toooldforgermany · 5 years
Mun & Muse Comparison
💊 M U N  | I N F O R M A T I O N  ✿❧
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Name: hannah. Nicknames: i used to be called duck, but i actually hate that nickname now. it’s associated with bad times. Wishlist Nickname:  god??? an honest nickname for me??? not until i get a true fucking friend, jesus christ. Height:  5’ 4″,  though my back is pretty bad. so it’s probably somewhat shorter, due to my lack of activity. Eye Color:  hazel. Hair Color:  deep red. Ethnicity:  caucasion. Lives in:  illinois, usa. Relationship Status:  i’ve given up with love, to be honest. nobody really loves someone like me. Character(s) Most Identifies with:  arthur ernst hastings of we happy few. i used to identify with a handful of others, but no fictional character can compare to arthur hastings. Hobbies:  gaming, role playing, singing, analyzing the fuck out of characters / lore. Special talent(s):  my honest, as trashy and cliche as that sounds? i can be brutally honest to the point of a nasty truth. but to me, that’s more important than the smallest lie. if you won’t take that though, i think my ability to break down a character is pretty fucking cool -- not many people can do it as deep as i can, i think. Warning/disclaimer:  pretty fucking suicidal, ngl. can get emotional, and can say things that sound nasty, but aren’t really meaning to be nasty. defensive to a near oppressive extent. i also have a tendency to not really... understand jokes. Struggling With:  so much shit that it’s not funny. my family, my guardians, my job, my cat’s death, trying to be happy, loneliness, and just -- not wanting to commit suicide? like i know i’m saying it so casually but i’m just??? being honest.
💊 M U S E  |  I N F O R M A T I O N  ✿❧
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Name:  arthur ernst hastings. Nicknames:  artie, “friend of miss boyle’s” (from ploughboys), “victoria’s pet” (from clive), “young / lil’ artie” (from ollie starkey), “king of the parade” (from headboys), “that downer” (wellington wells dur. game) . Wishlist Nickname:  something sweet and touching from a romantic other.  Height: 6′ 1″, but known to slouch from a bad back due to sitting most of the day whilst on joy. so he’s probably taller when standing up straight.  Eye Color:  dark green / caramel brown. Hair Color:  dark brown / black. Ethnicity:  caucasion. Lives in:  apple holm, wellington wells (pre-game), wellington under (during-game), mainland / wellington wells (post-game, verse-dependent)  Relationship Status:  arthur is single, and though he would love a partner, he’s been disappointed enough that he doesn’t think he can ever find one. and that doesn’t really bother him. he is however, on the lookout, if such a romance occurs. Special talent(s):  researching, writing, comprehension, the media / journalism, poetry. Warning/disclaimer:  a very emotional / tempermental man that can say things that sound nasty that he doesn’t mean. also quite defensive at the smallest of insults, so long as he thinks they’re not really granted, if that makes sense. Struggling With:  trying to figure out his mistakes and where everything went wrong. he has been lying to himself for so long about everything because he wanted to run away. and now it’s all tossed back at him and now he’s so lonely because of it, which is what he’s been trying to avoid.
emotional outbursts --  though arthur can’t control them as well as i can, him and i both follow our emotions regardless of what’s going on. they can even change the course of our day, even if we didn’t want it to. sometimes, it can even change our course of action.
loneliness --  we have difficult times keeping people close to us and though arthur can somewhat understand why, he doesn’t really know how to fix it. and neither do i. we both just... are, and we just don’t understand what we can do to change. we want to have friends, but they either leave so quick or betray us in the end that it’s difficult to trust easily.
defensive --  both of us can take things the wrong way REALLY, REALLY quickly. doesn’t really matter what it is. if we assume one thing, we often stick to it until we’re both proven otherwise.
loyalty --  though it takes forever for him and i to trust easily, when we do, it’s super hard to break us apart. to an extent that it’s almost obsessive. arthur gets insanely jealous, and though i do somewhat, we both act out on it because of loyalty. we will stand up for the people we love and defend them regardless. no matter what happens.
arthur’s quite the jokester --  cracking jokes at even the worst of times, the man really finds his way with words in sarcasm. i’m not so good with jokes, and most of the time they fly over my head. to me, a joke can lead me to that same defensiveness i was talking about earlier. whilst arthur can easily detect a joke if the mood comes off right.
arthur’s a runner --  he tends to hide from his mistakes for a long time because he doesn’t want to deal with the crippling sadness that comes with them. not to mention he can lie about them if an opportunity for happiness arises. he’s gotten tremendously better about it, but if some mistake happens because of him, catch him hiding away for a long time. i however, like to tell the truth and own-up to my mistakes. the punishment isn’t so bad that way.
arthur’s courageous --  though as a kid he lacked the bravery to leave his own house, he gained it when thinking about his brother. as he got older, he grew thicker skin. i however, am afraid of a lot of things. if i was in his position, i probably would have just lived with the consequences of wellington wells, as sad as that sounds.
arthur’s petty --  he will get back at people. i used to do this too, until i realized how much vagueblogging hurts. but he tends to sabotage people who piss him off / sabotage him. for example, he wants to wreck clive’s work ethic by wrongly publishing articles in his redactor. he also got a coworker fired for copying his entire article. which is good beause plagairism is bad, but he did it with a smug smile and an angry glare.
IN CONCLUSION :  Same | Close as heck | Almost |  Ehh...? | Not Really  | Nope | In a Galaxy Far Far Away
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