#'omfg Kaden stfu nobody caaaarreesss' - you all probably when I post a fic LOL
kylos-starlight · 6 months
{ A change in perspective }
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Ship: Paterson x Kaden
Words: 1,450
CW: n o n e <3
Summary: Why does it always have to be from far away?
Hey, if you aren't a self shipper please dni, nothing against ya. I got anxiety lol || ok2rb
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Ever since they met face to face, it's been the same thing every. They would see each other from afar only to meet up later that evening at Shades, the bar Paterson frequented. Weekends were the exception, well for Paterson anyway. He didn't have a cell phone and to Kaden's knowledge didn't even have a lanline, Kaden wanted to ask so many times if maybe over the weekend they could hang out but the words always got jumbled and stuck in their throat so they never ended up asking.
They were determined to do it this week! They hoped.. maybe? It shouldn't be hard to say, it's not like they were asking him out on a full-blown date. They were just asking if he wanted to hang out one day for a little while over the weekend, it wasn't rocket science. If a kid could approach another kid and ask 'Let's be best friends' and get accepted why can't Kaden ask Paterson to hang out? Man, Kaden thought, kids have it so easy. They chuckled to themselves and got ready for the day ahead, opting this time to grab their notebook, just in case inspiration struck!
They tossed on their shoulder bag and started their day, heading to the nearest coffee shop to grab a coffee, oat milk and two sugars before grabbing a bagel. Most of Kaden's morning was spent job searching in the area, they tried for a while online with little to no success so they started waking up early to hand out physical copies of their resume. It was draining and it was boring as all hell but they always had something or they should rather say someone to look forward to come lunch time.
Kaden was about to take their regular route when they stopped dead in their tracks. A quick thought formed in their head. What if today they switched it up a little? What if today they didn't go and hang out on the cliffs like they usually did. They did love it over there but what if today they did something different?
The trek back took a little longer than they had expected. They walked across the bridge and turned their attention to their left to see none other than Paterson already sitting in his favourite little spot on the bench. As they observed the man from afar they felt a wave of appreciation spread throughout them when they noticed that Paterson looked concerned, his eyes were forward and he was clearly staring at the cliffside, no doubt realizing that Kaden wasn't there.
Kaden carefully walked down the steep steps and quietly trailed over to Paterson, deciding to finally break the silence as they took a seat next to him on the bench.
"Hm, it's pretty from this side too~"
Poor Paterson nearly jumped out of his skin. His head snapped towards Kaden who was sitting beside him, eyes forward as they stared at the view.
"I can see why this is your favourite place." Kaden turned their head to Paterson, their eyes meeting his as they gave him a big smile. "Hi~!" They gave a little wave
Paterson nearly forgot how to speak for a moment, this was the first time seeing them this close in daylight, it was always too dark in the bar so Paterson couldn't help but take in Kaden's appearance. He was looking everywhere, their hair, their eyes, nose, lips, piercings, this man was nearly too flustered to speak.
"I thought something happened" He finally spoke, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up to his cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by Kaden.
"Hm, well it was my intention to go over there but then I thought- Wouldn't it be nice to have a change of perspective in a sense~? See the world through your eyes~" They grinned as they drew their attention to the waterfall.
Paterson's lips pulled up into a warm smile, he was delighted that Kaden decided to change it up a little and be a little closer to him. "So what do you think?" Paterson asked softly.
"I think this side is equally, if not more stunning." Kaden hummed softly as they drank in the view.
Paterson couldn't take his eyes off of Kaden, they softened a little at Kaden's words and he smiled. "Most beautiful I've ever seen.." Paterson said hardly above a whisper and Kaden looked at him, their head tilting a little and Paterson instantly felt panicked on the inside, he didn't realize he had said it out loud. The blush from earlier now fully spreading across his face.
For the sake of Paterson's rapidly blushing face, Kaden decided to play it off as if he was talking about the view but Kaden couldn't deny the fact that they were blushing too. They let out a soft giggle. "Perhaps I'll alternate. Here somedays, there the next" Kaden pointed towards the cliff.
"I wouldn't mind having some good company." Paterson smiled.
"Weekends," Kaden said bluntly then even they looked like they were mentally kicking themselves.
"Weekends?" Paterson echoed, a quizzical expression on his face.
"Are you busy this weekend? Even like one day out of the weekend" Kaden said quickly. Come on, don't let my words fail me now! they thought.
"No, I'm usually not busy."
"You don't have a cellphone do you?"
"No, I don't really like them."
"So.." Kaden felt it, the clog of words stuck in their mouth like a backed-up sink drain. They wanted so desperately to ask, there was nothing wrong with asking! Just say it! Kaden sighed heavily, they were about to say something random that had nothing to do with anything but before they could speak Paterson spoke.
"There's a weekend market happening. It's sort of early but it runs all day till four. Maybe you'd like to check it out with me? It's near my place, I can give you my address and we can meet up there if that's alright?" Paterson asked, obviously realizing that Kaden seemed to be struggling with their words and he sort of had an inkling they wanted to ask him out on the weekend.
Kaden felt an immense wave of relief wash over them, their heart fluttered at his question of going to a weekend market and Kaden smiled, their head nodding a little. "I would love to go with you this weekend~ Which day?" Kaden tilted their head.
"Well, either Saturday or Sunday but I was wondering- We could go Saturday and maybe Sunday meet up again we could go out or not.." Paterson sort of stumbled over his words at the last part and Kaden felt equally as flustered as he did but they were so happy. He asked what Kaden couldn't.
"I'd love to." they hummed.
"Alright, it's a date," Paterson replied.
It really was a date, two to be exact and the thought alone had Kaden's stomach doing backflips, they were so excited to be able to spend more and more time with Paterson. If Kaden was alone they'd probably tell themselves to get it together, they were fawning over this man like a teenager with a high school crush, it was embarrassing but Kaden refrained.
Paterson looked at his watch and sighed softly. "That's the one thing about being in good company" He stated matter of factly. "Time seems to fly by so much quicker. I have to go." Paterson gave a small smile. He really wanted to stay but he also knew he had a job and he wasn't going to leave people stranded on his bus route.
"'Kay ~ See you this weekend?" Kaden asked, hopeful.
"Oh right!" Paterson reached into his back and tore out a small piece of paper from the back of his notebook, he scribbled down his address and handed it to Kaden, his cheeks flushing a little as their hands brushed each other as they gently took the note from him. "See you Saturday, Kaden…well actually, tonight" Paterson chuckled softly as he turned on his heel to walk away.
This feeling was so overwhelming, Kaden wasn't used to being this excited or feeling this happy, it felt like their heart was going to beat right out of their chest, they were crushing on him and they were crushing hard. They couldn't wait till the weekend. Kaden pulled out their phone and looked down at it.
"Why's it only Wednesday!?"
Despite that fact, Kaden was still excited because at the same time every day and the same time every evening Kaden got to spend just a little moment out of their day with Paterson and it was a time they would always hold dear and treasure.
Tag list: @ama-ships || @kylars-princess || @heatobrienswife || @retrojem || @lysandreslittlechatot If anyone wants to be added to my tag list let me know!
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