#( answered | ooc )
hedxnism · 3 months
Do you have any special nicknames for any your muses? If so, tell us!
idiot, horny idiot, stupid, bby, love of my life, the worst… the list goes on 😂
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themoonwithprophets · 3 years
{{acanthus : is your muse deceptive , or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ? why or why not ? aloe : how does your muse handle grief ?}} {{For Mikayla}}
Acanthus: Depending on the situation Mikayla isn’t against lying to either get out of something or to get what it is she wants. She’s done it before so it’s nothing she isn’t used to although she tries not to use lying to get what she wants if it’s something major or overly important to her that she wants however she’s not against lying to get out of something major she’s done.
Aloe: When it’s someone Mikayla has/had a close personal connection to at first she’ll shut down when she grieving and won’t really say much and then when she does start talking she’s usually blunt or snappy with people for the first couple of days.
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toxnxithpep-blog · 5 years
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wildwcmen · 6 years
I think you seem cool and you're an a+ writer. I just feel I could annoy you so I'm shit at communication.
Thank you so much!! I promise I’m never annoyed, sometimes I get anxious and bad at communication too. But I always love chatting!
send me anonymous opinions
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backupgirls-blog · 6 years
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
canon muse asks! 
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
Sadly most everything? Neither film tells us much past the fact that she’s flirty, confident, and fun, that she’s been married three times (pressumably for money) and that she loves Rosie and Donna. What kind of family she grew up in, what she does or literally anything else about her is up in the wind, so even though I haven’t developed her much having to think of those basics has given me a pretty solid idea of who she is beyond the little we see of her in the movies. So, I still have a lot to explore and I’m excited to do so! 
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hedxnism · 3 months
hello love of my existence 🥹 i’m about to throw things at you so ya know, prepare yourself.
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hedxnism · 3 months
Tumblr media
🥲 hi! missed you! let me resuscitate you pls, i just got back!
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hedxnism · 8 months
Mun question: Is there a muse you’d rewrite or give an AU? If so, who is it and what would the AU be?
As I’ve answered this with you directly 😂 Noa, giving him a full on grunge rockstar verse where he just gets to play loud music, do a little drugs, have a lot of sex and live this wild rock and roll lifestyle… and come in others muses where now there’s a connection to someone but him not wanting to give up all he’s worked for and the life that comes with it. The secret relationships. The drama and angst that comes with that. The hangovers and more darker themes of an od or addiction forming.
That’s definitely the au on my mind now. Or possible just rewrite entirely. I have enough brooding muses and sometimes it’s hard for me to write them consistently. This could definitely be that break up in muses I need/want.
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themoonwithprophets · 3 years
belladonna : how does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness , or seek to fill the void with noise ?
Kya can respond in various ways to silence although it ultimately depends on the situation, who she’s around and what happened moments before the silence fell.
If it’s around people she’s familiar and comfortable with she is perfectly fine with the silence and won’t always make an effort to fill the silence with something to say. With everything going on in the current state of the world now and how hectic everything can be Kya takes a bit of pleasure in the silent moments she gets every so often.
If it’s people she doesn’t really know that well nor is comfortable around she might try and fill the silence with a random comment or question about what the topic of conversation was just about or something completely random to get another conversation started to avoid another silence.
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themoonwithprophets · 3 years
☕️ (for Kya)
Something that keeps Kya going is writing, it’s one of the ways she can express what she feels that she can’t say to others and can get things off her chest that she feels is too personal to tell anyone else about. Also it’s a hobby of hers coming up with short stories so she enjoys being able to sit somewhere peaceful in her house wrapped up in a blanket and write for an hour or so.
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themoonwithprophets · 4 years
Which muse would you like to develop more that you haven’t?
I’d love to be able to develop either Lucia or Cora more
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backupgirls-blog · 6 years
7 and 1!
canon muse asks! 
1. What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
Since we don’t have that much information from canon I wouldn’t call it a deviation as much as filling in the blanks? With her career being a Style Advisor. I just think it’s a very her profession that allows you to, first of all, make enough money to live the way she likes, and second, stay fun and fashionable and current with events and social circles.  Since we know the Dynamos trio was somewhat wealthy enough to begin with it doesn’t seem like she’d have a tough start with it, and it’s free enough for her to make the many trips to Greece she makes in the movies without having to ask anyone for permission!
7. For movie or TV muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
I love so much about every single of her scenes but from Mamma Mia! it’s definitely Chiquitita and Does Your Mother Know. Chiquitita because I think it’s a lot cozier and intimate and more showing of the friendship than Dancing Queen, and Does Your Mother Know just because how could I not. From Here We Go Again every single of the five seconds she was allowed to be on screen in either time line, particularly the forever iconics “be still my beating v*gina” and “it’s important to remember that all men are garbage” sdkkkf
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