#( jake connelly )
conejin · 10 months
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"It happened. Deal with it."
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒌 (𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑟 𝑈 #2) 🏒📰💋
✍🏽: 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
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hideiconsaway · 2 years
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- headers the risk [jake connelly&brenna jensen]
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bookishfae · 1 year
i just feel like coach jensen shouldve punched coach pederson in the face after he accused his daughter of being a “honey pot”
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peachesandcreames · 21 days
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It's Not the Plane, It's the Pilots 💞💕
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wdbhgrry · 2 months
my top gun headcannons!
1. every sunday, the entire ‘86 group and the daggers have supper at ice and mavs, and without fail slider always manages to show up an hour late
2. growing up, whenever bradley was sick, he would crawl into ice and mavs bed and fall asleep with ices hand rubbing his back
3. mav invited the daggers to a barbecue at his and ices house, but only said his house. this is how they all found out that not only was he married or bisexual, but that he was married to the compacflt
4. the first time ice met phoenix, he took one look at her and said “maverick, are you sure she isn’t yours?”
5. ice and carole were super close, and would have constant “maverick” talks (a book club, but instead of a book it’s maverick they’re discussing)
6. penny and phoenix are super close, and she often helps out behind the bar whenever it gets too busy and penny can’t keep up
7. bradley calls penny “aunt pen” and she would constantly bail him out of trouble at school when he was a teenager (this is for my inner penny stan)
8. maverick was the one who taught bradley how to play piano, even though everyone assumes it was ice
9. in ice and mavs house, they have a wall that’s just photos of everyone
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galactic-marvelettes · 9 months
That is all.
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt.2 (42/64)
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When we sat down with a drink, I thought I'd ask him about his cat, Simon. That got him talking for a little while, which was good.
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Unfortunately, after that, we went back to the silent zone... I felt a bit awkward. Like I needed to break it, but I didn't know how...
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We stepped outside the bakery and smiled at each other for a bit more...
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I then thanked him for the boat ride and the coffee and said goodbye.
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I think Craig is probably a very nice guy. But somehow, we just didn't match...
Gameplay notes: I had high hopes for Craig and Rachel. On paper, they seemed a good match. But there was just a lot of silence between them. I've said before that I left them mostly to their own devices. On all dates, if they wouldn't initiate conversation themselves, I would give them a nudge and then see if they kept it going themselves. Both Craig and Rachel didn't... There wasn't any negativity either; they smiled at each other a lot. But they just didn't seem to have anything to talk about... Attraction score: 4
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Craig created by @echoweaver
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stormy-skyzzzzzz · 1 month
someone reposted one of my posts with a Robert Bob Floyde tag so i was like hmm who’s that. Anyways i watched Top Gun: Maverick…
y’all i get the hype. and also im in love with Bob.
(i may or may not have watched the beach scene multiple times. im just a girl.)
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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h-angst-er · 1 year
Songs that Remind Me of Top Gun Characters
"Take My Breath Away" belongs to Charlie.
"You've Been Called Back to Top Gun" belongs to Maverick.
"Great Balls of Fire" belongs to Rooster.
"I Ain't Worried" belongs to Hangman.🥹🥲🥺
"Hold My Hand" belongs to Penny.
"Won't Get Fooled Again" belongs to Phoenix.
"Self-control" belongs to Iceman out-of-context.
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Call came in with impeccable timing, right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all. It galls me to say it, but... for reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel, you've been called back to TOPGUN.
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ac1nums · 2 months
@depictedblue, cassie howard sent to jake connelly. they tried to warn you about me.
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Jake wasn't one to listen to rumors. he didn't like it when people judged without wanting to know the person or the story that accompanies them. rumors were only there to make people suffer. he was ready to fight with anyone who said a bad thing about the girls he was dating. even when they were simply friends with him, rumors circulated. something he doesn't quite undersantd. weren't they in college? aren't college people supposed to be more mature than high schooler?
that's what happens when you get a little bit famous around here. he knew he was envied and hated, but to the point of destroying the people he cared about? it made him sick. it also reminded him who he could count on. people who would not turn their backs on him when he goes to them and ask for help when he comes to defend this or that person.
a roll of his eyes accompanied a sigh of annoyance as he looked at the blonde, fingers playing with some strand of hair. " and how can I reassure you when I tell you that I don't really care what people think or say to me? I'm in. do I have to get down on my knees to prove to you that I'm in one thousand percent? "
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shadowbrn · 5 months
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alex claremont diaz ( @goldenboybarracuda ) said to jake connelly ; ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜
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jake connelly cares about three things. hockey, his hockey team, and himself. there are a handful of people ( rarely ) who trickle in and out of that dynamic, but for the most part . . . jake's entire life revolves around hockey. as a result? jake genuinely doesn't know if alex is messing with him or not. ❝ probably going to just hit the gym for a few hours. then hit the rink for practice later. ❞ he shrugged, ❝ why? feel like tagging along? ❞
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literare · 7 months
@loresode & christmas shenanigans
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not a last minute decision this time, a planned trip to boston & it felt good for once. getting to spend christmas with jake, not alone back in london. ( not that she had minded in the past, rather spend it alone, than stuck with her family. ) and maybe a little uncertain, a little nervous, meeting his family that is. not really knowing what to expect from it. but she get to see him again, get to spend time with him, and more than just the usual few days & she is looking forward to it more than anything. suitcase behind her as she weave through the crowd, gaze trickle across the people waiting for their loved ones to arrive : searching for him. that is new aswell since they went public about their relationship. he is picking her up at the airport & not just her showing up. and upon seeing him, smile broaden across features and it's easy to drop everything in her hands without much care and rather run towards him. pretty much leap at him really, thrusting him completely to catch her.
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escapismthroughfilm · 2 years
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