jvzebel-x · 8 months
#seeing idiots phrase things re:biden as 'bUt TrUmP wOuLd bE wOrSe' 'hEd dO tHe SaMe tHiNg BuT kIlL pPl hErE tOo--'#makes me feel filthy. just reading the thought process makes me feel like i bathed in blood.#remember when biden first took office&ppl (ESP ppl from places w history being torn the fuck apart by usamerican presidents+policy)#were openly trepidatious about it bc trump had gone thru 2 separate secretary of defenses (one of which was fucking mad dog mattis)#specifically bc hes a toddler who couldnt sit thru meetings about international policy#while biden already had A Lot of history that left international blood all over his fucking hands#&ppl SCREAMED about 'WUT ABOUT US???? SO YOU JUST THINK WE SHOULD ALL DIE??? YOU JUST THINK WE SHOULD LET TRUMP KILL US ALL???'#'WE'RE JUST TRYING TO SAVE OURSELVES--'#the selfishness was palpable&disgusting when it was happening&seeing ppl in real time transmit that feeling directly into#'yeah theres a genocide going on BUT THINK ABOUT WHAT WE HAVE TO GO THRU WHAT YOU THINK TRUMP WOULD BE BETTER???#YOU WANT US ALL DEAD??? YOURE ALL SO MEAN. >:('#makes me feel disgust that i usually reserve exclusively for pigs+billionaires.#im glad nothing ever disappears on the internet. i hope these cunts are haunted by their centrism in the times that come.#palestine will be free and when historical revisionism tries to make all these ppl feel better about themselves by downplaying#their complicity in this horror there will be no running from their own fucking record of selfishness.
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citrus-feline · 6 years
good ideas for society dont work cuz there are people who will take advantage of the goodness in other people’s hearts. thats why i want to live on a small island with people who won’t be shitty and destroy everything through their selfishness. the problem of these concepts isn’t the concept itself but the people who take advantage of it. things would be so much easier if people were just nice and thought about others instead of just themselves. but that can’t work because of how so many people aren’t that way. the reason it goes to shit is because awful people do awful things knowing full well they are awful!!! its not a flaw of the concept its a flaw in the people involved!!! thats why we cant be fucking accepting of every single idea we hear. some go waaay too fucking far and that needs to be shut down or whomp whomp our government formed for peace and freedom is now taken over by shit heads calling for genocide. when ppl give communism shit i just wonder if they think that the problem is the thing itself. cuz most do. people think communism is evil and disgusting. thru like all of high school all i heard about it was “it looks good on paper but not in practice” okay? but why?? why can’t that translation be made? the answer is... SHITTY PEOPLE!!!!!! EVERYTHING WOULD BE BETTER IF THEY DIDN’T BE SHITTY BUT WOAH THERE THEY GO!!!!!!!! stuff goes to shit in history with that kinda thing because the original intentions for equality and fairness is kicked down by someone who can’t fathom being nice to anyone ever and cant stand the idea of being equal to others. people who go grabbing at power like that in a society where there isn’t SUPPOSED to be power are shitty, awful, disgusting people who ruin the entire concept. we should just go back to having villages, man. that’s so much easier to handle. you got big ass societies like this fuck hole and you can’t keep track of fucking anyone unless u r the big bad gobernment owo!!!!
theres too many fuckin people in every given place, dude. look at chicago. and even in such a dense place the contrast in people is so fucking noticeable. like homeless people out in the freezing cold begging for food money a block down from where a big ass fancy apartment building is that is sooo rich that it plays on that “futuristic” “totally clean” aesthetic. man fuck that. fuck that so much. some ppl confuse me so fuckin much with how they can’t fathom equality. how they are scared of it. how they think that the younger generations of today starting to move in that direction shows how “evil” they are. no! fuck off!! that’s the exact opposite of the intentions here!!!! is it so bad to want everyone to have a home and food on the table every night?!?! if u really feel the need to be better than others then cool good for fuckin you yknow how you do that? idk fuckin save up ur money to buy a cool car or something. fuckin whatever. as long as there arent people on the fucking streets and people going without food or healthcare. why is that such a fucking crazy concept to some of yall!!!!! humans are supposed to be kindhearted and look out for each other but so many of us have lost that to this competitive and toxic society we grew up in!!!!!!! just fuckin think about what it would be like to be in someone else’s shoes for a sec! like idk about u but i ask people in similar situations like me what they would do if they suddenly won the lottery and got tons of money and the answer 98% of the time is “help provide for people i care about and make their lives livable.” kind people exist dude!!! we are all fuckin here! rich people take advantage of others, if they acknowledge it  or not!! the system is bent and twisted so they can get to that completely different life style compared to everyone else!!! that shouldnt be a thing! that shouldnt be celebrated!!! even with the “good ones” that donate money, they are still fuckin up there. so it doesn’t maaatter. having differences in wages can be fine if its small differences and even the ppl at the bottom are able to live safely but thats not how it is rn. if those “good” rich ppl care sooo much about people in poverty rn then why are they still rich?? like im not even fucking kidding rn if i won the lottery or some shit i would try to provide a nice home for me and my boyfriend and it would be humble and comfy and enough that we wouldnt have to worry. the rest would go in savings and go to people who need it. the concept of so much excess money is so fucking stupid to me. savings are important but that isn’t savings thats sitting on a resource that people would kill each other for just so you can feel better than others. “look at all this money i have!!! oh? am i going to use it for anything? well. some things. but mostly just  having it so i feel better than everyone else”
its annoying dude
i literally had a convo with my brother yesterday and he said his goal in life is to be able to provide for his family. that is so fucking kind and sweet?? he works two jobs and i dont really see him much cuz he works so much. and that’s his thoughts when he’s working. he has a tendency to blow things out of proportion and have expectations way too high and yet despite that he still has this capacity to be a kind person. hmm. perhaps thats how all people should be??? everyone should have room for kindness in their hearts even with differences in personality??? like why is it so stupid for me to say that!!! “oh niko ur ignoring how the real world is ooohhh ur just making things seem worse by wanting the best” FUCK OFF!!! i want the best for people because i think humanity has a capacity to be kind and help each other!!! yeah i obviously cant do fuckin anything about that with how i am rn cuz i have like $20 in my savings rn but come the fuck on!!! dude! why am i a radical for thinking people deserve things???? why am i suddenly a bad person for saying that i think people should be equal? like of course its not that easy for yall it has to become a long ass conversation about how im shitty because blah blah blah and in history blah blah blah okay but bitch!! you aren’t LISTENING to me!!! humans are creatures with needs!!! if we are a society the goal should be to meet those needs!!! i shouldnt be fucking scared of my government!!! i shouldnt be fucking scared of the system that is supposed to protect me!! and yet i am cuz i feel like im just a number to them!!!! that’s all i fuckin feel like i am!! i try to be a kind person and im not sure why im given so much shit for that!!! everyone deserves food and water and a home!!!!! why is that so weird to say?! im just frustrated how people can think that! im a bad person for wanting people to be better off?? okay???? but... how? because my ideals are similar to an outline that hasnt worked in the past due to BAD PEOPLE taking ADVANTAGE of the kindness that others give? wow! doesn’t really fuckin sound like its MY problem!!! sounds like its the shitty people who are the problem!!!!!!
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