#'purse owner (persona soundtracks and remixes)'
vermillioncrown · 3 years
What's your music taste? What do you listen to? Have you listened to "The Amazing Devil"?
answering the most concrete part of this ask first:
i have not listened to the amazing devil, and i gave them a shot after reading this ask. it's palatable, but a bit sideways from my tastes. i'd prefer the sound either just their instrumentals, or their singing with non-folksy accompaniment. it reminds me of folksy nightwish (i like nightwish a lot).
on my 'tastes' and what i listen to:
my music taste is stuff you see on dbd and mrts, and if that's not enough to extrapolate i have also answered x, x, x, x
(don't read more if that's all you want to know, i have to rant)
i'll be real honest w you anon and no offense to you - i fucking hate that question. it's the type of question that puts my brain on computational hold because there's no simple answer, and that's not me being snooty about being ~complicated~. i want to be honest. i want to give an answer. i don't want to give the wrong impression because it's wrong.
this question literally haunted my days and nights since it was first sent to my inbox and i read it in my email notifications. i've stood downstairs, in the dark kitchen, overfilling my water cup because i was pondering this shit. tripped over my cat still thinking about this ask.
'how would you describe my tastes?' i was asking my loved ones. because...
1) i hate sharing my thoughts on my 'tastes' bc personal hangups
2) i geniunely don't know
i don't like all music in a genre that i typically listen to. hell, i don't even like all the songs of an artist of a song i blast on repeat over and over. music is categorized as:
- soothes the beast, will play on repeat until i die or lose my hearing
- i don't mind it in a playlist or over the aux
- my brain immediately wipes the song from memory as soon as it's finished
- i'll be impolite and ask you to skip it when it comes up, even if you have driver's privilege to play whatever you want
- i want the artist dead/i'm jumping out of the car/i'm leaving the room/you've put me on aggro
example: the only artist that i like 90%+ of their songs (and it's dropped to a high 80%) is muse. and then people will go, 'oh, you like prog rock and british rock' and they'll be wrong bc i do not tolerate the other stuff people usually lump them with. i only like one song each from keane and oasis. i only like old radiohead. i can't even remember a single song of coldplay. and i hate most british rock bc it has that tinny garage band sound in its production that makes my lips pucker like a suburban mom disapproving of their kid's grades.
and yet, i love that same texture in ling toshite shigure. but they also accompany it with math rock elements so i guess it makes it tolerable in that context
(actually on artists, no, i like all/most of blank banshee and danger. and that's vaporwave and synthwave)
'okay, verm, you like synthwave, vaporwave, beepboops, all that' no i don't. my bf makes synthwave adjacent music and likes that era/genre. he'll try to suggest artists based on what i'm listening to and i just get mad 'thank you but i hate it'. or he'll see my face when he's playing something over the aux and 'okay i thought you would like this but we'll just skip along'
'i can't say what your tastes are. it's hit or miss. you only like songs; not artists, not genres.'
and there is a pattern to the songs i like. there's a 'bounce' to them, even if they're sad or low-energy. there's a cyclical aspect, something that pulls. it's not bass, mids, trebles (although you can see i like a lot of dance or electronic music w bass, i love basslines, but then i love the mids and trebles of my fave pop songs)
i don't care too much about vocals, but if you start singing some stupid shit, i'll leave
but i also fucking listen to gucci gang seriously.
and if you're too serious and on the nose with your lyrics, i'm embarrassed for you and need to punch whatever is playing that song. so much indie rock is me just "clean your fuckin mess up i don't want you to revel in your own shit"
not every song i listen to is about love. or sad shit. or whatever.
you'll ask, 'verm what do you listen to?'
my spotify playlists are skewed towards pop right now bc that's what gets me done w work. and then i'll go on youtube and fucking loop the shitty rendition of 'my heart will go on' played on recorder unironically. i listen to thomas the tank engine/rap remixes. the joke songs that twoset violin made w their producer friend, i have that shit on listenonrepeat.
my plays will also show that i've never stopped listening to chop suey since i've first gotten spotify, and i've listened to it even before that. i test every new sound system/audio thing with these few songs:
- system of a down - chop suey
- muse - map of the problematique
- bts - blood, sweat, tears
- beethoven's 7th symphony
- two steps from hell - protectors of the earth
- jay chou - hair like snow
- lady gaga - telephone
like, what's even the commonality of all this?! you tell me what my tastes are; might as well and full-on hire you as a therapist too
it's easier to say what i don't like. but i don't like saying what i don't like because i didn't like it when people would go 'ugh i hate that music/song/etc' and enjoyment of music is such a personal thing. it's a close second to someone directly saying they hate you. and i don't like thinking that i've made someone else feel that way.
and that's on my music tastes and what i listen to.
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