#'is this the best metric to measure ship quality?' well its not the worst one
ot3 · 1 year
NARUMITSU PINING DEATH COUNT: arguably just 1 person
YOOHANKIM PINING DEATH COUNT: billions and billions of people over and over again forever
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supplieraudits4364 · 5 years
Supplier Audits
That makes your commitment. You need a detailed and full overview of your providers’ performance to be able to set in place touch points for continued quality improvement. Step in to Supplier growth would be to Audit the provider to the essentials of the SupplierAudits . Report the nonconformists. Follow-up with providers for closing of all nonconformists for their conclusion. Providers on methods to improve to match the demands of the Organization By regularly auditing your suppliers, you’re also strengthening your connection. If you allow your providers"just get on with it" then you’re missing out on opportunities for further partnerships, better deals, and opportunities to discuss knowledge.It’s a humbling fact that you simply can’t do it on your own. This frequently has to do with resource allocation: Your company might allocate dollars to build and sustain some actions in-house whilst opting to contract higher-cost surgeries to qualified providers who have the expertise and equipment.Your outsourcing might arrive in the form of manufacturing of a sterile inscrutableness, or topical dosage form or it might be product release and stability testing. Once this manufacturing and testing are complete, the item might need to be kept under controlled humidity and temperature requirements and then spread to places around the world. The providers you decide to execute these critical operations are of paramount SupplierAudits to your company’s success and to minimize stress-induced headaches through your organization. Here are the top five ways to get the most out of a provider audit. This seems clear. Without doing their homework, more frequently than not, quality auditors measure in the supplier’s lobby. Ask yourself the following questions: Why am I auditing this provider? Is this provider new to my organization or one which we’ve used before? If utilized formerly, have I read within the previous audit observations as well as the provider’s answers and do I understand them? Which audit observations do I guess are the most difficult for the supplier to tackle and that are most important to my business’s requirements for this product? Perhaps you have reviewed previously implemented production batch documents and testing data and are there problems that need resolved? Are there any deviations to follow up on. Your comprehension of the provider’s work suggestion is of great significance in refining the scope of the audit. Which gear is likely to be used? This list of equipment is going to help you in requesting equipment records during the audit. Stick to the audit deadline and Good audit preparation will help to keep the audit. In advance of the audit, supply the audit server with a list of the technical, laboratory, and production staff you want to talk with and the records you want to review. A host that is well-organized will have this available. Stick to your audit agenda. 
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They are if it feels like a provider has been evasive during an audit. In case the provider isn’t providing particular documents or replies, it might be a deliberate effort. In case the provider is harshly leading you down specific avenues throughout a tour, they could be attempting to divert your focus from procedure issues such as deviations, out-of-specification or SupplierAudits loots. Remember, in regards to conducting audits, you are working with individuals rather than simply assessing documents and processes. While it’s crucial that you examine these items it is equally important to listen to the provider, read and comprehend scenarios, and keep focused on attaining objectives. Auditioning is done by the auditor. Herman audit functionality metric – a combo of card and a checklist might be developed that defines. Quantify factors may include such issues to adjustments and merchandise quality as shipping, order response times. Audit programs must handle the capital, technical and human resources required to execute the audit. During he length of this audit, performance information recorded within a course of time, quantified and is procured. Information from the provider is necessary to execute the audit procedure – for example obtaining and reviewing certificates, in addition to provider’s quality manuals, policy and processes. There are numerous areas that need management . It’s essential to be ready to audit adjustments or schedules . Without SupplierAudits audits of your providers, it is hard to understand whether you are receiving consistent goods, on time, to the ideal standard, without flaws. This makes your commitment. You want a detailed and complete summary of your providers’ performance to be able to set in place touch factors for excellent improvement.In overall, providers should be eager to show their subcontractors and those relationships could impact the company of a customer. If a provider allows it, then you ought to review the provider’s audit findings of its suppliers; if the provider does not allow that, then you need to request to observe the provider’s incoming review of subcontracted substances, in addition to any additional documentation that will demonstrate the provider is holding its own sellers to quality criteria and getting quality items.A common issue area that’s at best glossed over and at worst entirely ignored through an audit is the compliance with prerequisites because of its own utilities.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Max Synapse Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Max Synapse is a daily nutritional supplement that is marketed as a nootropic supplement and brain enhancer. Its advertising claims that it is useful for improving memory function, attention, span, and alertness levels.
They recommend it to students, busy professionals, and creative artists that are looking to increase their mental output. They claim that it can help users use more of their potential brain power and reach new levels of intellectual performance.
The most respected nootropic agent within the supplements and nutrition industry is called Memotenz. They have won over professional critics and regular customers alike, mostly due to their measurable results in memory and thinking accuracy. Click here to learn more about all of the ways that Memotenz can increase your cognitive capacity.
Do You Know the Best Brain Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Max Synapse Ingredients and Side Effects
Max Synapse tries to avoid publishing their actual nutritional panel online. Their website and promotional materials only highlight some specific additives, but they never show any dosage information or a complete list of their contents.
Fortunately, some previous users have taken pictures of the legally-mandated nutrition labels and posted them online. Their ingredients include:
Caffeine Bacopa Monnieri L-Theanine
Caffeine: The most commonly consumed stimulant worldwide. Caffeine is found in thousands of different food, beverage, nutrition, and pharmaceutical products, most notably coffee, tea, and cola.
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that dramatically increases metabolism and heart rate for a short period of time. This effect is often thought to be valuable for attention span, alertness, and thinking speed, however those benefits are seen most in fatigued people as opposed to in rested, healthy individuals.
Caffeine is not mentioned in their promotional materials at all, however it is the number one ingredient in their proprietary blend, which is not recommended. This is because caffeine becomes progressively more dangerous with the more of it that is consumed, both in a single sitting and over the long term.
Caffeine is chemically addictive and can become habit forming very quickly. It is also very easy to develop a tolerance to its effects, necessitating more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same effects. It can also lead to a number of potentially serious health issues such as:
Acrid breath and body odor
Irritability and anxiety
Gastrointestinal distress
Heart attack, arrhythmia, or palpitation
Seizure and stroke
Bacopa Monnieri: According to our panel of experts, this is the most recommended ingredient for nootropics worldwide due to its many beneficial effects on brain function and physiology. Bacopa is a creeping vine that is found growing in swamps and marshlands and was cultivated first in India before spreading to Europe and other parts of Asia.
It is a neuroprotectant that helps strengthen and repair the tissues in the brain. It encourages the growth of the dendrites in the brain that connect one neuron to the other, making it easier to pass messages through the cerebral cortex.
Bacopa is also useful as an adaptogen, helping the brain process optimally even in times of high stress. It also has applications for increasing attention span, preventing depression, and most of all for increasing memory function. It has been shown in multiple studies to increase the brain’s ability to store and recall information in people of all ages and mental abilities.
L-Theanine: A nonessential amino acid that is mostly noted for being a relaxing agent that does not cause sedation. For this reason it is often paired with caffeine to help avoid the irritability, anxiety, and edginess that can often accompany high levels of caffeine consumption.
It does not have any nootropic value of its own, and is in no way thought to help improve memory, cognition, or any other metric of mental performance. L-Theanine is generally considered harmless for humans and it is unlikely to negatively impact users’ health, wellness, or mental performance.
Follow this link to read more reviews of the top nootropic products on the market today.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven brain enhancement supplement such as Memotenz for better results.
Max Synapse Quality of Ingredients
Once you see the actual ingredients list for Max Synapse it quickly becomes apparent why they don’t want their customers to know their exact formula. Many lower quality supplements companies use caffeine as a way to trick their customers into thinking that their product is working better than it actually is.
It is easy to confuse the initial rush that comes with taking caffeine for actual increases in mental function, however that is just a chemical trick that does not have any sustainable value. Caffeine is a low-quality stimulant that does not belong in a nootropic product.
The way that they list their dosage amounts it is not even clear exactly how much caffeine is in Max Synapse, which is not a safe choice for users. It is the first listed ingredient in their proprietary blend, implying that it is the most plentiful additive in their mix, though it is impossible to say exactly how much caffeine that might be.
The recommended upper daily limit for caffeine is actually relatively low and its consequences can be high. Our team does not ever recommend using a caffeine product unless you know exactly how much is in it, and even then it should only be taken when needed and not on an everyday basis.
Bacopa monnieri is a well-respected additive that is most useful when it is taken every day for at least a month, which is the opposite of the way caffeine should be used. The two should not be paired together, and caffeine should never be included in a product advertised as a daily nootropic supplement.
Click here to see our experts’ list of the top ten nootropic products currently on the market.
The Price and Quality of Max Synapse
Max Synapse is shockingly expensive for such a low-quality product. While their site frequently offers sale or bulk pricing, this is the base rate on their homepage:
1, 30-count bottle of Max Synapse capsules: $99.99
This is far higher than the vast majority of products of this nature. There are cheaper rates available through their website, however users should be aware that they do sign you up for their monthly renewal program, which automatically charges users and ships them more product.
To see how to maximize your mental performance potential through nootropic supplementation, click here.
Business of Max Synapse
Max Synapse is manufactured by a lower-quality supplements manufacturer called UltraMax Health. The contact information that they have posted is as follows:
Phone Number: (800) 330-0479
Address: 5 East 22nd Street
New York, NY 10010
UltraMax Health is not well respected within the industry due to their low rating with consumer watchdog sites like the Better Business Bureau and Ripoff Report. They are known for their deceptive marketing and advertising practices, which have drawn the attention of the FDA on more than one occasion.
For access to our experts’ complete library of nootropic supplements reviews, follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using brain enhancement supplements for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Max Synapse
Max Synapse has the lowest possible rating on Amazon, having achieved a perfect one-star rating. This means that every single customer that has ever reviewed it has given it the worst rating that they could, a feat that our review team has never before seen. Here are some of the more specific comments that users have made about Max Synapse:
“When I wasn’t feeling like I was going to vomit I wanted to punch everyone in my study group in their smug little faces. This stuff did weird things to me.”
“I took Max Synapse for two weeks but it just kept making me crazier. I got more and more jittery, paranoid, and anxious the longer I took it. Then I kind of had a freak-out at work and never touched the stuff again.”
“No brain benefits, but oh the nightmares – every night I took this stuff. I had these crazy stress dreams that I would wake up sweating and crying, so after a few nights of that I quit taking them. The dreams stopped and I never touched Max Synapse again.”
Reviews complained about product ineffectiveness, side effects, rude customer service agents, and misleading advertising and promotional materials. There is not a single positive review for Max Synapse anywhere online from someone that is not affiliated with the company.
Click on this link to get help with choosing the nootropic product that will be the most beneficial for you and your particular brain chemistry.
Conclusion – Does Max Synapse Work?
Max Synapse has several fundamental flaws. First, its ingredients blend is considered well below industry standard, despite the fact that it uses bacopa monnieri. Bacopa is considered a highly effective nootropic, however it requires daily use for over a month in order to have maximum impact, however Max Synapse also contains unknown quantities of caffeine, which should not be taken on a daily basis.
Our experts recommend that interested consumers find a bacopa monnieri supplement that is safe to take daily and is not compromised by being cut with other chemicals that limit its usefulness. They also recommend only purchasing products from reputable distributors, and UltraMax Health has a very bad record for responsible manufacturing and advertising.
They also have some of the most negative customer responses that our review team has ever encountered. The fact that there is not a single past customer that has said something positive about Max Synapse makes it impossible to recommend to our readers.
The nootropic agent that our team does recommend is Memotenz. It comes from a respected distributor, it has an established, well-vetted ingredients blend, and the responses from users has been remarkably positive.
It blends bacopa with several other highly respected amino acids, herbs, and other nootropic agents to form one of the most effective blends that our panel has ever reviewed. Click here to see all of the ways that Memotenz can benefit your cognitive performance.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2olWstV via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 8 years
Elexia Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Elexia is a male sexual enhancement supplement that is used to improve libido and erectile quality. Their advertising recommends it for men that are struggling to achieve and maintain erections, that are looking to improve their sexual stamina, or to be better lovers for their partners.
Viritenz is the male enhancement supplement that has the best reputation for restoring previous levels of sexual functionality. Their ingredients blend is formulated to improve men’s sex lives in a variety of ways. Click here to see how Viritenz can be beneficial for your specific sexual needs, desires, and goals.
Do You Know the Best Male Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Elexia Ingredients and Side Effects
Yohimbe Tribulus Terrestris L-Arginine Horny Goat Weed St. John’s Wort Siberian Ginseng
Yohimbe: A carefully controlled substance that is derived from the bark of a specific breed of African tree. Yohimbe bark contains yohimbine, which is illegal in its pure form without a doctor’s permission.
Yohimbe is a potent stimulant, which accelerates heart beat rapidly. This has the effect of increasing circulatory rates, which can be beneficial for erectile health.
Erections divert a certain amount of blood to the penis, removing it briefly from regular circulation. If a man’s blood pressure is too low or too high they can have trouble getting the requisite quantity of blood into the corpora cavernosa for the penis to attain proper rigidity.
Yohimbe is so closely regulated because it has the potential to be one of the more dangerous supplements available on the open market. It has been connected to a variety of potential side effects, some of them serious. Yohimbe users could possibly experience:
Heart attack
Tribulus Terrestris: A spikey-hulled fruit that is used to improve testosterone function. Tribulus does not stimulate the production of testosterone but rather increases the sensitivity of the brain for detecting it.
Testosterone is important because it is the main hormone responsible for the male sex drive. Testosterone helps drive libido and sexual fantasies, it stimulates the erectile process, and it is important for fertility and seminal quality.
L-Arginine: An amino acid compound that is used primarily to assist with the flow of blood. As mentioned above, proper circulation is critical for erectile functionality, and L-Arginine is one of the most effective circulatory aids that’s available over the counter.
When L-Arginine is absorbed into the bloodstream it converts into nitric oxide, which has the chemical effect of causing the veins to expand. This allows for a greater quantity of blood to flow through them in less time, which in turn makes it easier to both divert blood to the erectile tissue and keep all normal biological processes running smoothly.
L-Arginine also benefits testosterone levels. It stimulates the release of human growth hormone, which is a precursor to the production of the sex hormone.
Horny Goat Weed: A plant that originated in China but has spread into global use based on its supposed aphrodisiac properties. Despite its legendary status as an arousal aid, horny goat weed is not thought of as particularly effective within the supplement industry.
Horny goat weed is similar to yohimbe in that the majority of its effectiveness is due to its stimulant qualities. It increases heart rate, which increases circulation, which increases the frequency, duration, and stiffness of men’s erections.
One of the major issues with horny goat weed are its multiple possible side effects. Horny goat weed users could potentially contract:
Nervous tremor
Heart arrhythmia
Gastro-intestinal issues
Blood pressure fluctuation
Heart attack
St. John’s Wort: An herb that is known as an anti-depressant. St. John’s wort has no history of use in male enhancement products.
St. John’s wort is high in the chemicals hypercin and hyperforin, which are considered mood-enhancing neurotransmitters. There are some health concerns that are related to St. John’s wort, including the following potential side effects:
Bad dreams
Severe reactions to sunlight
Siberian Ginseng:  A strain of one of the most common herbal supplements on the planet. Siberian ginseng is an adaptogen that gives energy and improves mood and mental functioning.
Ginseng is also used to improve immune function and it has chemicals in it that can help fight off bacteria and viruses. It is also used to help treat insomnia, bipolar disorder, and to relieve symptoms related to the common cold.
Ginseng is thought to have a number of sexual benefits for its users, including increased frequency and intensity of mental arousal. It also stimulates blood flow which can improve erectile quality, and its adaptogenic effects can lower the stress and anxiety that can lead to erectile dysfunction in some cases.
To see how to choose the male enhancement product that is most appropriate for your body chemistry, follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP:Combine this supplement with a proven male enhancement pill such as Viritenz for better results.
Elexia Quality of Ingredients
The ingredients list for Elexia has a lot of things to like about it. Unfortunately, it also has quite a few things to dislike as well.
Tribulus terrestris, L-Arginine, and Siberian ginseng are three of the most effective male enhancement products that are available to the average consumer. All three of these products have long, proven histories of success in improving the sexual responsiveness of their users. Combined they improve testosterone production, testosterone processing, and the mental and physical arousal processes.
St. John’s wort is an odd ingredient to find in a male enhancement blend. The only condition that it has a proven history of treating is depression, and there are no indications that it can improve libido, erectile or seminal quality, or any other metric that can be used to measure a male enhancement product.
Yohimbe and horny goat weed are similar products in that they are both stimulants that have reputations as aphrodisiacs. While they have shown some utility for improving erectile responsiveness, they are also both linked to a long list of potential side effects, many of which are very serious.
The possible dangers associated with taking yohimbe and horny goat weed are not outweighed by the potential benefits, and so it would be highly irresponsible for our team to recommend any product that uses them as part of their blend.
For information about how the top brands of male enhancement products compare to one another, click on this link.
The Price and Quality of Elexia
Elexia is sold through a number of online sellers, though it is not carried by most of the more reputable supplements retailers. In general, potential customers should expect to pay something in this range for Elexia:
1, 90-count box of Elexia tablets: $29.95-$32.57
The 90 tablets are enough to last a user 30 days if taken as directed. This price is about average for a product of this nature.
Follow this link to find the most up-to-date rankings of the top male enhancement products anywhere on the internet.
Business of Elexia
Elexia is manufactured by Wellgenix. They are makers of supplements and other nutritional products and can be reached through the following methods:
Phone Number: (602) 707-6902
Address: 118 W. Julie Drive
Tempe, AZ 85283
Potential consumers should be aware that Wellgenix has a 100% negative customer feedback rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Click here to learn which male enhancement products were the most effective for improving penile functionality.
Customer Opinions of Elexia
Elexia has not received particularly positive feedback from its past users. The comments that customers have left online are often similar to these:
“This stuff worked great as a stimulant, not so great as a boner pill. I was definitely up – I was shaking, sweating, and a real jerk to people for no good reason. I didn’t get a single erection however, and will not be re-upping my order.”
“I feel so bad right now… Took Elexia two hours ago and it is not sitting well – I’m writing this review from the bathroom.”
Previous customers attacked Elexia for a variety of reasons, mostly focusing on its ineffectiveness, but also touching on side effects, customer service issues, and the company’s shipping and returns policies.
To see the male enhancement products that topped our year-end rankings, just click on this link.
Conclusion – Does Elexia Work?
It is possible that Elexia could be an effective male enhancement pill for some customers. It is also possible that it could have some customers to have extremely adverse reactions that have serious or long-term health issues.
While L-Arginine, tribulus, and ginseng are amongst the best products for male enhancement, horny goat weed and yohimbe are amongst the worst. It is easy to find products on the market that use L-Arginine, tribulus, and ginseng but that do not compromise the effectiveness of their blend or the health of their customers by cutting them with irresponsible and unsafe additives.
The male enhancement pills that have the best reputation for effectiveness are Viritenz. Their blend does not contain horny goat weed, yohimbe, or other dangerous additives that could compromise its usefulness.
It is a noted erectile aid, improving overall hardness and maximum size, while also contributing to libido and sexual stamina. Follow this link to find out more about the multiple benefits that Viritenz can offer its users.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2mFeMgC via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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