#'why dont oyu block them' i forget to do so. even if i did i hate them
dragoncarrion · 5 months
is anyone else kind of tired of those instagram artists that use reels as a personal diary. like who gives a fuck. journal or something instead just get out of my sight
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activatingaggro · 7 years
the scarf wars, p3
Featuring Pheres Dysseu [RS], Hadean [ID], Lucina [DP], Ullane [JM], and Emerel [MN].
[The conversation continued after the spat -]
RS: | Yes | Well | That's Because You're a Good | Upstanding Person |
RS: | Hadean | Haha |
ID: no need to lie about me. =;)
RS: | Ha | =:B | I have Seen No Evidence to the Contrary |
RS: | As My Moirail would Say | You will Need to Step Up Your Game |
ID: =:!
ID: you said you just had a matesprit!
ID: i think.
DP: Tell me more abovt yovr rvin diving Hadean | Yov mvst have seen some really great things
ID: wait is emerel your pale.
ID: i need a fucking graph.
RS: | What |
DP: No that's his red | I think
RS: | I didn't Say I had a Matesprit |
DP: That is yovr red | Right?
RS: | Where Did I Say I had a Matesprit | ? |
ID: okay i remember asking about your quads.
RS: | Pale and Flushed are Both Red Quadrants | Lucina |
ID: and you said you just had. them.
RS: | Right |
DP: Yes bvt | I distinctly remember that we've been talking abovt how yov have a green red
ID: now i am hearing of a moirail.
DP: Please tell me | Where that one came from
RS: | It was an Unfortunate Turn of Phrase |
RS: | As Sipara would Say | How is That | ? |
DP: Uh huh | Well alright then
DP: If yov say so
RS: | | I am Going to Correct This | Largely to Prevent any Unfortunate Misunderstandings |
RS: | I am not Pale with Emerel | Emerel and I are |
ID: I mean emerel is the one who invited you to join in his shower right.
DP: Oh my | Well then
RS: | Um |
DP: I feel less awkward now | After hearing that one
RS: | You Misread That | in a Very Terrible Way |
ID: no i did not.
RS: | I am Honestly Rather Appalled | But Perhaps I should Not Be |
RS: | Given Your Predilection with Discussing Garters with Nikola |\
RS: | Yes You Did |
ID: he said if you were in the area. you were free to join him.
ID: in the shower.
RS: | No | No |
RS: | No | =:| |
DP: I feel like this is where someone less civilized | Wovld be whistling Pheres
RS: | You Conflated Two Separate Concepts |
ID: no i did not. =:I
RS: | Honestly | The Both of You should Get Your Minds out of the Gutter |
ID: i know a flirty invitation when i read one.
DP: Bvt the real qvestion is | DO yov join him in the shower
ID: he wanted some warmth in his ablution block.
RS: | He Stated If I was Near His Home | Then I should Come and Visit |
RS: |- AND -|
RS: | The Emphasis is on |- AND -|
RS: | He would be Taking a Shower |
RS: | With the Unspoken Condition that I should Wait to Arrive |
RS: | | So He is Not In The Shower |
JM: Oh god. What have I walked into.
DP: I don't know | Bvt it's qvite entertaining
ID: ahahahah wow if you believe that you are dense.
ID: what is flirting to you pheres. a troll ripping their clothes off and throwing thesmelves to your sweet mercies?
DP: Don't think I didn't notice that yov failed to answer my qvestion
JM: Some trolls. Like that.
JM: The weird ones.
RS: | Thank You for that Stunning Addition | JM |
JM: I am. So proud to have added it.
RS: | I Think We have all Caught that Hadean Likes That | Given that He Came Up With It |
DP: Alright so it's canon | Wow I can't believe I said canon thanks Pademi
DP: That Pheres jvmps into the shower | With that Emerel gvy(edited)
JM: No I think he is just. Having a laugh. At your expense. Alas.
ID: oh so now i'm lying huh. >=:I
ID: i wonder how emerel would feel.
DP: No yov're not lying Hadean | He's just being obstinate
ID: about my lies.
RS: | And | Lucina | I don't Think the People I Shower With are Entirely Relevant to You |
RS: | =:1 |(edited)
RS: | Also | Oh My God |
DP: So yov do admit to it | Good to know
JM: Can someone message him
RS: | | I am Going to Go Check on My Booth |
JM: To see what he thinks
DP: Does anyone here know his tag | Or how to contact him
JM: Sadly I don't
ID: i know he'll eventually show up here.
ID: and i will not forget this. =>:I
JM: We'll have such things
JM: To tell him
RS: | You are All Dreadful |
RS: | =>:( |
[Pheres leaves the chat! The discussion continues.]
JM: Only when it is
JM: very funny
ID: well pheres. perhaps you brought it on yourself.
ID: =>:I
DP: Do yov think we covld find it | If we scrolled vp
ID: oh why yes we could.
JM: How about
JM: We just search his name
DP: Let's jvst take a little field trip here | To find this mysteriovs Emerel
DP: Alright everyone | Let's get searching
JM: meganeNarcissus
JM: appears to be his tag
ID: why.
DP: Excellent
ID: seems i will have to contact this tag.
JM: Do tell us
JM: How that turns out
ID: oh i will give oyu all front row seats. hopefully.
JM: Yes
JM: good
DP: Please give me a front row ticket | I need to see this
JM: I get bored in the caverns
JM: I need silly drama
JM: To watch
[ Emerel gets invited in! ]
MN: okaaay .MY. flat grEEn ass is hErE
MN: why am .I. bEing summonEd again
ID: so glad you could join us. =:)
ID: to cear up some chat confusion of course!
ID: you see, dear pheres dropped some confusing knowledge on us before business drew them away.
ID: =:(
DP: Pheres was trying to convince us | That yov've never invited him into a shower
DP: Amongst other things
MN: oh .MY. god what is hE doing this timE(edited)
ID: why, according to him your flirtacious offer of a steamy shower together.
ID: was just an invitation to stand awkwardly around your hive until you could finish and join him.
ID: =:(
JM: He says you're not matesprits
JM: confirm or deny
ID: also that in so many words. =:(
MN: pfffft
MN: wow okay
MN: hold on and lEt .ME. scroll up to sEE what ElsE hEs bEEN saying
MN: ...
MN: what
MN: .........
ID: is he prone to bouts of shyness?
ID: or perhaps. dare i say it.
ID: shame?
JM: That's a bit too mean
MN: wEll hE is but
MN: .I.m going to go talk to him
ID: good luck. =;) perhaps he is in need of more. brazen shows of your affections.
ID: to help qualm whatever insecurities he might have.
MN: right
MN: thanks for contacting .ME.
MN: byE
ID: bye~
ID: well. now either pheres will thank me or curse my name.
ID: and better than that.
ID: he'll know better than to try and call me a liar.
DP: Uh | Wow
DP: He didn't even confirm or deny | I don't think that's a good sign
ID: =:)
[REGRETS ARE HAD. By some, but not Hadean.]
JM: This is not
JM: really what I was expecting
DP: Well I guess we won't know how it went | Until we hear from one of them
JM: I hope they resolve it
ID: well imagine if it was your mate denying your quad's existence.
ID: the guy had a right to know.
ID: i just might have gone about it nicer if pheres had fucking deserved it.
ID: as it is.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DP: Still | I hope Emerel will be alright
DP: Those dots can't have been good
ID: try not to worry too much.
ID: your worries will do nothing for them. either they'll communicate and work it out.
ID: or their ship will meet a watery end.
ID: uwu
DP: I gvess you're right | Still that's harsh
DP: I'd hate it if someone I was close to | Svddenly started acting like they didn't know me
DP: This is what I was trying to tell him | Bvt it's his problem at the end of the day
ID: damn right. you're not his rail, not your problem.
DP: I feel sorry for his rail | They have a hell of a job with him
ID: i mean jeesh and they call me high maintenance. =:I
ID: at least i'm mostly just physically destructive.
DP: Whereas Pheres is socially destrvctive | And covldn't be less self aware if he tried(edited)
ID: what a mess in the worst way. anyways! who is here that didn't get scared away by that! other than dp.
[ In the meanwhile, Emerel contacts Pheres! ]
[ meganeNarcissus [MN] began trolling refiningSpacetime [RS] ]
MN: hEy
RS: | Emerel | Hello | ! |
RS: | You are On Speech to Voice | No | Um |
RS: | Speech to Text | Haha | So | I hope You Know that Exclamation Mark was Added Manually | By which I mean | Verbally |
RS: | | To Emphasize My Enthusiasm to Hear From You |
RS: | | It has Been a Long Night | Haha |
MN: yEah
MN: what happEnEd
MN: is EVErything okay(edited)
RS: | Ahh | Nothing You need to Worry About |
RS: | Just a bit of | Verbal Rough-Housing |
RS: | People get Overly Enthusiastic in Their Displays of Hate-Friendship | I Think | ! |
MN: that sounds likE a pain in thE ass
MN: sorry its bEEn rough
RS: | Haha | Isn't It | ? | They Mean Well | Though |
RS: | But | Never Mind That | How are You | ? |
MN: .I.m
MN: alright
MN: hEy .PHERES. can .I. ask you somEthing
RS: | That is a Very Hesitant Alright | Haha |
RS: | You're not Injured Again | Are You | ? |
RS: | And | Yes | Of Course | ! |
MN: no .I.m not hurt dont worry
MN: .PHERES. wE arE matEsprits right
MN: .I. mEan .I. assumE wE arE
MN: am .I. wrong
RS: | Um |
RS: | Wait | What | ? |
MN: .I. was wondEring
MN: bEcausE .I. loggEd in today and saw whErE you wErE tElling pEoplE that wE wErEnt
MN: did .I. misundErstand
RS: | I Thought We weren't Matesprits |
RS: | Wait | Ah | I'm Confused |
RS: | How Much Of That did You Read | ? |
MN: all of it prEtty much
MN: .I. gEt not wanting to talk about my showEr commEnts in public
MN: but .I. thought wE wErE matEsprits sincE youVE callEd .ME. your matEsprit in chat bEforE
RS: | Haha | Um |
RS: | Heavens | Um |
RS: | Um |
RS: | I Thought We weren't Matesprits | And That is Why We had That Conversation | about Kit |
RS: | Remember | ? |
RS: | At the Bar | ? |
MN: oh fuck wE dEfinitEly got confusEd again
RS: | I Apologise for Referring to You as My Matesprit in the Past | Um |
RS: | I was Not Expecting You to | ah | See That | ? | Or Read It | ? |
RS: | But | Ah |
RS: | That was |
RS: | Presumptuous of Me |
RS: | But | I didn't Mean It Seriously | Ah | I just |
RS: | | Orpheo is Very Excuberant | and Impressive | and Prone to Theatrics |
RS: | I thought It would | | | Um | Well |
RS: | I Don't Know What I was Thinking | Really |
MN: sEE .I. thought wE wErE formally matEsprits
MN: and .KIT. was a mEmbEr of thE fold in part of a rEd smEar nobody saw coming
MN: so you
MN: liEd to gEt an uppEr hand on orphEo in othEr words
MN: wEll thanks for tElling .ME. at lEast
MN: that would haVE bEEn nicE to know bEforE .I. got the wrong idEa
MN: onE of thEsE days wEll work out what wErE calling oursElVEs
RS: | Ah | Sorry | I'm Driving | Did I Mention That | ? |
RS: | Because I Am | And There was Traffic | Um |
RS: | I wasn't Ignoring You |
RS: | | You Said We Weren't Matesprits | When did You Decide We Were | ? |
RS: | Because | You didn't Tell Me |
MN: hEncE why wErE both confusEd
MN: fuck we rEally nEEd to work on this communication thing
MN: bEcausE wE both kind of suck at it
RS: | Hahahaha | Haha | Um |
MN: .I. rEally thought wE wErE bEcausE you said that
MN: and you said .KIT. was okay so .I. figurEd hE was actually okay
MN: .I. haVEnt touchEd anyonE ElsE
MN: .I. mEan .I. know .I.m a catch but
RS: | You Thought We were | For the | |
RS: | Hour After You Read That | ? |
RS: | Ah | No | That sounded Unkind | It isn't Meant to Sound Unkind |
RS: | Um |
RS: | I don't Mind Being Matesprits | Haha | Not at All |
RS: | I am Just | Startled |
RS: | And | Wait |
RS: | You Spoke to Kit First | ? |
RS: | Is He |
RS: | also | your matesprit | ? |
RS: | I Am Just A Little Confused Here |
RS: | Ha Ha Ha |
MN: wait what
MN: now .I.m confusEd
MN: plEasE rEpEat that in an actual languagE
RS: | Which Part | ? |(edited)
RS: | | That is Sincere | There are Several |
RS: | Haha |
MN: what do you mEan .I. talkEd to .KIT. first(edited)
RS: | You Said | You Assumed He was a Member of the Fold | Or | Whatever |
RS: | | Did I Misunderstand | ? |
RS: | Because I Thought that Meant | You were Saying He's Your Matesprit |
MN: thats what .I. figurEd
MN: sincE wE both carE about .KIT. and nEithEr of us want to lEaVE him alonE
MN: hEs not my matEsprit .PHERES.
MN: .I. thought you wErE
MN: shit this is confusing
RS: | Yes | I Care Deeply for Kit | But |
RS: | I'm not Sure What You Mean |
MN: .I. dont know
MN: somE wEird thrEE way quad is thE bEst way .I. can dEscribE this
RS: | And | Were | ? |
RS: | I Thought You Meant Are | haha | heavens |
RS: | usually people | say | propose to quadrants with | say | rings |
RS: | Three Way Quadrant |(edited)
RS: | ? |
RS: | IOh dear |
MN: .I. dont know what to call it
MN: but arE wE matEsprits or not .PHERES.
MN: bEcausE hEy
MN: .I. wouldnt mind bEing official
RS: | Haha | Hahahaha | Ha | Ha | Um |
RS: | Um |
RS: | Um |
MN: dudE brEathE
MN: dont actually diE on .MY. account
RS: | I'm Not | Don't Worry | Hahaha |
RS: | Sipara would be Upset |
RS: | I wouldn't Mind | At All | That would be Amazing | Really | But |
RS: | I don't Understand | Haha | Oh |
MN: .I. haVE no idEa whErE to put all that hair if .I. haVE to hidE a body .PHER.
MN: dont understand
MN: what do you mEan
RS: | Hold On | I'm Pulling Over |
RS: | What I mean is that I don't Understand | Why You Changed Your Mind | on If We are Quadrants |
MN: oh
MN: wEll
MN: bEcausE .I. thought about it
MN: and .I. was likE hEy .I. likE this idEa
MN: of bEing matEsprits with .PHERES.
MN: fuck this is sappy
MN: but you know
MN: yourE a fluffy wEirdo but yourE .MY. fluffy wEirdo and .I. wouldnt tradE you for anything
RS: | Oh | Haha | That's |
RS: | I'm Glad | =:B |
MN: plEasE dont makE .ME. ElaboratE on this anymorE bEcausE the lEVEls of mushy sap might actually turn .ME. into a trEE
RS: | | | I wouldn't Make You | But | Ah | You can Feel Free To | If You'd Like | Haha |
MN: oh boy
MN: whErE to bEgin(edited)
MN: alright lEts makE this formal
MN: ahEm
MN: will you
MN: with no miscommunication for oncE whatsoEVEr
MN: for thE loVE of EVEry forgottEn troll dEity out thErE lEts gEt our wirEs uncrossEd
MN: bE .MY. matEsprit(edited)
April 18, 2017
RS: | | Haha | Ha | Um |
RS: | Yes | ? | I already Said Yes | I Meant You can Extrapolate | on the Mush | But | Ah |
RS: | Um |
RS: | This | is Perfectly Acceptable | ? | ? |
RS: | Which is to Say | Yes | Of Course | =:B |
RS: | | But | Ah |
RS: | For Communication's Sake |
RS: | What did You Mean by Kit | ? |
RS: | | Are You Two Quadrants Now | ? |
RS: | Wait | no | Shit |
RS: | Wait | Oh | Let Me Turn off This Voice Program |
RS: | | |
RS: | Okay | My Apologies | Emerel | We Can't be Matesprits |
RS: | I don't Have a Ring For You | Or | An Earring | Or |- ANYTHING -|
MN: no
MN: .I.m strEamlining it morE
MN: basically .I. guEss EVErything is the samE
MN: including stuff with .KIT.
MN: ExcEpt wErE not flailing around like wRigglErs trying to talk through a cup and string
MN: dudE .PHERES. wE could sEriously opEn up a jEwElry storE with all thE jEwlrEy wE haVE bEtwEEn us
RS: | Oh | Right | That makes Sense | Ah | The Bit about Smearing just | Confused Me | Haha |
RS: | And | Well | Yes | But You don't Have Anything in My Colour | ! |
MN: bEt .I. could find somEthing prEtty nicE whEn .I. go out again ;)
RS: | ! | ! |
RS: | Oh | Haha | I will Get Something in Yours | Then | If You'd like to Do It Like That |
MN: sounds good
MN: now thE big quEstion hErE is
MN: what kind of jEwElry
MN: haha itll be a surprisE
RS: | Haha | Rings are Traditional | ! |
RS: | | But | Whatever Works for You | =:B | A Surprise sounds Lovely | ! |
RS: | So | Ah | Do You want Me Saying that We are Matesprits | Then | ? |
MN: .I. likE thE sound of that
RS: | Haha | | Good | ! |
RS: | Ah | Can I Mention This to Kit | ? |
MN: what arE you going to tEll him?
RS: | Um | that We are Officially Matesprits | ? |
RS: | He is Going to Come Visit a Girl with Me | while I Sort Out a Certain Mess |
RS: | So He night Have Questions about The Jewelry | Haha |
RS: | | | But | I don't have to Mention It |
MN: knowing .KIT. that
MN: might upsEt him a littlE
MN: you know how sElf conscious hE tEnds to gEt
MN: so for thE timE bEing maybE not yEt
RS: | Haha | Ah |
RS: | Alright | ! |
RS: | Good That I Asked | =:) |
RS: | I shall Keep My Lips Zipped |
RS: | So to say |
MN: wEll tEll him just
MN: not quitE yEt
RS: | Haha | Okay |
MN: .I. haVE to gEt back to work now
MN: papErwork is a bitch ugh
MN: .I.ll tExt you whEn .I. gEt donE
MN: <3
RS: | I should Get Back to Driving | I have to Go To the Train Station | So |
RS: | Ah | <3 |
RS: | <3 | <3 | <3 |
MN: drivE safE babE
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