#'what if rom retained her conciousness'
bornetoblood · 1 year
Okay Rom Headcannnon post (I’m thinking about her).
Her full name is Ramona- gets shortened to Rom by her friends.
Botany and Entomology expert!!
Actually just as fucked up and morally bankrupt as her peers (we LOVE that for her).
I can see her being the most outwardly mean to the hunters in this really passive aggressive way (all the scholars are rude to them for classist reasons Rom just vocalises that the most often).
That said I can see her being willing to help and cooperate more so than the other scholars too- especially if it concerns the feilds she’s passionate about.
I can see her getting close with Caryll and Ludwig specifically cus of their Great One connections.
Her relationship with Luddy starts specifically so she can steal his sword and run tests on it but she actually gets to know him and it helps her combat some of that afformentioned classism.
I think her and Micolash had like a thing. Not really romanic or sexual but they were closer than they were to anyone else.
That thing falls appart cus they’re both waaay more focused on their research than living people. Cus they don’t really see the point if they’re gonna ascend.
I think her and Mic were the people who decided to start cracking people’s skulls open at the Hamlet lmao.
I can see her putting herself forward for the “let’s eat Kos’ umbilical chord and see what happens” experiment very enthusiastically but over time she got disilusioned with the idea and regretted it deeply.
That said, Rom’s ascension was SLOW. Painfully slow. Like ‘did anything even happen?’ for the first few months after she ate the thing.
So life goes on as normal, she has some weird dreams but doesn’t really think much of them. Then everything comes to ahead at like senior year ball or smth.
And then it’s like SUDDEN and awful and traumatic and not what anyone (non the less Rom) was expecting it to be and she dies halfway through and her body is cut up and thrown into the lake.
Now Rom is a big spider without her big spider legs and she’s pissed off at her ex-peers for being complicit and that’s why she holds back the Blood Moon Mic wants I think.
Anyway she’s representative of women as test subjects that Laurence specifically goes on to do a lot more of as well as the more body horror aspects of ascension.
I also think she’s got something to do with those little eye spider guys in the Nightmare of Mensis but that might just be cus Mic’s thinking of her lmao.
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