#( I'd hoped someone would send that for Revali thank you you most blessed psychic )
✨ revali , 💧 sidon , & 🔥 zant
✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time?
In a surprisingly pure sense, Revali just loves flying and archery; they’re not things he took up so strongly only because of the cultural / biological bias toward them, but because he respects them as individual art forms and has fun doing them. He detests feeling mediocre and finds finally overcoming an obstacle to be borderline intoxicating. There’s a certain well of altruism in him that can only really be gleaned by putting him on mute and observing his actions, but it manifests perpetually in that he desires to be of pragmatic use to the people(s) important to, or in need of him. He lacks any particularly strong social ties to individuals, sadly, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t defend the average person in need of it, or that once village children started looking up to him he took his position as a role model somewhat seriously.
It’s…he likes the process, and respects his fields of expertise like the broad, artful things he knows them to be, and loves both them and the challenges involved so much that he can’t help but want to expand them into something bigger, better, and impeccably refined. The raw passion toward being the best for the sheer sake of being the best balances out with how it enables him to benefit the people around him in a very real way. Warrior life wasn’t all a joke, and they were living in dangerous times; it was just as much about making himself useful as it was appreciation. None of it ever wavered, not even after it got him killed.
💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why?
It’s more half-avoid, but Sidon will go to great pains to dodge Mipha’s statue during the day. Losing her is something their entire society still isn’t entirely over on an emotional level, and this is fairly and especially true of her little brother. It’s an emotional space for him that he prefers to visit with alone – others would dilute his focus ( making him feel bad for not giving it his full attention ), worry for him ( making him feel bad for putting any strain on them, and appearing - as he fears - like a weak prince ), etc, and he can’t have that. Speaking to it is as open as he feels he can routinely be, as even with people he certainly loves and trusts like his father and select elders, he feels a pervasive need to put on an optimistic and can-do front at absolutely all times, unfortunately especially in that exact company. Statues being as nonsentient as they are, its company is the sole place he can just…talk, without fussing about his word choice or apologizing too much, or feeling guilty.
It’s incredibly private for him, and he’s fallen so hard into the routine / is generally such an emotional guy just looking too long at it can put him in a melancholy state of mind. Who needs that when you’ve got people to talk to and work to attend and it’s only midday?
🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion?
Is it cheating to say the entirety of the twilight realm? Because there’s certainly special energy directed at whatever seat and palace their ruling powers occupied and he must have served, but I think while it started there, it would very quickly have reached a point where he was constantly reminded of how inadequate he found their world everywhere he looked, because it was everywhere around him without cease or variation. Imagine being permanently living through your least favorite season, or in your least favorite biome, and that’s about the level of steady, baseline frustration and indignation he was dealing with. It served as a permanent reminder of what he was working to abandon, and helped him imagine what he would eventually graduate up to taking. A much angrier kind of motivation, but it helped him hide his, ah, eccentricity, so it certainly worked. 
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