#'wait I know whats gonna happen next its X right? oh its gonna be fucken awesome' and then it DID happen but 10000 times better bc i didnt
merrily-radiant · 1 year
I finished rewatching Our Flags Means Death yesterday bc I didnt remember much of it except that there were gay (AS FUCK) pirates in it (and by god was I right) but what my attention damaged little brain failed to remind me was how fucking gOOD IT IS??? LIKE???? HELLO????
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nobody7102 · 5 years
We Are Here
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Paring: Eddie Kaspbrak x reader
Warnings: Slight abuse(physical and sexual), swearing, attempted suicide, fluff, bad spelling.
Word count: 2284 words
Request by @artlovingbre​
Prompt: I was wondering if you can do an Eddie Kaspbark x reader when they are at the hotel and Eddie was cleaning up after the leaper part at the pharmacy and the reader is in her room looking for something and Henry is in her room instead of Eddie’s and he tried to force himself on her and Richie, Eddie, Ben, and Benverly saves her. And Eddie comforts her in the end.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post this, I’ve been a little busy with school but I’m proud that I finally have this done. I altered it a little bit from the request, I hope you enjoy!
     The water of the shower could be heard through the thin walls of the hotel, and the smell of vomit wafted in the air though there was no vomit in Y/N’s room, there was however vomit in Eddie’s room next door. 
     Y/N had been lucky in getting her token, yes her quest for it was horrifying due to nearly getting trapped by your own mind. 
     That damn flower, your token had been in the form of a bundle of bloodroot. Given to you by your personal living hell Henry Bowers, after the losers club disbanded in 1989 Bowers had for some reason taken an interest in you, and thus for the last few weeks of summer you were his personal indentured servant. Doing whatever he wanted you to do, but the line in the sand held up when it came to anything illegal and sexual. He never got more than a makeout.
     In Derry the flower was only found near the river, so that’s where you went. From the other Loser’s standpoint they would have thought that Bowers was the challenge Pennywize made that you had to get past in order to get your token. But it was yourself.
     You watched yourself emerge from the river, and almost was pulled into the river itself. When she had gotten back from the river Eddie had met her outside of the hotel doors taking in each other's shaken state, and upon entering Beverly, Ben, Bill, and Mike could be found in the lounge all faces covered with terror as Richie stormed up to his room. No one bothered to ask why you smelled like a wet dog or why Eddie was covered in vomit simply because they knew getting a token was like going through hell.
      What the others didn’t know was that Eddie was the only one who knew about what happened between Y/N and Bowers that summer and he made sure to let you get away from everyone else first knowing you’d be shaken up the worst of the two. Eddie was her rock, and the only girl in Derry that Mrs. Kaspbrak trusted to be alone with her little Eddie-kins. When Y/N wasn’t with Bowers when the losers temporarily disbanded, she was with Eddie calming him over his health worries, him helping her deal with Henry, the two just worked together. And everyone of the losers knew it..
     So here there Y/N sat, water dripping from Y/H/C hair as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. 
     Walking along the bank Y/N watched were the sand met the grass and a tree, that was were she’d find her token. 
     “You know you’ll just end up going back to him” The voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t pinpoint who it was. Nonetheless she continued to walk. 
      “You’ve been his and always will be. Did you really think you could get rid of him by leaving” Looking to the water there stood Y/N, but not Y/N….. another Y/N. Dripping water, lips blue and skin sunk in and her hand outstretched to the Y/N standing on the sandbank.
     Moving to sit father back on the bed Y/N retreated under the blankets, burrowing into them. Closing her eyes and thinking of being back at her apartment ...being wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with Eddie reading a book or just talking. 
     You two were a bit more lucky than the rest of the losers. After you all went off to college and forgot your horrid childhood in Derry, you and Eddie had the luck of meeting at a college party. Since then you and he had been inseparable. He helped you through your time looking for a job and an apartment. You helped him through his divorce with Myra, and long story short you two had already kind of reconnected, became roommates, and needless to say when you and Eddie both got the call from Mike about coming back to Derry, both of you were absolutely terrified. 
     Feeling a shift in weight on the bed, with her eyes still closes Y/N rolled into her side feeling a hand rest on her face. 
     “Eddie?....could you maybe dry off from your shower then do that.”
     “That freak wishes he was me”
     The hand went to your throat and your eyes shot open. Ladies and Gentlemen the one and only Henry Fucking Bowers. 
     “Miss me baby?” A shit eating grin came upon him. 
     Running of the water filled the air as the Y/N from the watery grave stood at the edge of the bank holding a hand out to Y/N. 
     “You know he won’t go away. He will never go away.”
     “...N-no..” she forced herself to speak, “he is locked away, he is in the mental facility….he….he is gone.” 
     “We both know that’s a lie Y/N” water dripped down her face “...and we both know how this’ll end… He will never be gone…..you know what we have to do, do what Mom did. What Stan did… you know its what we have to do.” the watery Y/N backed away submerging herself into the water once again before her head disappeared below the water.
     Y/N slowly made her way over to the water and began to walk in, she knew she shouldn’t but… the memories that came flooding back…. Memories that not even Eddie or derry knew of.
      In his other hand he held a knife gliding it along her cheek “Because I missed you” he dragged it closer to her mouth “I want you to know that I forgive you for that summer baby…..and if you scream” he leaned down to her ear “I’ll do what I should have done 27 years ago.” licking the shell of her ear Bowers slowly moved himself to stand and moved the knife to her abdomen. 
      Looking to the night stand he noticed the flowers
     “I want you to strip baby.... Just like the old days”
     “I didn’t give you jack shit in the old days.” Y/N spat sitting up.
     “Thats what you think baby. But if I rem-” a knock came to the door, “You keep your fucken mouth suck you whore.” digging the knife further into her abdomen but not enough to draw blood. Another knock came. 
     “Y/N, we were all gonna order a pizza.” 
     It was Bev, regardless of what he heard Bowers kept all his attention on Y/N. mumble came from the hall as the conversation about food for the night continued.
     “What did she say?” Ben, he was wise enough to know that Y/N would say something if they interrupted her sleep… he remembered that right?
     “I don’t know, she hasn’t said anything” 
     “She’s probably asleep.”
     No! Come on Ben she yelled at you for waking her up one time after she gave you a warning.
     “Fuckers why haven’t we ordered pizza, is Eddie being picky about having to share?”
     Richie, finally someone who would barge into her room. 
      “Eddie Spaghetti! We are having pizza get over it!” he banded on Eddie’s door, 
     “Fuck-face I have no issue with pizza, they’re waiting for Y/N”
     “Oh...has she given you a warning?”
     Bowers glared daggers at Y/N mouthing “what warning?”
     “This!” she quickly backed away from the knife, grabbing the lamp off of the nightstand on the other side of the bed. Throwing it at him.
     By now everyone outside had heard the lamp being thrown, and shouts of concern filled the air as they rammed the door. 
     “You little whore!” Henry shouted nearly avoiding the lamp. Charging over to the other side of the bed Y/N scrambled trying to get to the bathroom. Catching her arm, Bowers yanked her backwards as the door finally was forced open. 
     Holding the knife back to her abdomen he turned her towards the losers. 
      “Move and the bitch dies.” 
     Bev, Ben and Richie all slowly put their hands up but Eddie tried to make his way over to Y/N and Bowers. 
     “Take one more step and see what happens! I dare you!”
     Water up to her shoulders, tears streaming down her face thoughts flowed through her head and the thought of Eddie… she hadn’t told him how she felt… that she loved him, that she had loved him since childhood, that she fell in love with him again after they had met in college, that coming back to Derry had made all those feelings stronger. Forcing her feet to move back towards land Y/N Felt hands on her shoulders as a force shoved her head below the water. 
     Arms flailing about as the water became a muck with bubbles and dirt she tried forcing herself upwards but the force held her in the same spot. Suddenly everything started to go dark her flailing became weaker and her eyes slowly started to shut. 
     “Eddie plea-”
     “Not another word out of you!” The knife went back into her side, this time drawing a little blood. “Look at all of you, weak. Pathetic.” 
     “Have you seen yourself? You still have that same fucken mullet, it been like fifty yea-”
 “SHUT UP! Shut up germ freak, or your little whore here dies.” 
     If looks could kill Eddie would have just committed over-kill. Fist forming, eyes wide, yet his feet didn’t move knowing the risk of that could happen.
     “Here’s what we’re gonna do fucktards, All of you are gonna go into the next room, and I’m gonna take what’s mine and go back to the barnes. If any of you try anything I will gut her right here righ no-” CLANK! 
     Henry’s grip on Y/N loosened she bolted over to Eddie collapsing into his arms tears streaming down her face..
      Henry had fallen to the ground unconscious as Bill stood over him, the back lid of the toilet in his hands. 
     “Woah Big Bill! How the fuck did you get into the bathroom?!” Richie slowly staggered over to Bowers and Bill, taking the knife out of Bower’s hand. 
     “T-turns out c-limbing in a win-w-window isn’t that h-h-hard.” he dropped the porcelain lid.
     Feeling the weight leave her shoulders she felt someone pull her up from the water. Hearing a voice she thought been dead.
     “Come on Y/N, You know Eddie’s gonna kick your ass. It’s not your time! You’re not meant to be here yet!”
     Groaning feeling the rocks of the sandbank the voice continued. 
     “That’s it Y/N, wake up! You still have to get the flower. Come on I believe in you! Besides you need to tell Eddie, we both know you need to tell him.”
     “Stan?..” Slowly opening her eyes she glanced around before sitting up.
     She was alone. Yet she knew Stan had been there… she felt his presence, had…..had he saved her?
     Seated on the couch in front of the fireplace of the hotel Y/N and Eddie sat next to one and other, Eddie had wrapped a blanket around Y/N he continued a conversation will her trying to take her mind off of what had just happened. This wasn’t the first time Eddie’s had to distract Y/N from having a panic attack, but this was the first time it was after a life or death situation so the steaks were a little higher. 
     “So you think Stan saved you?”
     “I swear to god it was his voice Eddie…..and he…… he pulled me from the water” Y/N had pulled the blanket tighter around herself. “.... he told me it wasn’t my time, and that I-....” she stopped herself taking a breath debating whether she truly wanted to open this door.
     “Hey. You know you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to… we’ve known and lived together long enough for you to know that I’m not gonna push you to say anything.” he took her hand in his. 
     “I know…. But if I don't say this now I don’t think I’ll ever do it… and god I need to say this.” Y/N let out a sigh moving to more face Eddie, squeezing his hand a bit.
     “Eddie… we both know that the relationship that we had as kids was a bit…..”
     “Different” he chimed in chuckling
     She smiled “Yes. Different…. I don’t know if its because we just spent too much time together as kids or because you were there for me when Bowers was my living hell…” she paused taking a breath. “Eddie…. I-......I loved you, I have science middle school and i don’t know how I forgot but after we found each other again in college…. Everything, all of my feelings for you were amplified. And coming back here” she looked at their intertwined hands “It was like opening the floodgates. And Stan was right… I needed to tell you this..” 
     “Oh thank god” Eddie let out a sign squeezing Y/N’s hand back “....Stan would always tell me in high school ‘come on man just tell Y/N how you feel’.... And I never thought anything would happen from it…. Looks like I was wrong… and like you said coming back just heightened everything…...then when I saw Bowers I-...I was terrified, but we’re here and he is gone, far far gone, and I swear to you Y/N I won’t ever let that happen… but we are here and…..and that’s enough right now because I love you and that’s all that matters.”
     Y/N looked up form their hands seeing the smiling Kaspbrak. Moving closer to him she rested her head on Eddie’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist. A soft humm came from the two as he kissed her forehead, not long after that the two passed out on the couch in front of the fire. And they were there. Together in their own little bubble for the time being.
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