#( ♔ — lo: muse )
guiltburdened · 10 months
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
"Heyy. I really like it." Barnes had watched her from the bed, propping his head up with his hand, but otherwised unclothed underneath the sheets in their hotel room in Los Angeles, while he watched Peggy trying on his collared shirt, and his tie around her neck, the shirt unbuttoned enough to expose some of her cleavage and neckine, but the tie around his neck was making him very excited, and hard. "Mm. Ties can become leashes fast, as I'm sure you know." Bucky had gotten up out of bed naked, and pressed into her back, completely naked, as his hand rubbed over her chest from behind, as he softly rutted against her back, as he fisted the length of the tie around her neck, pulling Peggy's hair down out of its ties to her shoulders. He then leads her to the bed, before throwing her down onto the mattress. "Fuck. It's too hot today. I don't know how Sousa handles this crap. Never thought I'd miss those New Yawk winters." He was the station chief now, with SSR, with Dooley dead, and with Jack Thompson critically wounded after being shot, and the New York office being leaderless, Barnes was next in line with his SOE and Howling Commandos seniority.
"I heard your lady friend Angie got a part in one of Howard's new movies. She's very excited. Can't believe the son of a bitch is making his own movie company." He chewed his lip, pulling and unbuttoning her shirt, to expose her breasts, kissing over her nipples and suckling, as he moved his hands inside of the bottom of the collared shirt, to rub between her legs, playing with her folds. "Tell me to take you now, Peg."
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viviverso · 2 years
Send in ♔ for my muse’s reaction to yours pushing mine up against the wall ( jake )
alguns passos para trás foram suficientes para grudar as costas da morena contra a parede. estava tão entretida com os passos dele na sua direção que mal calculou os seus. sendo a única pergunta que se passava em sua cabeça naquele momento era como ele havia chegado tão perto tão rápido? segurou a respiração, olhando na direção contrária por sempre fugir de contato visual, não sabia exatamente o que dizer, ainda não existisse uma forma correta para que ela pudesse agir naquele momento. “jake…” chamou, sua respiração ficando cada vez mais pesada por estar sentindo a dele tão próxima. conteve o impulso de ir até ele, erguer sua mão e toca-lo. não parecia certo, assim como não lhe parecia adequado. estava enfrentando aquele dilema e enterrando aquela vontade há algum tempo. e já não sabia mais o que fazer a respeito. “a gente… você… droga, você está me deixando nervosa.” admitiu, umedecendo os lábios conforme olhava-o de relance por mais tempo que o previsto. “você faz essas coisas porque sabe que é difícil pra mim resistir ou por que gosta de me deixar sem reação?”
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stellagarxia · 3 years
Tumblr media
                meet stella garcia / wanted connections.
generic connections // 
ex friendships
ex significant others
specific connections // 
         ↬ her roommate  ♔ ________________________________
upon moving to los angeles full time, stella bought a small home for herself - perfect for starting a life and a family. unfortunately, the latter hasn’t happened - so she’s rented out the spare bedroom so she won’t be as lonely or stare at empty walls. the two get along well enough, but living together has it’s ups and downs regardless, no matter what.
           roommate is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
        ↬ slow burn romance  ♔ ________________________________
stella’s always been one to love easy, but she’s also left just as easily. she’s looking for something with passion and stability - something she fears she may never find. [ YOUR MUSE ] and stella are close friends - the idea of them being more hasn’t even occurred to either one of them just yet.
slow burn romance is open for connections - males preferred
       ↬ casual fling  ♔ ________________________________
even with her name in lights, stella’s had her fair share of dates - most of whom she never saw again. [ YOUR MUSE ] and stella have an agreement - they’re friends, and there’s benefits, but they both know that it’ll never go much further. they want different things from life, but both have needs and using each other to fill them is an easy solution.
casual fling is open for connections - males preferred
       ↬ constant co-star  ♔ ________________________________
think emma stone & ryan gosling, leo & kate, tina & amy - these two have been in multiple features together, and [ YOUR MUSE ] has even guest starred on stella’s tv show, crash multiple times! their chemistry is off the charts on camera, but their dynamic behind the camera may not be all it appears. 
constant co-star is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
     ↬ worst enemies  ♔ ________________________________
stella had to do what she needed to get to the top, and that meant stepping on some people along the way - unfortunately, [ YOUR MUSE ] was a threat to her impending fame, and the two have been at each others throats since they first auditioned for the same movie years ago. stella won that particular fight, but [ YOUR MUSE ] has won their own fair share - the press love to egg them on, and many wonder if it’s simply for more mentions on page six, but their hatred for one another is as real as it gets. 
worst enemies is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
        ↬ her long time best friend  ♔ _____________________________
stella and [ your muse ] found each other in college at ucla their freshman year in the laundry room - away from home for the first time, the two bonded over trying to figure out how to navigate the ‘real world’ even while in the protective bubble of college. the two became thick as thieves almost immediately - even when [ your muse ] almost left entirely due to a surprise pregnancy and sudden child. but with stella’s help ( as well as the support from [ your muse ]’s family ) they managed to graduate only a semester later than she did, with a new baby on their hip and the world at their fingertip. [ your muse ] and stella have managed to continue their friendship over the past fifteen years through ups and downs, highs and lows - stella’s the godmother to their child, and has seen them through as many heartache’s as they’ve seen stella through. the two are practically inseparable, and often joke that they may as well just be married themselves. 
long time best friend is open for connections - any gender / faceclaim around the age of 33.
                  additional details for this connection ______________________
this connection can be mixed with either/both of the previously stated ( roommate & slow burn romance ) connections, though if it is a romantic dynamic, stella is primarily heterosexual and would prefer a male significant other. 
[ your muse ] and their relationship that resulted into the baby ( as well as everything about the baby & their life ) is really up to you! i just kind of wanted an opportunity for ‘old friends who are basically family’, and for stella to have a child to dote on endlessly.
stella & her godchild are extremely close, and she often lets them spend the night in her home - they even have a room as their own with her.
she takes her role as godmother seriously, and while she was a practicing catholic growing up and doesn’t often attend services as much anymore, she does ensure that she holds up the spiritual aspect of the godmother title as well.
this is primarily meant to be a platonic connection, however, it could be used as a jumping off point for a slow burn romantic relationship with male muses if interested.
                  if interested in this connection, please send a tumblr im to discuss further.
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