#'this actually has a lot to say about fem of nism'
gothicprep · 1 year
i can't believe that people are just now coming to the realization that hasan piker has a hamster in a wheel where his brain should be.
like all of his content isn't "um uh ummmm well um uhhh *buzzword salad*. *screaming* *punching furniture* *30 minutes of gamer chair reaction footage*"
i swear to god, the only reason he gets away with half of this is because he's handsome. if you had someone who embodied the aesthetic of a basement-dwelling reddit supermod doing this, the whole operation would be a failure to launch.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
C(r)abby-isms #1
Today we will look at the fine, fine work of Dr. Cassie and Dr. Abby who wrote a research paper discussing the feminism and female body image.  It’s a stunning piece of work by team C(r)abby: 
Anonymous asked:
I really don’t get the constant manipulation of pics. Isn’t the whole point for M to be recognized? I remember when I first met D I was surprised at how tiny he was —-even though he made it WELL known that he was “pint size”. I understand that we all have egos but this goes beyond that. To even distort the the images of people around you to improve your appearance? If she wanted a tall man beside her she should have married one. Thoughts? (Here we have a stunning, outside-the-box problem solving right here; If Mia is going to obsessed about Darren’s height, she should have chose a partner based solely on his longitude. Just imagine  how much easier dating would be if we simply chose ONE physical characteristic and only dated people who met that criteria.)   
Dr. Cassie @cassie1022 answered:
Nonnie, the constant exposure is absolutely to get little miss “I never wanted to be associated with someone famous” recognized. (Dr. Cassie points out that in 2016, Mia gave an interview in which she spoke about dating someone famous and how social media impacts her. Dr. Cassie has consistently misquoted her. Mia did not say she “never wanted to be associated with someone famous”, she said “Being closely associated with someone in the public eye—which was never something I really wanted or thought I would be—it wasn’t a predicament I thought I would find myself in.” In other words, falling in love with a celebrity wasn’t something she sought out or imagined for herself before Darren was on Glee.The ccers have long used this interview to hurl insults at Mia by misconstruing the context and meaning of this statement and insinuating she should have simply broke up with Darren rather than learn to cope with cyberbullies like Dr. C(r)abby).  The distortion of the people in pics with her is shining a GIANT spotlight on her lack of confidence in her appearance. (Since you have not established that in fact Mia IS altering photos to make herself appear shorter (such a weird thing to do), the only spotlight it is shining is the one on how you, Dr. Cassie, are a misogynistic bully. Like all good gaslighters, you and Dr. Abby simply repeat this lie over and over until the fandom believes that Mia is photoshopping photos of Darren). She’s physically attractive (She’s drop-dead gorgeous). She has no reason to constantly change things.  (you haven’t proved that she has in fact changed anyone’s image but one could argue that the reason would be that she is fat shamed by Darren fans). The thing about D is, he’s not that short but he’s super tiny (no, he isn’t “tiny” he is actually of average height and he has a perfectly normal BMI). He embraces it. I’m sure he’d like to be a little taller (really? why are you “Sure”? that is pure speculation on your part based on your own stereotypical biases), but he knows what he is and he’s comfortable in his own skin (you don’t know that), for the most part.M clearly isn’t. As for M making him taller and making herself look thinner, well, it just shows how unhappy with herself she is (you are literally body shaming her AND criticizing her for feeling self-conscious for being publicly body shamed AND dismissing the role you are playing in the body shaming. THIS IS the epitome of misogyny! THIS is so harmful to young women. I can’t...). She could marry a man taller than her if that’s what she wants (besides the obvious- you made up this entire trope about her height issues- healthy, self -actualized  adult humans actually chose their life-mate for a variety of reasons- they don’t chose based on 1 single, superficial physical characteristics).  She wants to make D suffer more, and that’s twisted (She makes Darren suffer more?!!!!????  Hahahaha...omg...what? Please explain how exactly is Darren suffering? Even if you are correct and she hates that he isn’t quite tall enough, how does altering a photo actually making Darren suffer? That is so stupid I can’t believe you wrote that, Dr. Cassie). 
Dr. Abby @ajw720 added:
My opinion, she clearly hates her appearance, (well Dr. Abby, since you wrote the trope, we would expect nothing less.... however it is a huge leap in logic and one you cannot make based on the evidence you have provided-at least you did label it as “my opinion” because that is all it is) otherwise it is not necessary (again you bully and body-shame her  and then claim any concerns she may have are invalid- pretty gross and misogynistic) So instead of being a strong and proud woman, the definition of feminism (but is it really the definition of feminism? nope, no it is not fem·i·nism: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes; feminism noun fem·​i·​nism | \ ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests) who maybe thinks she has flaws but embraces them,(like you do Abby?) she is anything but (so according to Abby, a feminist is a woman who is strong  and proud with flaws she embraces-not the definition of “feminism” and men and be feminists), and instead she has reduced herself to having to fit into a ridiculous stereotype (you call it a “ridiculous stereotype” and yet you have called her “big boned” and claimed she isn’t thin enough to wear a strappy gown) if being a tiny woman that fits in a size 0 (hmmm.. from what I can see the only person reducing Mia to a “ridiculous stereotype of being a tiny woman” is YOU, Dr. Abs. You also refer to yourself as “tiny AF”).  Really sad (Yep, you are really sad).
Even sadder? (tell us!) Those young impressionable woman that think she is super feminist and a role model, now all think they have to be super skinny to achieve this, not because she is a size 0, but because she photoshops herself in every damn photo to have that appearance instead of embracing her body. (Wait wait wait....let me make sure I understand this, Dr. Abby- you’re demonizing Mia for a theory you fabricated about her hating her own body so much that she photoshops her husband to be taller than her (He already is taller than her) and You are not upset that we live in a fat-shaming society which pressures women and girls to be skinny or that Darren’s fans bully Mia over her body size, her hygiene, and her style ? Nooooooo, you’re upset that girls and women look up to Mia and the crime is that she might be both self-conscious about her body AND a feminist at the same time? That is what you really believe is “sadder”? First of all, once again, you do not understand the definition of “feminist”-and I know you have been schooled on it many times. A feminist is NOT a “strong and proud women” who never suffers from self esteem issue, you twit. A feminist is someone who believes in equality of the sexes.  What I find “sadder” is that you mislead young girls and women about what a feminist is by repeating the same misogynistic tropes spread by the patriarchy. I find it “sadder” that women who follow you learn that strippers contaminate where they sit with their dirty, drippy vaginas (whereas singers standing on the same surface with or without shoes hasn’t even made you blink)). Yet we are the ones who are body shaming…..(stating that Mia is “big boned” and “too big for that gown” and criticizing her hygiene does in fact make you the one doing the body shaming-it is the very definition of body shaming) 
As we have said before, D is tiny, (yes, you keep repeating that...why is that Abby? What about him being tiny gets you off?)  he makes nearly every adult human look large in comparison (well there are a lot of adult humans who are his size including his wife) if that makes her uncomfortable, here is a novel idea, stop holding herself out as his plus 1 (also fake) and i don’t know, the world see her with her actual man who happens to be tall.(once again you’ve written an entire backstory with motivation, feelings and motivation behind a photo that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. It’s all YOUR fantasy Abby and what you WANT to believe is true; her actual man is Darren Criss.  They got married on February 16, 2019. You might remember the night.). 
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