#'ritsu you dont have to stare at the sun if a solar flare were gonna happen you looking at it wouldnt do anything'
shigayokagayama · 6 months
I'm requesting a ritsu ocd headcanon dump or something along those lines
thank you
-i imagine there are just like. after getting a diagnosis there are so many things he can look on so many things about how he acted in his childhood and be like "why the FUCK did no one figure out something was wrong oh my GOD" like. "having to double check all the lights off before he leaves the house because he learned about global warming and carbon footprints at school and now he has to make sure that all the lights off or he'll kill the planet" kind of deal
-trying to bend spoons as a compulsion ("maybe THIS time it will work and then everything will be fine but if i dont try then what if i lose the power and my brother blows up and hurts me and everyone" type thought track)
-so bad about reassurance seeking. definitely his biggest hurdle in recovery. even post confession arc i feel like theres a really long space of time where he keeps feeling like he has to check in on mob or something bad's going to happen
-big avoidance enjoyer. like "sorry i havent checked your messages in days i was convinced that you decided you didnt want to be friends anymore and somehow as long as i didnt read the message where you said that we'd still be fine"
-enormous perfectionist. getting a less than desirable grade on an assignment feels like the end of the world. "if i dont clutch this chemistry test my future is ruined and my whole family dies" type deal. post big cleanup he gets a lot better about this one
-more silly one uh super susceptible to chain emails and "reblog this or your mom will die" type stuff. theres a comic abt this one thats so fuckin funny to me
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