#( acacius is one of my oc's that i'm always debating on creating an rp blog for )
sundrought-blog · 8 years
Send me an ✍🏻️ and I will introduce you to one of my OC’s | accepting!
☽║☾ ACACIUS: is an eternally twenty-two year old vampire who was turned in the 80′s. Though a vampire, he has a terrible sight-aversion to blood and has to drink it from closed containers/cups. Along with an intense phobia of fire, Acacius traverses the shadowy underworld of L.A. with nothing but fear hammering in his undead chest. Despite his immortality, he is still fearful of walking alone at night, cannot go to crowded/noisy places, and would rather keep his nose buried in a book. All he wants is a normal life-- and he does his best to blend in with humankind, especially due to his cherubic features and all too human clumsiness, which makes him appear less like some damned creature of the night and more like an awkward twentysomething. Skinny, tan, standing only at 5′2″,and with a messy mop of light-brown curls, he looks about as harmless as you can get. 
Of course, his attempt at living a peaceful life is not to last. With his sire suddenly missing and no other points of contact, Acacius somehow finds himself on the doorstep and mercy of twin detectives who take him in-- surprisingly fine with supernatural creatures. Comically enough, they are the ones to take care of him, and it is thanks to their connections that Acacius can have a steady flow of blood packet. It is during his stay with the twins that he tries to uncover the missing pieces of his life before he was a vampire while also trying to find his sire. The further he digs, however, the more and more his phobias make sense. 
All he knows for sure is that in his human life, he was a grad student studying history, his parents had both recently died, and for whatever reason, his last memories of his human life are of being trapped in a burning building.
tldr; nerdy loner vampire w/ a fear of blood just wants to read and watch history documentaries. instead, he gets 2 morbid detectives as roommates and a laundry-list of traumas that he has thankfully repressed. 
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