#'maybe they shouldnt be so sensitive' maybe you shouldnt be an asshole how bout that?
ethereal-mists ยท 10 months
There's this one guy in one of my friend groups that's always calling people names 'as a joke', despite being told several times to stop, and is just generally not a great person. The other people we're friends with are too kindhearted to kick him out, so he just gets away with it and it pisses me off.
I recently figured out a way to sort of deal with him
He called my friend a bitch, and she was very Not Happy about it, but has given up trying to stop him. So when she went quiet, I added, 'And a boss'. Asshole guy said, "No, just a bitch". So I said, "A bitch and a boss, and she shines like gloss, what's not clicking?"
And he kept insisting "She's a bitch" and every time he did, I finished it with those dojacat lyrics and he got increasingly more frustrated until he left the call. Guess who stopped calling people bitches since?
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