#'your parents are deeply flawed people who are stuck in some counterproductive patterns of their own'
tanadrin · 2 years
if there’s one piece of advice i could give my younger self, after ‘load up on bitcoin but only before it peaks the first time,’ or ‘you should get a head start on working out your Gender issues,’ it would be ‘learn to notice that tight feeling of frustration you feel when someone is clearly Doing It Wrong, like when you see bad art or bad poetry or when a kid in your class pronounces a word like “poem” funny, because not only is it just a feeling, and one you’re trained into by a set of social norms and prejudices about what is high prestige and what is low prestige, it’s a fundamentally ungenerous impulse, that interpretation of harmless variation as a kind of almost deliberate savagery, that turns a lot of people into raging assholes.’
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