#'he didn't have the energy to clean it up' sit!on!the!toilet!and!flush!
tecchan · 8 months
Local cis man starts having periods and loses his fucking mind
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kayhi808 · 2 years
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You're seated at the kitchen island with a view of the Hudson River. Billy Russo who's making you breakfast in the loosest sense of the word, slides over some warmed up leftover pizza & you thank him. He converted the top level of one of his company warehouses into his residence. You weren't expecting it to look so posh. It didn't match the man sitting across from you. Tall & lanky, dressed in jeans & a henley which looks a little big on him. He must have lost weight after his injuries you deduce. Under the whip-work of scars, his face is still unbelievably handsome. At least to you. There's a nervous energy about him, sometimes a wild-eyed look. You stay quiet & calm, trying not to aggravate him.
"You BELONG to Kingpin. What the fuck does that even mean?"
You stop eating & push your plate away, losing your appetite. How do you explain your screwed up life? "He owns me."
"How do you fucking own someone?" Billy wants to hear you say it. He's already halfway convinced himself he's going to protect you, but he needs to know exactly what's going on.
"My father owed Kingpin a debt. I don't know what it was...money, a favor, blackmail..." Nausea kicks in & you start scratching at scars around your wrists & Billy drops his hand over yours to make you stop. "I was given to Wilson. 3 years go. I...I...," you shrug.
"You've been with him for 3yrs?" You nod. "What are you to him?"
You pull your hands from Bill & fist them in your lap. "Whatever he tells me to be." Flushed with embarrassment you start to tear up.
"What kind of answer is that? If you're going to give me vague answers..."
You stand up and slap the dishes & coffee mug off the table, "I am whatever he tells me to be! If he wants a fucking maid, I'm cleaning his toilets! He wants me as a whore, I'm sucking his cock...or his friends. Or if he's gifting me to an associate, I get fucked by them too! He. Owns. Me." You're sobbing uncontrolably, and hurry to the door to get out of there. You can't stand the pain & humiliation that erupted in your chest.
Billy gets to the door before you do & you struggle to shove him out of the way. He easily over-powers you. He wraps his arms around you trying to subdue you, but squeezing your already cracked ribs, makes you scream. He quickly releases you & you slide to the floor.
"Fuck! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Shhhh..." He pulls you back against his chest with an arm wrapped around your shoulders & his free hand encasing both of your wrists so you stop fighting him. "I got you. You're safe. I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/N" He releases your wrists & you pull at his arm that's around you & he lets you go. You stand & he follows, immediately pulling you into a gentle hug. You put up a small struggle but you're sobbing so hard, you give in to that moment of weakness & take whatever comfort Billy is offering. He rests his cheek on the top of your head & croons nonsense to comfort you.
Billy leads you to the couch, sitting you in the corner while he sits next to you, blocking you in. "Did he give you your scars?" You stay silent but let Billy gather your wrists, his thumb tracing your scars. "These are ligature marks." His statement is met with silence, except for your shallow breaths. "The ones on your back?" No answer. Billy continues in a storytelling cadence, "I was brought up in foster care. Some of the people who took us in were assholes. Complete trash." He frowns and you notice that wild-eyed look. His eyes getting even darker. "There were kids that got beaten with belts. Ended up with criss-cross scars. Lash marks. Others were used as ashtrays. Fisk smokes cigars doesn't he?"
You shoot up, trying to crawl over Billy to escape, gasping "I need to go." Billy grapples with you & sits you back down without hurting you.
"Where are you going to go? Fisk is looking for you. How far do you think you'll make it before he gets you?"
"What do you care? I'm not your responsibility."
"Six month ago," he points to his face, "I was on a mission." You notice the clenching of his jaw & the bouncing of his knee. "Didn't go as planned. There was an explosion. I was going after Kingpin."
You gasp & eyes widen, "Oh, God." You place a hand on his knee trying to offer him comfort as he did for you earlier.
"I don't remember it. Docs say I have short term amnesia. I didn't really give a shit, but now," nods at you, "maybe i should start getting back to work & reevaluate things."
"He's a killer, Bill. Stay away from him. Let it go. You escaped with your life. Don't take that for granted."
"And let a piece of shit like him win? Unacceptable. Besides, I have you here. You were with him for 3 yrs. You have information on people & places I may not have known about."
"I am nothing to him. I'm not going to know..."
"You are not nothing. He kept you around for 3yrs and he hired muscle to get you back." Bill frowns & shakes his head, "A guy like Fisk wouldn't put effort like that into someone if you weren't important or meant something to him." Bill thinks in silence, "If you were some random 'payment', no offense, he could have sold you off or killed you a while ago."
"I really don't know what kind of information I'd have that could help you."
Billy reaches out & brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, "We'll figure it out. In the meanwhile, you can stay here. Fisk won't think of looking for you here. You really have no where else to go. You got no ID, no money, no home." You're ready to break out in a new wave of tears when Billy gives you a crooked smile, "All you have is me. You're stuck with me, Darlin'."
@idaofinfinity @jvanilly
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pogueit · 3 years
First Aid Kit
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Paring: Pope Heyward x Reader
Summary: You have an accident while attempting to do a new trick and Pope is the man for the job.
Warnings: blood ofc and general first aid stuff nothing too graphic tho!!
WC: 1,994
A/N: There's not enough Pope content!! SO I made some!! Pls enjoy some Pope and Y/N action!
Saturdays are not meant to be boring, but this scorching afternoon there was nothing to do. John B. went on his weekly date with Sarah, JJ scored a date with a kook he's been eyeing, and Kie was forced to go to a gala on the mainland, so it was just you and Pope alone in the chateau. He had been studying all day for an upcoming chemistry exam he has first thing Monday morning. You tried all day to get his head out of the books, but he was not having any of it. It wasn't until the late afternoon that you got him to go outside with you. Even though his nose was still deep in the piles of notes at least he was outside. You were skating on a horrifically uneven stretch of concrete that was oddly slathered in front of the chateau. Every time he could hear the wheels pop upwards he would snap his eyes to you, cheering you on when you stuck the landing. You were glad that he was far enough away to not be able to see how red your cheeks were. You've had a massive crush on the boy ever since Kie introduced you to the group. Your mom had just moved your ass down to the banks to get a fresh start far away from your poor excuse for a father. She managed to quickly score a job at The Wreck (where you were also forced to work part-time) as head chef. Your mom got on well with the Carrera's who only deemed it appropriate to force their daughter to hang out with you, being new in town and all. Kie wasn’t bothered at all and was glad to have another girl around. After hanging out with her for a single day, you wouldn’t hesitate to take a bullet for her. Kiara didn't introduce you to the knuckleheads right away, since she had taken a liking to you and didn't want to scare you away. The day that she did you remembered Pope had been the last one to say "hey" yet his was the warmest. After that day your stomach would erupt with butterflies whenever you'd even look at him and you would nearly die when your hands would brush against each other in passing. There was just something about him. Maybe it was how he didn't believe in stupid questions, except for JJ's of course, or how he would learn a new subject just to be able to help one of you ace an exam. It could be how the sun sparkled against his wet skin after a long day of swimming or surfing. How relaxed he looks sitting in the driver's seat of the HMS Pogue taking in all that the sun had to offer. You were glad the rest of the crew hadn't caught on yet, especially JB since he's already taken the role as your big brother, even though you're sure that you’re definitely older than him. He would never let you hear the end of it if he knew. The constant pestering, nudging, and side-eyeing would have driven you insane. Your mind slowly drifted back to the boy studying a few feet away from you. The thoughts of those hot summer nights in the cool water with him clouded your brain, so much so you nearly wiped out.
"You good!?" Pope's concerned voice made your head snap in his direction. You knew that the embarrassment on your face was very telling but you just shot him two thumbs up and got back on your board. You shake off any remaining thoughts from your head before attempting your new trick. You were sick and tired of random strangers, but mostly JJ and JB, yelling at you to do a kickflip whenever you were skating. After watching countless videos on kickflips you were basically an expert on them at this point and all you had to do now was actually stick the landing. You slid your right foot to the middle of the board so that your heel was just off the edge while your toes rested in the middle. You shifted your left foot to the tail of the deck and with all the strength you could muster you push down on the tail while your right foot flicked down on the edge of the board. It would have been a spectacular landing if it weren't for the random-ass pebble that your wheel landed on.
"Oh fuck, are you alright!?" Pope was by your side before you even realized you were on the ground. Falling came with the game and you were not fazed at all, since you've had grislier wipeouts than this, but that's before you saw the fountain of blood that poured out of your knee.
"Yeah, I'm fine dude-- I've had-- I need to--The bathroom--" you hobbled quickly into the bathroom at the chateau trying your darndest to not get any blood in the house. By the time you were able to sit down on the toilet, you were seeing stars. Your vision was slowly fading to black and you felt like you were going to vomit. You closed your eyes tightly as you pressed a clump of toilet paper to your knee, which pulled a hiss right from your lungs at the sensation. Promptly, you bit down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from letting out a scream. A light knock came from the door and it couldn't be anyone else but Pope.
"Are you alright in there y/n?" From all the pain you were in you could only hum out a yes as a response, but you knew that would not be a good enough answer for the boy.
"Yeah, just don't--" before you could even finish your sentence he barged in "--open the door, why don't ya". His eyes grew wide at the bloody mess you made in the bathroom, but then quickly softened at the sight of you. Your skin was flushed with developing perspiration clinging to your skin and your lips had gone pale as your lungs suddenly only knew how to hyperventilate.
"Uh, I don’t think it would be in your best interest to say that it looks like a slasher flick was filmed in here" his words made you squeeze your eyes tighter as bloody images flashed before you and it only got harder for you to breathe. Pope stepped inside the rather small bathroom and closed the door behind him. He picked up all the toilet paper you had used for your leg and tossed them into the trash bin before he crouched down next to you.
"Does it still hurt?" His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper, as if you would shatter if he spoke any louder. All you could muster was a tiny nod as the pain took up most of your energy. His hands then gently pried your hands off of your injured knee and inspected it. Since the cut had almost stopped bleeding completely, Pope, was able to see that the wound was deep but not enough for it to garner any stitches and it was free of any debris. Lucky for you because JB had fallen there a couple of weeks ago and Pope had to whip out the tweezers to get all the gravel out of the bloody gash.
"Hey, it's not that bad-- I mean it is bad but it could be worse-- I'm gonna clean it now" the boy got to his feet and helped you sit on the edge of the bathtub with your feet sitting inside the tub. He then washed his hands furiously to avoid infection and gathered all the supplies he needed which consisted of antibacterial soap, antibiotic cream, gauze pads, gauze rolls, and unconditional love and support. Pope helped you undo both your shoes and removed them along with your embarrassing Winnie the Pooh socks. He sat with his legs outside the tub to have easy access to the supplies. After he checked to make sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold Pope moved your leg so your knee was underneath the faucet. The wound's contact with the water wasn't as bad as you thought, but it could’ve been you were distracted by his soothing touches as he held you close to him. Pope was careful not to get any of the soap in the cut just on the surrounding area and when he was finished he made sure to clean the rest of your blood-caked leg up as well. Once you were all cleaned up, he padded your leg dry before he attempted to put ointment on the tender flesh.
"Is it going to hurt?" You squeaked as he retrieved the ointment from the countertop.
"It might sting, but it shouldn't, '' he reassured you, as he brought the ointment-covered q-tip to your knee, but you couldn't help that your knee-jerked away from his touch.
"Ow, fuck!"
"Y/n, I haven't even touched you yet"
"I know, I know, sorry"
"I promise it won't hurt, y/n, and if it does you can punch me or something" even if it did hurt that bad you couldn’t imagine hurting Pope in any way. He once again leaned back in with the q-tip and sure enough, it wasn't painful at all. The ointment soothed the burning sensation of the area which finally allowed you to relax. He then carefully put a gauze pad on the injury, before wrapping your knee securely with gauze. You slid off the edge of the grimy porcelain tub and onto the ground while Pope stood next to the sink and neatly tucked everything back into the first aid kit.
"Uh, thanks--" your words got lost in your throat when your eyes met his warm eyes "--um, dude?" You felt stupid when it came out as a dumbfounded question and the heat quickly rose to your cheeks. If it was any time for you to die you wish it would have happened right then.
"Yeah, any time, y/n" he shot an endearing smile in your direction and you've never wanted to kiss a man so much before in your life.
You both let the awkwardness settle over you. The two of you riddled with hesitancy, but quietly yearned to confess your feelings to one another. He needed to get out of there. Pope gave you a curt nod and a tight smile, but as he headed towards the door there was vacillation in his movements. Before you lost sight of him from the doorway, he turned back around determined.
"Y/N, I gotta--" you were soon on your feet as the last bit of courage you had for your lifetime allowed you to meet him halfway. He didn't bother finishing his sentence as he decided his actions would speak for him. Pope cupped your face in his soft hands and crashed your lips together. The kiss was sweet, sweeter than anything you've ever experienced before. His plump lips gilded confidently over your timid ones. As the fire inside of you diminished your shyness you shifted yourself forward onto your tippy toes to deepen the kiss. Your movements caused you to pin Pope against the bathroom wall and you could feel him smile against your lips. His velvet tongue dragged against your bottom lip for permission to explore you further and you were more than eager to let him.
"Fucking finally!" The familiar voice of the rowdy klepto caught you guys by surprise causing both of you to jump away from each other.
"I guess I'm forty bucks richer, I knew you had it in ya, Pope!" JJ beamed as he walked towards the two of you and you playfully rolled your eyes at the blonde-haired boy.
"Fuck off!" Pope giggled and slammed the door in JJ's face before he turned to face you.
"Now, where were we?"
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damn-behzinga · 5 years
Will's Friend Otis
Will Lenney Fanfiction
Summary-Will gets an dog to help with some problems he’s having, Will can’t find his confidence to talk to his friends.
Warnings- swearing, my terrible writing, ANXIETY DISORDER AND PANIC ATTACKS
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The only person who knew was Gee.
She was his roommate so it'd be a bit awkward if he got a dog and didn't tell her.
She had noticed Will's behaviour and how odd he was acting. His mood and energy becoming low. She noticed, as his editor, how many more mistakes he was making in his videos and how many jokes and comments he told her to cut out because he didn't think it was funny enough. But it was. It was always comments Gee knew his fans would find funny.
So, when Gee suggested he got some help, she expected him to throw a fit or something. She was actually presently surprised when Will responded saying he was already talking to someone. When he sat down with her one night for dinner, he explained the idea of an emotional support animal. Gee was over the moon with the idea of Will getting extra support and encouraged an ESA.
So, when Will came back to the flat with a golden retriever puppy (After three searches round their flat and a series of sessions with his therapist), Gee wasn't surprised.
Will explained to her how the small dog's name was Otis and how he helped with his panic attacks and stressful situations.
A week later only Will's family knew about Otis but that was all about to change.
Will was having a particularly bad day and Gee convinced him to take Otis to Alex and George's place for a video. Will didn't want to but knew he would benefit with Otis coming along.
When Will arrived in front of Alex and George's he almost backed out and texted them to tell them he couldn't make it. He felt a little bit of fur at the tips of his fingers and he remembered to take a deep breath. He knelt down and stroked Otis.
"Me and you against the world, huh bud?" Will whispered. He held tightly onto Otis' leash and entered the flat. He immediately saw two heads sat on the couch and he felt his heart rate pick up massively. Suddenly, the toilet flush and James came out drying his hands.
"Hey mate, took ya long enough!" He beamed teasingly. All the other guys turned to see Will but all very quickly got distracted by the golden retriever nudging it's nose against Will's hand.
"Will, not to be that person or anything," George had an awkward smile on his face, "but when the fuck did you get a dog?"
Will felt his throat go dry.
"Are you okay, mate?" Alex asked as he stood up and made his way to Will. "You look a little pale?"
Will's vision started to go fuzzy and he wobbled a bit. Alex reached out to support him but Will flinched. Alex quickly drew his hands away, trying not to provoke his friend any further.
"Will? Can we move you to the couch?" Alex asked instead. Will couldn't hear him properly and he edged back to Wall and slid down it. He felt soft fur run along his hands and under his chin.
All of Will's friends went to help to get the dog off but James quickly stopped them. "Oit!" He had said. "Can't you see it's helpin' him?"
His friends stood back and watched as Otis settled into Will's lap. Will started scratching aggressively at his arm as tears streamed down his face. Otis' paw reaches up and rests on where Will was scratching himself, almost forcing him to stop. The dog starts lightly licking at where Will was scratching himself. Will tugs lightly at the dog's fur, not enough to hurt him, to ground himself.
Will's vision was foggy. He felt the overwhelming panic of letting his friends down and being an over dramatic person. He felt stupid. He was being like he was in secondary school during his GCSEs. Like he had his future on the line and- he felt the soft fur of Otis underneath his fingers. Otis reminded him of summer, of softness, of relaxation. Otis reminded him that he has to calm down. Will slowly felt his breathing even out.
His friends watch in wonder as Will finally settles down and James lightly calls his name hoping to bring him back to reality.
Once Will comes a bit more too, he is praising the dog and stroking him. He doesn't want to look at his friends. The fear of judgment or rejection tugs at his chest.
"Do you want a glass of water or something?" George questioned first. "Maybe a bandage for those scratches? You are bleeding a bit."
Will looked down at the scratches he's made and winces. Gee won't be happy he's reopened some of his previous scars. He nods and George heads off to the kitchen.
"Do you want to sit at the couch it'd probably be a bit more comfortable?" Alex suggested and reached his hand foreward to help Will up. Will accepted Alex's gesture and moved to the couches. George returned with a glass of water and a basic first aid kit.
Will had a drink before cleaning his scratches with a wipe. James started to wrap Will's arm in a bandage whilst Will could feel his friends' eyes on him. Otis rests his head on Will's knee and, as much as Will wants to have Otis on the couch, he's not sure George or Alex would be okay with it.
"So what's going on exac'ly?" George asked and everyone shot him a look. "Sorry, I was just wondering."
Will froze he didn't know how to start. Otis started pawing at Will's leg, desperate to help ease some of his owner's anxieties. Will nodded and Otis jumped onto his laps and rested his head onto Will's shoulder.
"This is Otis." Will breathed out. "He's my ESA." James and Alex nodded whilst George looked confused by this new term.
"Um, what's an ESA?" George asked, rubbing his neck slightly as if embarrassed.
"An 'Emotional Support Animal'." James said.
"Yeah," Will nodded. "So he basically helps me with my anxiety and stress and shit. Like, right now, he's being supportive." Will stuttered over his words.
"If you want an ESA, don't you need to have a therapist for like three months?" Alex asked. Will looked down to avoid eye contact. He felt Otis give his cheek a few licks to try and cheer him up. He stroked the fur lightly.
"It's been a tough five months." Will almost whispered.
"Five months?" Alex exclaimed and George shot him a glare. Will flinched. "Sorry mate but you could've told us."
"No." James shook his head. "He doesn't have to tell us anything. He has anxiety for fuck sake, that drills all your fears and other small, miniscule things to one hundred!"
Will made a mental note to thank James later on.
"So how long have you had him for then?" George asked, swiftly changing the subject.
"One week." Will answered his voice quiet. "He's really helpful though. I had a really bad night on his first time with us. Me and Gee made a rule for him to sleep in the kitchen but he came and slept with me after a panic attack."
"He's a good boy,that's for sure." George smiled. Will nodded and let out a deep breath. He felt a lot more relaxed and smiled lightly. Otis reached foreward and licked Will's face almost asking if he was okay.
"I'm okay, you did a good job bud!" Will praised and ruffled the dogs fur. He took a deep breath and looked at his friends. "Sorry about that-" He waved his hand in the air. "-it was pretty embarrassing."
"No." James stood up and moved next to Will. "You have nothing to be sorry or embarrassed about, you can't help having anxiety and sadness and numbness!"
"Yeah!" George smiled and set next to Will on the other side.
"You're still our Will." Alex said softly and moved closer to Will. "We'll still tell stupid stories about you in videos and shit. Nothing will change."
They all pulled him in when George called, "C'mon Alex, get in here!"
Alex huffed but stood up and joined in on the hug (aka tapping Will's back). "You're still my favourite youtuber you know?"
The other two boys let out a noise of disagreement and all pulled away.
"So, are you gonna tell your fans?" Alex asked. Will shook his head.
"I'd much rather this stayed private." Will stroked Otis. "They can know I have him but not what I have."
"Do you not think it could benefit them knowing that it's okay to get help?" Alex's eyebrows furrowed at Will.
"We won't make it a big thing." Jamss promised and put his hand on Will's knee.
"Yeah, we'll talk about something and you can say, 'So I have this' and that'd be that. You don't need to sit down and make an entire video on it." George explained.
Will thought about it for a second. "I'll do it in a few weeks so I can get used to more people knowing." He commented, trying to convey his feelings.
"Okay." Alex nodded. "We won't pressure you into anything you don't want to do."
"Thank guys." Will smiled softly. "You've really been a help."
"Mate, it's no problem." James grinned.
"Yeah besides, what are friends for?" Alex chirped.
Will felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he was able to be himself more. Even though his anxiety wouldn't go away, Will found himself becoming alot more content with himself.
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