#'i don't like the way that drow is looking at you [like a commodity]'
danse--macabre · 6 months
if you'll allow me a self-indulgent music choice, bodyguard is such a ch'lakhou/astarion song... this is 100% the vibes once they're together
like the whole 'i'll be your bodyguard, you should let me ride shotgun' refrain
or some of the verse lyrics, like
'be your best friend /i'll protect you in the mosh pit / i'll defend you in the gossip / you know how people like to start shit'
or, early on
'inhaling whiskey as you kiss my neck / we're hurting but it's happy hour'
or the vulnerability in
'sometimes i hold you close just to know you're real'
i could just keep quoting lyrics but it's just them lol
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monochromatic-minds · 2 years
A floorboard creaks beneath Silvane's feet. It's apparent that it's a loose board under the rug adorning the floor of a certain human's room. Removing the board would reveal a small space with a pile of rolled parchment. Some look a bit older than others, with the newest one on top. Unrolling the scroll would reveal a letter.
There is so much I want to say to you. I have shared them with the previous letters that I never sent to you. It would be best that I never send them your way. But there is so much locked deep in my heart that I long to pour them out to you: My thoughts, my feelings. If only I had the courage to tell you.
Silvane, dear Silvane...
I long to tell you that I cannot stand you. How can I adore someone who is a living nightmare? You treat people like commodities. You treated your sister like dirt! How can you do that to your own family? How can you hurt her so much? She cares about you, even after everything! Do you have no heart? Well, perhaps you don't. How can I expect that from someone who is lower than swamp scum!
Do you think you are the king of the world in this little realm you created with your cronies? Well, you are anything but a king! You are nothing more than a sewage rat! You don't own the world! You don't own people! That is never going to happen. You're so terrible, you even make the cruelest monsters cry! I can't even look at you!
I can't forgive you for what you have done to innocent people. I can't forgive you for what you did to your sister. I can't forgive you for what you did to me! I'm certain that you are a demon.
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{ღ}: Silvane let out an amused hum as he read the letters that Harmony had written, yet hadn't given to him.
It left him completely unphased, those letters, those words written on the pages; He was Drow, after all, considered the lowest of the low in terms of his species. Such insults Silvane had heard before over a million times for over 300 years. So it was cute that Harmony thought she could provoke him in such a manner.
So he put those letters back where he found them; It was then the Crimson Lord decided to take out a piece of blank parchment of his own and begin writing a letter of his own.
Once finished, Silvane folded it neatly and placed it under the floorboard on top of the letters she had written; He had hoped that she would find it eventually.
(The written answer is to come in the form of an ask. So keep an eye out Har-mun!)
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