#'maybe it's not that deep' isn't the best phrase because the song is in fact very deep
penguin-in-a-box · 3 months
I'm not sure why everyone says Renegade is about Joe and uses this as ammunition towards Taylor to prove she's insensitive towards him when it's... So clearly a result of the conversation she and Aaron Dessner have in the Peace section of the Long Pond Sessions about anxiety and Aaron's own insecurities about how a partner may interpret his struggle with anxiety?
Like maybe it's not that deep y'all. Maybe it's based off that experience of fearing how a partner would react to their own mental health issues. Maybe it's harsh because it's what they're hearing in their heads.
I have never seen anyone on tumblr ever consider that take despite?? It feeling kinda obvious??
If there's some lore I'm unaware of by all means lay it on me.
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cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
Hey there giiiiirl (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I was wondering in you and Cesca had a song that makes you cry? But not like sad tears! It's hard to explain but, I mean a song that perhaps is beautiful so you cry happy tears? But that's okay with all type of emotions, it's just has to be a song that as soon as you hear it, bam. Tears flowing down XD
Like for example, everytime I listen to this song I cry HAHAHAHA I mean- it literally just says one line at it makes me cry. I know that I'm a very emotional person, but that melody- maybe even phrase idk XD- makes me feel... nostalgic? I KNOW IT'S WEIRD BUT LIKE- It's like something that I'm missing?? That I can't reach or that I was able to reach??? And that maybe I'll be able to reach again???? Fuck I really don't know, it's really hard to explain XD But like, that's the only song that makes me feel like that. That's what I meant in the question, a song that makes you feel some kind of emotions that you can't describe and makes you really emotional :'')
And I think that also the ending song of Stone Ocean makes me feel like that, almost at least. Because I feel these emotions but I don't cry XD and the fact that they even added the shore- MMMH OH BOY EMOTIONS RIGHT HERE AND THERE- It's a pretty messed up mix but in a good way XD What do you think of this ending?? 👀👀
And I also want to know cuz, I asked some people the same question and they all responded "Eeeh maybe? I cry when I hear to sad music", but that's not the answer that I was searching for XD
I really hope that you understood what I mean cuz FUCK this is really hard to explain and I'm not the best at explaining things in general XD
Have some love because you deserve it 💖💖
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH---!!! yeah actually i have tons of them hahaha like that special nostalgic feeling that gives chills down your spine and tears start to fill your eyes and you're like "wait, but if this song isn't sad why are my eyes sweating? I think a song that 'Cesca would start crying without Domino Dancing controlling the tears is this song
I mean, We are talking about "Once upon a December" but this is like so deep in 'Cesca... like the lonelyness in the song of someone that miss her family, December been her birthday month, the movie?! oh lord the movie. Now 'Cesca is anastasia confirmed (sorry Anasui /shot) guess who can be Dimitri hahaha
I will blame Kakyoin for this one but this song Francesca will suffer from it, and not exactly because of the sad nostalgic melody or Sting Voice but the beautiful melody she hears through that cassette Kakyoin bought in the flee market and showed her. she is obsessed with that song and helps her to sleep but meanwhile sleeping she would start crying.
(( FOR ME, this damn song always made me cry a whole lot. TOO MANY THOUGHTS TOO MANY MEMORIES WITHIN PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT WITH ME ANYMORE BUT ARE BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES THAT I ENDED UP IN MY BED LIKE sob sob snif. RHCP always make me cry a lot and I don't even know why? is like idk like the feeling of too many memories attached to them in my teens days hahaha so I totally feel you with the song you sent, is like THIS FUCKING FEELING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE BUT UGHJGH--- is killing me slowly. Killing me slowly with his song (8)))
I cried at 4 am, sobbing so hard that woke my mom and asked me if I was feeling bad or something and I was like "Yea sure, I just spoiled myself with the end of my serie long ago and the ending is just a spoiler itself and I'm crying because my 2D husbando and daughter and their gay little friends are gonna have a bad time"
hahaha I promise I was like " y eah It was just the first episode of many to go..." she can't tell me anything tho, she is a crying baby too. things that are inherited
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My 5 Favorite Moments of GGDD
Like last time, the GGDD moments were difficult to choose, because I like them all. I had to look at some things again. But, finally, I posted it for mistake...😃😃😃😃. The fate wanted me to post this.
This is Fake. My imagination. CPN
5. On BAZAAR interview, first of all I love the fact that they say that they knew each other before on TTXS, but both emphasize that there was no eye contact, nor that they spoke, but that's not what I like, it's just an addition for put us, in context. What I like, is when GG draws DD (I think most of them like it), DD says his eyes aren't that big, but GG says he had heard comments from some friends saying that DD's eyes were tight, so GG drew DD's eyes bigger. Meanwhile, he says that ... DD looks at him with a silly face and smiles, even he places his hand on his chin, looking very focused on what his GG says (it is my impression, it can vary between viewers), GG makes a sign, but DD plays dumb and clears his throat, looking away (more like he's trying not to see his GG).
4. In TTXS, when they were together in the same place for the first time, in 2017. A cute GG, with a pink jacket and accompanied by X-NINE and a DD very cute and surprisingly smiling, imitating everything that his not-yet-GG did, is that DD couldn't take his eyes off from GG, DD moved his hands nervously when he was next to GG, and DD looked at him when GG looked away, but stopped when it was already very obvious (I keep saying it's my perspective, others may think other things). I don't think GG didn't realize it, because I think, when someone looks at another person a lot, that person has to realize it, for me, DD…well, the fool was very obvious. He even showed off his mating dancing (is a joke) just to impress his GG and use his pistol finger to aim at him at the end of the dance (yeah, for me he aimed at GG). DD and his love at first sight…GG couldn't be saved.
3. At Happy Camp. First is the fact that they sat next to each other, moving away if the person on the opposite side got too close, so they were practically on top of each other (I have a meme about that…). When the hosts asked questions, they both started whispering to each other (I won't say anything more about this). Then there's the dance they did, DD was distracted by GG (my mom told me *the boy in the flowered shirt* didn't dance that well, just looking at GG and that was a comment she made when I didn't even believe that they were SZD, still) and then there's that dance move that couples suspiciously do in their wedding photos. Then, DD started pouting, because GG was paying more attention to Daxun. At the Happy Camp hole games. DD allows GG to win, even though DD is competitive by nature and always wants to win (that seemed pretty obvious to me, DD's “double standard” makes an appearance, for his GG). GG gets jealous of Daxun, when he and DD are trapped inside the hole, one on top of the other (his face is scary), but DD doesn't realize at the time (but then cleverly fixes it). Also, when DD gets hurt (although this isn't a good thing) we see GG's real concern, that he is unlike any other. You can see the others concerned, but GG's concern is so legitimate and true that it even hurts me every time I see him again (maybe because he felt guilty that DD hurt himself from the necklace he gave him). The last thing about this, is the fact that they share every little comment, no matter how silly it is, it is so sweet.
2. TTXS 2019, First is the fact that DD invited GG, I think, he could invited someone else. After all, GG was a person, whom DD knew for a short time in 2018, if we put them on the screen, but still DD decided to take it to TTXS, who are a family to him. Then, GG and DD sang their respectively songs "What I Miss" and "If I Were Young", I mean from all the speculation that was made with bombology, DD was supposed to be angry that day (for some reasons), but when they both sing these songs. The way DD sang the song and how sweet GG smile was, DD's voice was so soft and full of soul, so soothing. GG nailed the high notes and turned to DD to meet his eyes while singing. DD was fascinated even though he can't clearly show it. Uff...every time I see them I have to look away, I can't handle that ... both are so...well, that's why I like it so much ... besides, the fact that DD brought his photo album when he was a child and GG wanted to take it (is a joke 😂), he was serious about bringing the album, DD is so silly cute. GG also sings "Love Confession", when he's sitting with the other guests. DD stares at him with sheep's eyes, until GG signals DD for stop to looking at him (with heart eyes), because they are recording them...this man, I can't handle him, neither of them.
1. Interview for "The Paper", DD and GG both have a stuffed animal in their hands (they both look sweet). MC ask them various things (obviously), they both look so comfortable and smiling. MC even ask them if WWX and LWJ's bedtime was the same as them. DD says no, and GG says he's similar, GG says "Sometimes he ... aren't you?" "Sometimes you will stay up later?" (Me: GG, how do you know that? 👀, they are the best friends forever 😂) and DD says yes. Near the end they talked about when they were both filming, that they should record scenes from when WWX and LWJ were young by the day and at night the "after 13/16 years" scenes. The MC asks, what would they think, if a TV show organizes them to go skiing and DD says he can teach to GG and GG laughs saying he's just a beginner (this kills me, they look so wonderfully comfortable) DD looks sweet saying some of ski techniques, while looking at his GG softly, in the end GG says it's okay. Afterwards, the MC asks what they would say to "CQL" fans who say they look the most beautiful after watching all 50 episodes of the drama. GG say a lot of things with a sweet voice and then he is ashamed (it is a sweetheart) and DD wants to laugh at what his GG says, but when it is his turn he says that he will not say anything, GG shows his rabbit teeth ... (Double standard, it seems DD really likes when his GG shows his rabbit teeth to him). And here comes my favorite part. The word is supposed to be deep, but I don't really know what it means, it seems like something important and obviously GG is very surprised that DD said it. Well, they ask you to describe the CQL summer in three words. GG answers right away, burning hot "灼热" (not the literal characters) and DD thinks about it for a moment, quite a bit, compared to how fast GG answered. At the end, DD says true fellings "真情实感" GG looks at him for a moment and lets out a WOW!!! Very tall, covering his mouth, he seemed very surprised. DD seems to realize that it was obvious (it's my imagination), but he says he wants to change the phrase to touching "就 感人" (or something like that) but, GG tells him that they aren't going to edit just because he said that ... I mean, he screwed up 😂😂😂. Simple woman, this is the first place after all.
Honorable Mention
Sina Interview in CQL film place. When, GG starts to flatter DD by saying that he danced well in TTXS, but later he realizes that he was not only a good dancer, but also a good actor and when he mentions that LZ doesn't have many lines (mentions LWJ and DD gets angry 😂😂😂), DD makes this face. (Note that DD was happy, as he watched his GG compliment him, until he mentioned LZ)
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My 5 Favorite BTS by GGDD
My 5 Favorite GGDD Fake Rumors
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