's got months of pranging out about it ahead of her. But I think the stage is set for Ginny starting to actively compare Dean to Harry, and finding him wanting. Between the more morsels of evidence she gets in the following weeks (taking Luna to the ball, the maggot incident), and how miserable Ginny seems at the prospect of going back to Dean in the New Year, I think there's good reason to suspect she had clocked that Harry might, at long last, be returning feelings for her. (I tried to talk a bit about Ginny's view of Dean here).
I know a lot of fics and general fanon has Hermione working Harry's crush out first and pointing it out to Ginny, but I actually really don't buy this! There's no real proof of Hermione noticing Harry's changing feelings for Ginny until really late on. On the topic of Slughorn's party, she tells him to "just invite someone", and doesn't seem to suspect anything after he lies that there's no-one he wants to invite. I genuinely don't think Hermione knew until mid-March:
“Yeah, well, there was no need for Ginny and Dean to split up over it,” said Harry, still trying to sound casual. “Or are they still together?” “Yes, they are — but why are you so interested?” asked Hermione, giving Harry a sharp look. “I just don’t want my Quidditch team messed up again!” he said hastily, but Hermione continued to look suspicious, and he was most relieved when a voice behind them called, “Harry!” giving him an excuse to turn his back on her.
Of course, after this point, Hermione is in full super sleuth mode. To Hermione, Ginny's argument with Dean suddenly makes a lot more sense now she's realised that a) Harry likes Ginny and b) Ginny has already worked out Harry likes her and so is sabotaging her relationship with Dean. After Ginny and Dean break up while Harry is on Felix Felicis (subtle from HJP), Hermione knows for sure what's going on, and is deliciously smug and unsubtle about it in ways that makes me think if she had known before this, she would have let on. It's true that Harry is oblivious, but it's also true that Hermione has never passed up a chance to say I told you so (she's just like me fr)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
The echo in my head
Hermione Granger x Male Reader Granger
Request- Can you make a Male reader X Harry Potter fandom with the reader being Hermione's older twin brother whose not as smart but is a battle genius and takes no shit from anyone and is great at slight of hand and hiding like Batman also the reader flirts with anyone like the twin sisters (forgot the name not Fred and George) and Ginny even with the Slytherin girls and when he sees Tonks hair change his just like that's hot and he always teases Hermione but is protective of her
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At Hogwarts, everyone knows you are Hermione’s twin brother. Everyone all assumed you would highly intelligent like her and have the same personality. But you are not book smart like her but you are a battle genius strategy and take no shit from anyone.
Also you like to flirt with a lot of girls, you are a charmer. Your best friends are Fred and George.
Hermione, Harry and Ron come out of class and they see you flriting with Padma and Parvati.
”He should be studying not flirting with them” Hermione said.
”Who he doesn't flirt with,” Harry said.
”I can't believe they fancy him” Ron said.
Hermione always tells you to study not flirt with every girl you see. You don't study for long like how she does. You just want to have a good time, you know when to be serious and not to be serious.
It's snowing a lot and everyone is outside having a snowball fight.
”Y/N we need a plan now,” Fred said.
You start to think fast and you got an idea. You start to Fred, Geroge, and Ginny what to do. Your plan did work, they managed to hit others first and they started to cheer. Hermione knows you're smart in different ways and she saw you win the snowball fight.
”Y/N, you did great out there,” Hermione said.
”Thanks. They had a lot of weak spots that I noticed quickly” You said.
You smiled.
”You are smart when it comes to battle strategy,” Hermione said.
”See, I don't need to read old boring books to be smart” You joked.
She rolled her eyes at you. She started to talk about why it is important to have an education. But you walked away when you saw hot Slytherin girls.
”Y/N you are a jerk!” Hermione yelled.
You don't pay attention to her and you followed the hot girls and flirted with them.
You are walking alone heading to the dining room and you see Tonks.
”I noticed you changed your hair color. I like it and you always look gorgeous” You said.
”Thank you. But don't you get tired always flirting with everyone?” Tonks said.
”Nope. But I did mean it what I said” You said.
”Cute” Tonks said and walked away.
Later you went to see your sister and she is in the library.
”I am surprised you found the library,” Hermione said.
”Hahaha, not funny. Can you do my homework?” You said.
”No,” Hermione said.
” What’s the point having a sister who is a nerd won't do my homework” You whined.
”You have time to flirt with every girl but you won't bother to do your homework, Y/N,” Hermione said.
”Can I least copy your answers?” You asked.
”No,” Hermione said.
You tried to use a spell, to copy her homework but she stopped you. She smacked your hands.
”Study” Hermione said.
”I’m the older brother” You said.
”Just study, Y/N,” Hermione said.
Later, you meet up with Fred and George while Hermione is with Harry and Ron.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯
The battle for Hogwarts no one was ready. Everyone felt terrified and the younger kids we're especially terrified.
”Y/N, do you have a plan?” Harry asked.
”First we need to get the younger students safe now,” You told them.
You thought the plan and you tell them what spells are good to defeat death eaters. It's a strong spell and they learned the spells fast.
A statue was going to fall on Remus but you pushed him out of the way. He hugged you and thanked you.
”Remus, have you seen my sister?” You asked.
”We got separated. I don't know where she is now” Remus said.
”There are younger students in the basement and they will need your help,” You said.
”I’m on it. Y/N, come back in one piece” Remus said.
”I can't promise that!!” You said while running away.
Your adrenaline is off the charts. You are wounded, extremely tired, and more death eaters appeared. You keep looking for your sister and you found her and she is with Fred. They are trying to stop Voldemort's inner circle. They are fighting against Bellatrix and you are seeing red. Hermione has told what Bellatrix did to her.
You used your magic to create a protection spell because an explosion went off by outside the Room of Requirement.
You had to save Hermione and Fred. They are happy to see you
”Are you okay?!” You yelled.
”Y/N! We are fine” Hermione said.
They are wounded but not by the explosion.
”Good. They will see me kill you. Especially your sister, mud blood” Bellatrix smirked.
”What you did to my sister, you will pay for it!” You yelled at Bellatrix.
She laughed at you and you start to chase after her. Fred and Hermione were going to stop you but they see other students being cornered.
Sirius and Tonks are fighting against Lucius Malfoy and death eaters. You used your magic and start to help them.
”Y/N glad you are okay,” Tonks said.
”Well kinda. I'm after Bellatrix, which way did she go?” You asked.
Tonks pointed out where Bellatrix and you ran. Now you and Bellatrix start fighting each other, she used a spell and you hit the brick wall hard. You struggled to get up and grabbed your wand. You attacked her with a spell and she fell down. But she gets back up, you and Bellatrix at the same time used a spell to attack each other.
The battle is over and it's bittersweet. Fred and George are happy to see each other and their family.
”Fred, have you seen Y/N?” Hermione asked.
He shook his head ”No, I haven't seen him”
”He was going after Bellatrix, ” Tonks said.
She starts to cry, everyone knows that Bellatrix is ruthless. Everyone starts to help Hermione look for you but no one can find you and she starts to cry. To Hermione, it felt like forever of her looking for you.
”Hermione look!” Sirius said.
Everyone looked, your face is covered in blood because you have a cut on your head. Your clothes are completely ruined and you are limping. Hermione runs to you when you fainted, she tries to wake you up but you don't wake up.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯
You have been in a coma for days now. Hermione hasn't left your side, she makes sure the sunlight comes in your room, has flowers around the room, she would read to you, and more. Fred and George make to visit Hermione and they got food for her.
”He still hasn't woken up?” Fred asked.
She shakes her head. ”No, nothing has changed. I still read to him and talk”
”Y/N is the only one who can tell us apart. Well, mum can tell us apart but with friends, he definitely knows who is who” George said.
”We also want to open a joke shop. Y/N has ideas of how it will look, we will all be partners” Fred said.
”I remember him, giving the speech to Ron when I started to date him. Ron got scared” Hermione smiled.
George and Fred laughed.
”Oh, yeah we remember. Ron avoided Y/N for two weeks, it was funny. He did beat up Malfoy and everyone was in shock but we laughed about it” Fred said.
”Hermione, he will wake up. He doesn't give up, we just have to keep being there for him” George said.
”Thank you,” Hermione said.
”You don't have to thank us. We are here for you and him” Fred said.
She smiled and they hugged her.
Days turned into weeks then a month. You are still in a coma, everyone comes to visit you and Hermione. Since Sirius was proven innocent he also came to check up on you and Hermione. Every day since you have been in a coma, Hermione has been holding your hand and would brush your hair.
Fred and George took Hermione home to rest, eat, and change clothes. Everyone went to the hospital to see you and she can hear your voice
”Actually, I don't know why people hate green jello, it's not bad,” You said to the nurse.
Hermione ran into the room and everyone followed.
”You guys, missed me?” You smile.
Hermione hugged you extremely tight. You hugged her back and she starts to cry and you cried also.
”I missed you so much! I was scared you were going to leave me. Y/N I'm so happy right now” Hermione said.
”I will never leave you” You said.
Fred and George hugged you then everyone else did. They are happy that you are doing fine and tell you what you missed and it's a lot.
”You need to shave,” Hermione said.
”Nope, I'm keeping the beard and I look cool,” You said.
Everyone laughed except Hermione.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯
~Time Skip~
You take your kids to see Fred and George Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is a joke shop in Diagon Alley. Your wife Lucy gave birth to twins and they are always happy to see Fred and George.
The shop is doing good and you handle the books and promotions. Your kids ran to hug Fred and George.
”Y/N, what are you doing here?” Fred asked.
”They wanted to see you and George. Plus, we have to do shopping for school and they will get their first wands” You said.
”Why I can't stay here I don't want to go to Hogwarts,” JR said.
He is nervous about going to school and being far from you and Lucy.
”You will like it there, we promise. That's where we met your dad and we did a lot of pranks” George said.
”Really?” JR said.
George nods. ”We did get in trouble all the time. JR, you will like it there and you will make friends”
”Let’s have fun, shall we? We got new items, you two can be our first special customers to play with it” George said.
Your sons look at you.
”Can we stay, dad?” They asked.
”Sure, but only for a little bit” You said.
They hugged you and they go play.
You and your wife Lucy are at the Hogwarts train station. The twins are feeling nervous and they hug you and Lucy tight.
”You and your brother will have a great time at Hogwarts, you won't be alone because you and Ryan will have each other. It will be ok, you and your brother will have fun and learn a lot” You said.
Hermione watches you talk to your kids.
”Your father is right. It will be a good experience at Hogwarts, yes there be bad and good moments but you are not alone. We will write to each other” Lucy said.
The boys hugged you and Lucy.
”We love you mom and dad,” Ryan and Jr said.
You kissed their heads, you and Lucy watched them get on the train. You put your arm around Lucy and she starts to cry.
”They will be okay, love,” You said.
”I know. I will miss them. Let's go get something to eat” Lucy said.
She kissed you and you smiled. Everyone is watching the train leave, you and Hermione start to remember the good times at Hogwarts. Hermione went up to you and hugged you.
”You’re the best brother I could ever have and I'm grateful for you,” Hermione said.
You hugged her tight.
”I’m still mad that you didn't let me copy your homework when we were at Hogwarts” You teased.
She playfully smacked your arm.
”You are so childish and you ruined a moment” Hermione giggled.
”You will never let it go?” Lucy asked.
”Never, she never let me copy her homework,” You said.
”Lucy, he reminds me of it every year since we graduated,” Hermione said.
”I don't care how old we are, I will still remind you of it” You laughed.
They rolled their eyes at you and Hermione took you and Lucy out for lunch.
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