#'ok but imagine that your brother is liam' shut up i would handle it better. i simply would be normaler
bredforloyalty · 5 months
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HELP i haven't seen this before.. i get the frustration with liam i mean he's liam and especially the thing with women but imagine doing this on twitter as a grown adult and not a 30 year old adult either knowwhatimean. this at 52, god. kind of obsessed
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Family Ties - TRR AU
Will Isabella’s feeling for Matthew go any further or does her unexpected visitor throw a spanner into the works.
Chapter list:
Chapter 1: Enough
Chapter 2: Homeward Bound
Chapter 3: Band of Brothers
Chapter 4 Dearest Sympathies
Chapter 5: No Expectations
Chapter 6: Line of Succession
Chapter 7: Unspoken Truths
Tag list: @lorirwritesfanfic @drakewalkerfantasy @desireepow-1986 @rainbowsinthestorm @lorircreates @itslaniquelove @liam-rhys @hopefulmoonobject @speedyoperarascalparty @kimmiedoo5 @rafasgirl23415 @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @texaskitten30 @the-everlasting-dream
Trigger warning: Violence, death, premonition of death, sexual innuendo, swearing
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Isabella’s eyes widened, “Uncle Bartie is here? Does he have Camille?” Jimena began to nod, “Yes... and no matter what I told him, he was extremely insistent that I take you from any meeting you are in as this is urgent...” Isabella raised her palms, “Ok... ok...” as she began to walk in her towering Louboutin heels rubbing her forehead, “Just cancel the next few meetings I have...” Jimena rolled her eyes towards Isabella as she began to sigh, “Your next appointment is already here, they’ve been waiting 45 minutes because you were too busy screaming at Leo...” Isabella’s brow furrowed, “Wait? I had no meetings until late afternoon...” Shaking her head Jimena tried to muster her laugh, “How could you forget your lunch date with the hot lawyer?” The petite brunette’s eyes narrowed as she snapped back, “It wasn’t a date! I’m settling a fucking divorce Mena...” a sly smile began to grow across Jimena’s face as she elbowed Isabella, “Oh come on Bella... as your best friend I’m telling you he clearly likes you... so why not? You’re 28 years old, you should be enjoying yourself...” Isabella bit down on her lower lip as Jimena’s eyes widened, “You cannot tell me you are holding out for Leo Rys?.... Oh my God...” she exclaimed suddenly realising, “You cannot be serious? Bella!” Isabella turned her head whispering, “Shut up Mena... shush...” as she began to look around, “Look... go and apologise to Lord Devereaux and let him know I will be with him shortly, I’ll see to Uncle Bartie, it shouldn’t take too long...” Jimena smiled as she held onto the handle to the throne room, “Don’t be too pissed... he’s sitting on the your throne...” before she opened the door, “Duke Ramsford...” Jimena grinned, “...as requested, Her Majesty, Queen Isabella...”
“Young lady...” Barthelemy snorted, “You should bow to those of higher standing than you...” but before Jimena could protest, Isabella smiled, “Uncle Bartie... Jimena is a Duchess, so she does have the same social standing... but more to the question how are you?” Isabella approached him warmly with a hug as she happily grinned at Camille, “Hello Princess...” she cooed. Barthelemy began to sigh, “ My dear... I must ask of your assistance...” he pleaded, “I believe that husband of yours has become truly mad!” Isabella’s dark chocolate brown eyes widened in horror, “Why! What has happened?” Sighing as Camille fidgeted in his arms trying to get across to Isabella, he reluctantly handed the small Princess to her. Placing his hand onto his hip he took a deep breath, “Maxwell and Bertrand have gone missing... I fear that Liam and Leo may have had them executed...” Isabella was about to speak but stopped herself, “No... she began to shake her head, “Leo wouldn’t have...” Barthelemy’s eyes narrowed as Isabella questioned him, “How well do you really know him?” pleading with her, “If he could easily arrange an execution of your family, just imagine...” his time changed as he emphasised his warning, “... what he would do to you if you crossed him or the children? Maybe your divorce was a saving grace after all...” Camille pouted as she held onto Isabella a little tighter as Barthelemy held his hands out to take her back, “I’d keep him as far away from here as possible...” Isabella’s brow furrowed slightly as he continued, “I’ve already had my security brief your Guards on your current set up...” Isabella clicked her tongue, “I appreciate the help Uncle Bartie but I can assure you that my Guards and staff already know how to deal with my ex-husband thank you...”
“Your Majesty...” Jimena smiled reading the room, “I’m sorry but you have another extremely pressing appointment to attend...” nodding she smiled at her Uncle, “Please make yourself at home... let’s have dinner this evening and talk more ok?” This placated Barthelemy as Isabella sashayed out of the room leaning into Jimena as they walked side by side whispering, “Have Javier watch him like a hawk...” Jimena nodded, running off to allow Isabella to greet her guest, “Lord Devereaux...” tilting her head slightly, the petite brunette grinned “Please accept my apologies for keeping you...I had a rather unexpected visitor...” Matthew stood, his alluring blue eyes drew her in as he returned her smile, “Your Majesty...” he began to chuckle, picking up his briefcase, “...apology not accepted...” Isabella rolled her eyes to the right as she began to laugh, “You’re lucky I like you...” directing him to the sunroom, “I’m interested to know what else you may have found since our last discussion...” Lord Devereaux pulled out Isabella’s seat for her, gently pushing it in as she sat down before he sat next to her. Isabella’s long eyelashes fluttered, distracting him as he stared into those dark chocolate brown and golden caramel eyes. Matthew’s breath hitched as the Laurentian beauty grinned, her warm, inviting smile made him melt; “Lord Devereaux...” she cooed, “I am thankful for you having patience with me today...” Matthew returned her smile getting lost as he stared at her beauty, “Of course... I’d wait for as long as you wanted me to...”
“Sorry... that um...” Matthew cleared his throat as he sat his briefcase onto the table, “I...” he awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair, “I’ve had a look at the records and have spoken with a few of my colleagues, it seems that someone has been trying to gather more information on the Constitution of Laurentia than I would have liked...” Isabella’s brow slightly furrowed as she rested her elbow in the table cradling her jaw against her hand completely focused on Matthew’s next words, “Your Majesty...” Matthew slowly looked around the room before speaking again, “I do not mean to alarm but I find it most worrying that something or someone may wish you any harm...” Isabella nodded before sighing, “I know...” her lips curling upwards teasing him, “Occupational hazard?” Matthew raised his brow, “I somehow don’t feel that humour will protect that pretty crown... but...” he began to lower his head, “What I have been told is that the documents were sent to Cordonia... possibly your husband requested these, I’m still not convinced since Leo never wanted anything from you...” Lord Devereaux began to chuckle, “Client confidentiality can backfire sometimes...” Biting down onto her plump lower lip Isabella’s almond shaped eyes narrowed seductively as she moved closer to Matthew, “It seems so...” before fixing the lapel of his jacket.
Her fingers delicately brushed against the soft material of his jacket as they smiled towards one another. Isabella felt her heart racing as the distance between them became smaller and smaller. Taking a deep breath, Isabella could smell his cologne, the English Nobleman smelt so good. Their lips barely brushed one another until Isabella heard the door burst open, “Bella!” Jimena quietly barked, “You need to get out here!” Nodding before lowering her head, Isabella sadly smiled towards Matthew mouthing “Sorry...” before she followed Jimena. “What’s wrong?” Isabella’s brow furrowed at the interruption, “Come with me...” dragging the Laurentian Queen down the quiet corridor, “It’s Duke Ramsford... his security has locked down the Palace...” Jimena spoke in hushed tones, “...Something’s not right Bella...” Isabella began to shake her head, “No... that’s nonsense Mena... he’s a little eccentric but...” Mena clenched down on her teeth as she seethed, “Bella... listen to me, he has just dismissed 10 members of your guard...” running her tongue behind her teeth, Isabella raised her brow angrily, “He did what?” Jimena tried to hold Isabella back, “Bella... don’t... we need to get you and the kids out of here!” Shoving her shoulders back, Isabella’s nostrils flared, “No one comes into my home and dictates to me!” as Jimena sighed heavily watching helplessly as Isabella stormed towards the throne room, her words fell short as Isabella pushed through the doors demanding an explanation, “Duke Ramsford!” Isabella explained, “How dare you dismiss my guards!” Isabella’s lips were poured as she folded her arms, “I believe you may be overstaying your welcome already...”
“Isabella...” Barthelemy began to grin, “You should always be prepared and keep your friends close... but your enemies closer...” Isabella’s eyes narrowed, glaring at the Duke as he continued, “My dear... I don’t think you are in a position to dictate to me... after all, with your Crown on the line... I think it would be better served by someone who can rule with an iron fist...” Clenching her jaw, Isabella moved forward barely a few steps until Barthelemy’s security held her back, “Tut tut my dear” as her guards began to surround him “... to think that’s how you treat your Uncle? One wrong move from you or your guards and...” Isabella heard the distinct click of a revolver cocking, turning to the left her eyes widened as a gun was aimed at her children. Her dark chocolate brown eyes widened as the twins screamed loudly, “Mama!!!” Struggling, Isabella shouted back to Barthelemy, “Whatever you want... take everything... just leave them alone!!” Tears began to roll down the Queen’s face as she begged, “Please... please don’t hurt them! Javier stand down” Isabella bit down on her lip, “Please...” Upon hearing the screaming, Matthew ran out into the hallway nearly knocking Jimena over, “What is going on?” He questioned her as Jimena presses her finger against her lip whispering, “Follow me...” as she pulled his arm racing down the sandstone steps towards the servants quarters. Fumbling, Jimena tried to find her phone, “Shit...” she mumbled... “Fuck I don’t...” as she patted herself down before turning and taking Matthew’s from his jacket dialling Leo’s number, “Come on... fucking pick up... you are still fucking useless...” the waiting if the dial tone felt like a million years.
‘You’ve reached the voicemail of...’
Leo dragged his hand down his face, “Fuck me...” he mumbled as he sat through another Cordonian Royal Council meeting, “Do you lot ever fucking make a rational decision?” Madeleine turned immediately glaring at him with distain, “A little decorum would be more respectful...” causing Leo to laugh heartily, “Oh Maddie... that’s the best joke I’ve heard all week...” running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. Leo’s phone began to vibrate as Madeleine grinned, “You want to get that... who knows Isabella might take you back so you can crawl back under the rock you came from...” Drake slowly rolled his eyes, “This is not getting us anywhere... our main priority is to find Barthelemy and understand our next steps...” as all in attendance began to nod, Leo checked his phone from a number he didn’t recognise. It was strange that someone would leave him a voicemail - “Excuse me...” his brow raised in question, “Sorry...” he began to listen to the recording and his heart immediately dropped as he heard Jimena and the screaming. Leo’s eyes widened in terror as he jumped immediately from his seat running out of the room. Liam and Drake looked at one another before scrambling out of the room, running after Leo, “Wait... wait!!” Liam pulled Leo back as he fought the strain, “Woah big guy...” Drake‘a eyes darted between Leo and Liam, “What’s happened?! What’s going on?” Leo’s nostrils began to flare, his eyes darkened with unadulterated rage, “Barthelemy is at the Palace... Bella... the Kids!!” Leo struggled with Liam as he angrily pulled back, “Get off of me! I need to get back!” Drake and Liam knowingly looked at one another, “There is no way you’re going alone! Let’s get the guards and the jets ready...” Leo nodded, “There’s no time to lose...” as his jaw clenched the King of Laurentia roared, “I am going to rip him limb from fucking limb... he’ll regret he was ever fucking born!”
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