#'ye (formerly known as kanye west) unbanned from x (formerly known as twitter)'
townofcrosshollow · 1 year
A dark day for headline writers
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uwm-art150 · 9 months
X(formerly Twitter)
For my last Tumblr post I decided to focus on X(formerly known as Twitter) and more specifically, how Elon Musk has changed it for the worse. Elon Musk initiated his purchase of Twitter back in April 14 2022, and finalized his purchase on October 27 2022. Since then, there have been a multitude of poor decisions by Musk that have alienated many of his users. Some of the controversial decisions that he has made include unbanning a multitude of controversial users and backtracking on many of the promises he has made such as stepping down as CEO(which took nearly 6 months). Some of the users who were unbanned include Ye(formerly Kanye West), Donald Trump, known neo-nazi Andrew Anglin, and Andrew Tate. These decisions by Musk generate a huge discussion regarding race and cultural diversity. Ye for example has been in the news the past few years for his increasing antisemitism. In fact, Ye was re-banned only weeks after being reinstated for posting the nazi symbol intertwined with the star of david. Also, former President Trump has now been given a platform to push his political agenda, causing many users to quit twitter altogether because they do not agree with his radical agendas. The reinstatement of accounts such as these with terrible messages about hate and racism do not belong on a social media site and people with these kinds of agendas should not be given a platform. However, Musk seems to think that the reinstatement of these accounts are just a part of freedom of speech. The issue at hand relates to the course readings by creating discussion about if the people reinstated really deserve a platform and creating real discussion about the effect the accounts at hand have on people of color and certain religions. Ye, for example, has been immensely anti semitic towards jewish people and has been very open about his strange admiration for Hitler. Twitter(X) has gone from a place where people  have been able to openly share their opinions, news, etc. to a place where people can openly share hatred about race, religion, and cultures that they feel are not as “superior” as their own.   
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