#( & nothing tonight bc I'm going to be working on a queue for tomorrow here. )
crownshattered-arch Β· 2 years
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|| ALRIGHTY!! Today is the first day back to school/work for my family (not me, since I've BEEN in classes) so that means the house is finally quiet again. And for ME, that means I can focus without any distractions!! I need to work on school things tomorrow, but for today, I'm going to do some blog maintenance!!
Here's a list of the things I want to get done today~
DRAFTS, OBVIOUSLY!! But I hope to get a LOT of writing done so I can make my queue post 11 times a day again~
Finish up Kira's verse pages
Update my rules a little bit (there were multiple things I wanted to update, but I can only think of one now.....oops.....)
A few chores around the house
Update Mila's bio with her backstory
Kristian's backstory has been updated on his bio, but I want to make a post that actually explains what happened at RSA to get him expelled. I have that all plotted out now, finally, but I just need to put it into writing and link it from the bio itself!!
Write Lia's part of book 6!! I have a LOT of ideas but nothing too concrete. Until I actually write it down, just know that she knew Idia was going to overblot, secretly nudged him towards overblotting, was told to let the overblot run its course even if that meant putting the other students in danger bc of Idia, and then doing SOMETHING to finally stop Idia. I think she used her signature spell. I think she almost died because of it. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Fix ALL my muse bios!! Idk if you guys noticed, but I added a couple new features to my muse bios that haven't been edited to fit the themes of the bios. I'm gonna do that.
FINALLY add Alhaitham to my muse roster and give him a blank (but designed) bio page
I think that's it.??
That's a LOT of things to do in one day, and I know I won't finish them all today. Luckily, I have a week between my last assignment this week and my final for this class, so I can spend some of that time working on this!!
Since I'm gonna really be trying to focus on this stuff, I won't really be on discord and stuff today. Maybe tonight, but I gotta get my tumblr shit together before I can work on my OOC things!!
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