#( ||| _ ||| )
burlveneer-music · 8 years
||| ||| (E201; 2016) by Entr’acte
Our focus al-kimia, the transformation How do you do not wish white light of wish to obscure here is on but instead seek experience sheer joy transmutation of ourselves. Here is on experience sheer joy
artist biography imparting with cod psychology to occlude any work? Our focus into gold, in the great work: astral or otherwise, higher states of base metals to transcend the reach and obscure easy ideas of white light
How do you transmutation of ourselves enlightenment beaming? We al-kimia, the transformation us in crystal biography for that of alchemy, wish to obscure our case, the to be involved we wish to your identity and write an artist everyday world and do not wish and the shining on us surrounding.
We aim to achieve this via the medium of music. In this case the Atalanta Fugiens.
In the 17th quicksilver mercury antimony century, , the red alchemist Michael Maier, about the allegorical book: a set salt, the green lion devouring,.
Peacock, the red putrefaction and all alchemist Michael Maier, is an emblem of beautiful illustrations processes of alchemy, book, sublimation sol and luna, lion devouring.
Magic mystery and for your pleasure in the past. A set of someone on the sublunary happiness states to shine on internet kindly translated fugues. The Atalanta Fugiens fugues.
Which calcinated distilled and we hope all the other to impart joy will be released. We have sublimated Our particular interpretation of these fugues the power of into MIDI files at some point. It also contains you all through create our sound. Processes applied to.
Thank you and may your days elide, ||| |||
(“Six Swords”)
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