#( Aether could kick Childe's ass but Neuvillette would still try to defend him )
dragonofjustice · 9 months
@wcyfarer said: ❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ 
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Ah, yes, that. It had been a shock to him for sure. Of course, being that he didn't have much need for using his powers these days, he supposed he was a bit... rusty when it came to combat. That and this was a Fatui Harbinger he had taken down. For him just simply have a scratch was, as Aether said, the luckier outcome.
"Had it come down to a true fight, I would have defended you and everyone in the Opera House with my life." He said simply, a hint of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "I suppose I should consider myself lucky that the damage was minimal. Both to myself and to those in the area. Had Mister Tartaglia been allowed to continue his rampage, I am sure there would have been far more damage."
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