#'wild hair' is my dad's favorite phase and i don't hear many other people use it in everyday life so thank you for that
andavs · 4 months
the frustrating thing about it is that none of it feels grounded in reality or even in the show's narrative at all - like, yeah, 911 is often OTT with the emergency calls, but the interpersonal stuff usually feels very grounded and real, and this is like..... not.
honestly all of eddie's storylines this season have been like that. they had him move his gf in and then kick her out again two days later and apparently his son who lives him was not even worth mentioning as a consideration in all this?? random debilitating catholic guilt from the resident skeptic because eh, he's latino, they all have weird catholic shit going on, right? dead wife doppelganger cheating because apparently shannon had a secret twin or something? like, none of it feels grounded in reality or in the character we've gotten to know up til now, and i'm honestly so aggravated by people acting like it's some massively clever choice to have him act completely OOC this season instead of just lazy, incoherent writing because tim had a wild hair up his ass about doing vertigo
I think @eddiegettingshot put it best: it's just a goofy fucking storyline, and everything they've written for him this season has been goofy. The only episode that felt sincere was the premiere, and that was more about Chris.
I'm sure the plan here is to have a goofy premise that turns serious and packs a huge emotional punch at the climax that I know Ryan will absolutely crush—but the execution and pacing, with Bobby's dedicated episode in the middle, is making it drag out way too long and I'm ready for it to be over.
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