#( ch: shipwreck between the ribs. )
thewildomega · 4 years
Second Chance Ch.10
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Waking up you yawned and gave a little stretch, rubbing your eyes you sighed and sat up from the couch, feeling only a little ache in your chest as you did so. Looking around the home you saw the early morning light coming in through the windows and grinned. From the empty sound you didn't think Ed was up yet. Swinging your legs around over the edge you stood and started folding the blanket that you had been using, tossing it over the back of the couch and fluffing the throw pillow back up you nodded, satisfied with it looking like you hadn't been sleeping there for the past week. Remembering how that conversation had went you felt the corner of your lip lift up the slightest amount.
Washing your face and braiding your hair down you back you walked back out to the living room and saw it empty. Listening you could hear the shower from Edward's bedroom and figured he was getting ready for bed himself. The both of you had ate supper with Marco and his wife Zella, staying to talk to them both about your world and some other things. Zella was very nice and for the now second time in your life you could see a blossoming friendship there... maybe... maybe she was just being nice. Biting your lip you decided it was best not to overthink it. 
Seeing as the lights were off, other than his bedroom one you walked over to the couch and looked around. Biting the inside of your lip you reached out to pull the throw from the armchair. Turning to the couch you moved to lay down on it, adjusting the throw pillow behind your head and turning to your side. Pulling up your legs so the throw would cover a bit more of you, you sighed. You hated sleeping with pants on, jeans especially but you would just have to deal with it. This wasn't your home, it was his and you didn't want to seem like you weren't respective of that. Closing your eyes you yawned, at least you were already tired. Relaxing you felt yourself drifting off when suddenly a deep, low voice spoke and jolted you from sleep. "Wha..." you asked looking to the back of the couch that you were facing and then turning your head some to see him standing above you. 
"I asked you what the hell you thought you were doing?" 
Blinking in confusion you felt your bow twitch, "Going to sleep." you answered in an unsure voice.
"You are not sleeping on the couch lass." 
Opening and closing your mouth you looked back to the couch and then up to him, "Th..then where do you want me to sleep?" you asked in a low voice. He wouldn't ask you to sleep on the floor would he?
"In the bed of course." 
Knitting your brows you looked to him and shook your head. "That's your bed." 
"I am not letting you sleep out here on the couch." 
"Well I'm not taking your bed so it's either here or the floor." you told him with a firm look. 
"I said you're not sleeping on the couch. After everything you did to help me when I ended up in your world I will not allow you to sleep on the couch while I sleep in a bed." 
"Yes you will. I am fine here. Plus there is no way you can fit on this thin comfortably." 
"I'll make it work now come on, go get in bed." 
"No." you huffed, rolling back over to face the back of the couch. 
"Edward." you mocked in the same irritated voice as his. Hearing him growl you kept your eyes close. 
"You are so stubborn." 
"Maybe you're just too used to getting your way." you shrugged. Hearing a grunt you assumed he had walked away to go to bed but then felt as the throw was ripped from you to be replaced by a heaviness. Opening your eyes to see he had thrown another blanket over you looked up to see him standing there with his brows lowered and his arms crossed over his chest in what looked to be a pout. 
"You'll at least use a better blanket than that damn thing." 
Grinning you saw him let out a sigh before those warm yellow eyes dropped down to you. "Thank you." hearing him only grunt in response you chuckled "Aren't you too old to pout when things don't go your way." 
"Keep it up darling and I'll go get them ropes." 
Giggling you saw his lip lift into the smallest grin "Goodnight Ed." 
"Sweet dreams lass." 
Hearing how low his voice went made those butterflies in your stomach flutter and you turned back to the couch to hide your blush. Closing your eyes you listened to him walk to his bedroom but didn't hear his door close. 
Every night he had offered you his bed but every night you had turned him down. He was already feeding you and offering you shelter, he took time out of his day to spend with you and he had even gotten the a seamstress in town to make you some more clothes, you would not take his bed. Walking to the bathroom you looked in the closet to see the basket that held you clothes. Taking off the large shirt of his that you had more or less claimed as a sleeping shirt, you folded it up and picked out your clothes for today. Pulling on a pair of jean shorts, your bra and a navy loose fitting tank top you pulled loose you hair and ran your fingers through it before nodded and letting out a little hum. Walking out of the bathroom you moved to the kitchen and made him a quick omelet, your way of paying for your stay was cooking for him and cleaning, even though he told you on multiple occasions that you didn't have to. Good thing was you seemed to mostly wake before him so there wasn't much he could do to stop you. Sitting his plate at the head of the table where he always sat you also got his tea cup ready. Cleaning up you made your way outside, breathing in a deep breath of the clean fresh air. 
"Good morning y/n."
Looking over to the close line not too far from Edward's house you saw Zella there hanging up a load of laundry and smiled. Walking over to her, "Good Morning Zella." 
"How are you feeling today?" she asked. 
"Good. My head isn't even hurting anymore and neither is my chest." you told her
"I am glad to hear. I'm sure Whitebeard is happy to see you no longer in pain as well." Smiling up at the woman she hung up her husband's pants. "So what is it you are going to do today?"
"Umm I don't really know. Is there anything I can help you with?" 
"Not help per say but I'm going to the market when I get done hanging out clothes and you are more than welcome to join me if you would like." 
Smiling you nodded. Helping her hang up the rest of her and Marco's clothing the two of you were soon off to the market. While you didn't have any money to buy anything it was fun to just hang out with Zella and look at all the different foods and stuff. Things here looked and smelled so much better than in your world with nothing being processed. Everything tasted better too, although you really missed pizza. You could probably make it but you would have to get the ingredients first and well yet again you had no money. 
"...I'll pay you fifty berries...." 
"No way!" 
"Fine a hundred berries." 
"I said no! Anyone would have to be a fool to do it." 
"Well I can't leave this island until it's done... I'm not leaving that damn chest down there."
"Best I can tell you is start asking around. Whoever take the job is going to have to be a damn good swimmer is all I'ma say...either that or one of them fishmen."
Having caught on to the conversation between the two men you bit your lip. Looking down to Zella you tapped her shoulder. "I'll be right back." you told her and saw her nod. Walking over to the two men you licked your lips. "Um excuse me sir but I heard you talking about a job you needed done, one that would need a good swimmer and I... well I'd like to take it." you said and saw both of them looking up to you in shock. 
"Girl this ain't no job for..." the one started but felt a jab to hsi ribs and shut up.
"Is that right doll? Well I must ask, are you a decent swimmer?" 
Looking to the man with the long scraggly beard you nodded. While you hated being called doll you would bite your tongue in favor of making some money. "Yes sir, I'd like to say so. What exactly is it you need done?"
"Well you see doll my ship collide with the reef out there during that storm two weeks ago and the damn thing sunk. Me and my crew just did make it out before the sea swallowed it up but my chest of goods, including my log book and post are in that chest so you see I kinda need it back before we can set off again. It's finally low enough tide that someone would be able to dive down and fetch it for me, I'd go myself but I'm not a good swimmer and neither is none of my crew." he told the abnormally tall young woman. 
Nodding you tilted your head. "So where is the chest at exactly?" 
"It's in my cabin, second floor of the ship." 
Nodding again you looked him in the eye. "A hundred berries if I bring it back to you?"
"Aye. I'll sweeten the deal, I'll give you two if you also manage to bring up my hat and sword, I had them on my nightstand when I went to sleep that night." he grinned.
"Alright I'll do it." 
"Well then let us show you the way." he grinned. 
Quickly going back over to Zella and telling her you would catch up with her later you saw her knitted brows as you only told her you had gotten a quick job. Hearing the men call for you, you gave her a grin. "I'll be fine. if Edward asks just tell him I'll be back later." you told her before turning around to follow the men towards the shipwreck. Arriving at the beach you saw some of the reef and rocks sticking up but you didn't see a ship which meant it was deep underwater. 
"She's just there doll. Remember my cabin is just left off the stairs, second floor." 
Taking a deep breath you nodded. You were sure your heart was beating hard enough against your ribs that it just might burst through. 'Calm down. You've swarm back and forth across the lake a million times, this is going to be a piece of cake. Besides if you do this you will be able to pay Edward back for the clothes and buy enough stuff to make Pizza for You, Ed, Marco and Zella. Hell maybe even some type of desert too.' taking a step out into the water you felt it decently warm, good at least you wouldn't be freezing to death. Slowly walking out into the water you felt the waves crash into you but pushed on. 
"I'll be waiting for you doll." 
Waking up he walked into the kitchen and saw breakfast waiting for him on the table like usual, sighing he moved to sit down at his seat to eat, knowing she had probably not made herself anything. She was constantly cleaning and cooking for him. He told her repeatedly that she didn't have to but did she listen, No. Y/n was a hard headed woman but she was also kind and funny and caring. Between her world and his own he had taken notice how she always put herself last, like her boots, those hole ridden things should have been replaced by now but instead she had used her money to buy him clothes and food. He knew she didn't make much working at the bar and when he had accidentally knocked a notebook from the coffee table one day he had opened it to see papers stating things she had to pay, he still found it odd people there had to pay for something as simple as water. Adding them up he knew she was by no means a wealthy person but she never complained. Smiling to himself he took another bite of the omelet. 
"What has you smiling so much Pops?" 
Snapping his eyes over he saw Marco walking into the room with a soft grin on his face. "Oh nothing really..."
"Mmm maybe I should have asked who, although I'm pretty sure I already know." Marco chuckled. 
Humming he took another bite of his omelet, bacon and cheese, his favorite, well she did add in spinach but he wouldn't complain. She tended to add vegetables into everyone of his meals. Seeing Marco take a seat at the table beside him he swallowed his food. "What is it you have been doing this morning?" 
"Helped Mrs. Harp deliver her new granddaughter." 
Smiling he gave a light chuckle. "Oh yea, I'll have to go tell them congratulations. Rea and the babe all healthy?"
Nodding he grinned. "Yep both of them are doing great." Rubbing the back of his head he leaned back in the large chair, "So Jozu, Vista and Izo are on their way back here."
Looking back up he blinked, "Did you tell them?" he asked and saw Marco shake his head. 
"No I thought it would be easier in person."
"Do you know when they will be here?"
"Within the next week." 
Humming he finished off his food. While he was excited to see his children again he knew he would never be able to see all of them. He and Marco had already spoken and he agreed with his son, it was best if Whitebeard stayed dead. Standing he carried his pate over to the sink to wash, if he didn't go ahead and do it she would. Putting on the kettle to make his tea his mind  drifted again to his soulmate. He wanted to do something for her, something special but he didn't know what yet. Glancing up out the window he saw Zella outside, she looked to be just getting back from the market judging by the basket in her arms. Seeing her looking around he grinned softly. "Marco lad, I think your wife is looking for you?" 
Standing Marco moved to push in the chair. "You know Pops I could be saying that same thing to you before long." 
Hearing this he felt his body stiffen a bit, "Marco..." he said in warning but his first only chuckled in response. Being left alone in the house he couldn't help but think on his son's words. The thought of being able to call y/n his wife made his chest warm up, a upward tug of his lips. He knew he was falling in love with her, he had been around long enough to be in touch with his own feelings and emotions. He was also well past the age to be playing around, he knew what he wanted, he wanted her. There was only one thing holding him back. Her. Nothing about her in particular, hell in his eyes she was perfect. Perfect for him. BUT, she herself wasn't there yet. She had started to open up more and more to him. He knew her likes and dislikes. He knew how she liked her food, how she enjoyed exploring and the water. He knew her favorite color, he knew that she hated bugs and how she wasn't fond of the sitting around but the one thing he knew nothing about other than the little he had been able to piece together himself was her past. She kept that part of herself locked away in a deep abyss that he knew even she wished she could just forget about. She couldn't' though, it was something else learned with age, something she had yet to grasp. A person can move on from their past, learn from it but you could never forget it. Until she got that, until she opened up to him, trusted him he knew their relationship could go no further.
Snapped out of his thoughts by the kettle he moved over to pour himself a cup of tea. Sipping at the hot drink he looked towards the couch she had been sleeping on and frowned. He really had to find her somewhere else to sleep. When he had built himself a home he had assumed he would never have anyone to share it with. His boys stayed where ever doing God knows what when they docked on his home island while he chose to spend it quietly. So being that he had only ever built one room, his room. Yes the other rooms were larger, big enough that if his crew came over to eat or whatever else they could but sleeping wise, no, there was no where else. Sitting his cup down on table he walked over to the book shelf and looked through them until he found what he was looking for. Grabbing the green spined book he opened it and took out the folded plans for the home. Carrying them back over to the table he opened them up and set them down to look them over. Crossing his arms he tapped his finger on his arm in thought. He could easily add another room off of the living room. Finding a pencil he moved to sit down to start making the plans when he heard the door open again and what sounded like the rushed steps. "Marco what..."
"We have a problem..."
Kicking your arms and feet you kept your head above water, bobbing up and down with the waves as you swam to where to reef was and the apparent sunken ship. Luckily the water was clear so you could make out the ship once you rounded the large rocks. Fish were swimming around so hopefully that meant no sharks. Getting to where you were just over the wreckage you took a few deep breaths, readying yourself. "You got this." you told yourself. With one deep breath you dived under. Swimming down deeper and deeper you saw the ship come into full view. Taking a moment to look the whole thing over you grinned and then moved towards the stairs. Second floor to the left. Second floor to the left. Repeating it over and over in your head you paused when it got much darker inside. Letting your eyes adjust you went into the room that had to be the captain's cabin. Seeing a few fish swimming about you scanned the room for the chest. At first you didn't see it but then you saw something under a knocked over chair. Swimming over you placed your feet on the floor and pulled it up. Thankfully it was a smaller chest and so you grabbed it and started swimming out of the ship. Getting to the surface you set the chest on the rocks that were above water.
Taking a few minutes to regain your breathing you dived back down to get the hat and sword that he said he would pay extra for. Finding your way to his room easily this time you started searching for the sword and hat. He had said they were on his table but everything had been knocked over when it sunk. Seeing a shining sword against the wall you grabbed it, putting it over your arm for now. Now for the hat. Looking over the whole room you ran out of breath and had to take the sword back up. Placing it on the rocks as well you decide to go look on more time, wanting to pay Ed back. Swimming your way down to the ship and getting to the room you looked it over again. Seeing the bed you got down to peek under it and long and behold there was the hat. Reaching under it you felt the material of the hat and grabbed it. Pulling it out you suddenly felt a sharp pain on your arm. Snatching your arm out you saw a eel biting you. Having let out a scream when it bit you you didn't have much air left. Hitting it to try and make it let go it only started to shake, blood coming from around it. Clenching your teeth you grabbed a shard of the broken mirror on the floor and stabbed it. As soon as it let go you dropped the glass and quickly took hold of the hat. Swimming out of the ship you saw blood pouring from your arm but ignored it as your lungs burned. Kicking your feet and arms about you pushed for the surface, desperate for air.
As soon as you broke out you gasped for air, coughing the water that had started to fill your lungs. Crawling up onto the rocks you put the hat beside the other items. Lifting your arm you saw the wound bleeding down your arm. The whole area felt like it was on fire. Were eels venomous? You didn't know but you did know that you really needed to get back to shore. Putting the sword strap over your arm you grabbed the chest and shoved the hat through the other handle. Holding onto the other side you slide off the rocks and started your slow swim back to shore. 
Finding the man in town that Zella had described he saw the man laughing with some other men that he knew weren't from his village. Gritting his teeth he walked over to him and reached down to lift the man off the stool by his shirt. Holding up to his level he looked into his eyes. 
"Hey what's the big deal?"
"You think you are something don't you punk?! Conning an innocent woman to go risk her life out there in those waters!" 
"I didn't con anyone, she made her choice, I didn't hold a gun to her head or nothing."
Growling he looked down to the open chest and saw it filled with a little treasure and a log pose. "I am going to make this quick and simple for you. You and your crew will be off of this island within the next thirty minutes or I will personally see to it that you all join your ship." Seeing the man nod vigorously he dropped him to the ground and went to where his heart was pulling him. 
Walking over to the beach he looked around until a head of h/c hair caught his eye. Moving over to her he saw her sitting in the sand, her hair and clothes soaking wet but that wasn't what caught his attention, it was the blood currently dripping down her arm. It looked to be in the shape of a moray eel bite and he could hear her mumbling as he got closer. "Can you not go a full two weeks without injury?" 
Snapping your eyes up to the all too familiar voice you saw a look on his face of both annoyance and concern. "I can, I just ah... well..." seeing his brow raise as he crouched down in front of you you snapped your mouth shut. 
Moving to kneel in front of her he grabbed her arm and turned it to look the bite over fully. Sighing he pulled her up and lifted her up into his arm, hearing her let out a little 'eep'. Turning and walking towards his home he heard her huff, feeling water run down his front. 
Being carried in one of his arms you huffed out, "You do know I can walk, it's my arm, not my leg." you complained but secretly loved the warmth his large body was giving your chilled, wet one. 
"I can see that but as it turns out darling I can not trust you not to do something to put yourself in danger so I am going to carry you." 
"I didn't tell the eel to bite me!" 
"No you just decided to go swim out to a shipwreck in waters that are infested with sea kings and a million other things that would swallow you up in an instant. All for nothing I might add." 
"It wasn't for nothing." 
"Then tell me lass what was it for?" 
Turning a little in his hold you grabbed the folded money from your pocket. "It was a job." 
Looking to the berries he knit his brows, "So you risked your life so you could have some money? What do you need money for?"
"It's not for me, it's for you." you told him leaning over him to shove the money into his back pocket. 
Quickly pulling the money out of his pocket he looked to see about two hundred berries there and shook his head at her, "Why is it for me?"
"To pay you back for the clothes and food and letting me stay with you." 
"I'm not taking this." 
Feeling him shove the money back into your hands you knit your brows. "Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are." Going to put it in his pocket you saw him hold his hand over it to stop you. Sitting up you reached up to push it under his bandana. 
"Y/n." he grunted. Trying to reach up to take the money out of his bandana he felt her grab his hand to try and stop him. 
"Ed please just take it I want to pay you back, I...I don't want to bum off of you or make it seem like I'm not grateful." 
Sighing he held her hands in one of his and looked into her eyes. "Lass I know you're not bumming off of me, I know you are grateful. I won't allow you to pay me back because there is nothing for you to pay me back for." seeing her go to speak he pressed his finger to her lips while still holding her hands still. "Did you not buy me clothes, feed me, shelter me and spend your money on other things of entertainment while I was in your world?"
"Well yeah but that's different..."
Chuckling he rose his brows, "How so?"
"Because you...you fixed my roof." 
"I patched your roof once. That one deed doesn't count as payment." 
"You chopped wood..."
"Hmmm chopped wood for a fire to keep us both warm, still not enough." 
Looking down you thought on the main point that had been filling your mind, "You kept me company."
Hearing how soft her voice had gone he felt his brows lower and the smile slowly fall from his face. "Aren't you doing the same thing with me darling?"
"It's not the same thing. You have friends here, your son, your family. You don't need me." biting the inside of your lip you looked away.
Furrowing his brows he  placed her down on the log bench outside of his home. Kneeling down in front of her he curled his finger under her chin to force her eyes to his while the other rested on the bench by her thigh. "Need no, want yes. Don't ever think you are burdening me darling..." licking his lips he dipped his head closer to hers, "... That I won't ever want you by my side." Glancing down to her lips he felt that pulling in his chest.
It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest the closer his face got to yours. When he was only a few inches from your own you felt your eyes begin to slip close. 
Going to close the distance he dipped his head and...
"Woah what happened to your arm.... oh... um..." 
Tensing up when Marco's voice suddenly sounded from beside the both of you you quickly leaned back and looked down, feeling your whole face heat up with embarrassment. 
Leaning back he glanced down to y/n to see her head dipped down and her shoulders curled inward some. Gritting his teeth he let out a small sigh as he moved to stand. Looking to his son he gave him a glare that he knew Marco understood when he saw him making that same guilty face he had made since he was a young boy. Glancing back down to his lass he saw her very uncomfortable and knew even if he told Marco to leave there was no going back to that moment right now. "Marco tend to her arm while I go get her a towel. Lass don't give him a fuss." Rubbing her shoulder he saw her nod but still not lift her eyes to his.
"I'll go get my kit Y/n, be right back."
Walking towards the door he gave his son a smack to the back of his head as he passed, hearing him mumble out a small 'sorry'.
Once Marco had cleaned your arm and bandaged it you looked up to his eyes and gave him a small grin, "Thank you, I'm sorry I keep using up your bandages and stuff." 
Chuckling he looked to the woman and smiled, "Nah you're fine Y/n. Keeps my skills refreshed." he said and saw her smile. "So Zel told me about this thing called a pizza you told her about, what is it exactly?" 
"Well actually I was thinking maybe I could make us some for supper, if your father is okay with it that is?" you asked finally looking back up to the man for the first time since what now had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your life. Just thinking about what had almost happened made your cheeks heat up again. 
Looking down to her eyes he saw a blush on her cheeks but said nothing and nodded. "Of course lass, as long as it won't bother your arm." When she smiled he grinned as well. "Alright then well let's go back into town and get the stuff you need." 
Nodding you got off the bench and moved to hang up the damp towel on the clothes line to dry. Your clothes were only a little damp now, along with your hair but in the sun they would dry quickly. Walking back over to Ed and Marco you saw the man look to you. 
"Anything me and Zel can do or bring?" Marco asked, packing up his things.
Shaking your head you smiled, "Just yourselves."
"Alright then. I'll see you both at supper then." 
Walking beside her towards town he glanced down to her arm, the bite wasn't that big on her as it would have been a normal sized person but he knew it still hurt, eels bites were nothing to take lightly. "You make sure to keep that bite clean lass." Seeing her nod he licked his lips and reached up to rub the back of his head. He wasn't liking how awkward this felt. 
Wanting something to talk about but not wanting to talk about that you glanced up to the mountain and tilted your head. "What's up there?"
Humming he followed her eyes up tot he mountain and rose his brows, "Ah what do you mean?"
"Like is it flat or are there more trees or something else?" 
"Don't know. Probably just rocks." he shrugged.
Tilting your head you grinned up at him. "You've never climbed up there?"
Pursing your lips you smiled. 
Seeing her smiling and looking towards the mountain he knit his brows, looking back and forth between the woman and the land mass. "Don't even think about it." 
Hearing him say that you looked to him and grinned. "What?"
"You are not climbing up there." 
"And why not?"
"What do you mean why not? Because it's dangerous that's why."
Waving him off you smiled, "It'll be fine, I climbed the mountains back home loads of times. Besides I want to see what's up there." 
"I said no. We are not climbing that mountain."
"I didn't say you had to go."
"Well I sure as hell ain't letting you go up there by yourself."
"If you're scared though there is no reason in you..."
"Scared?! You think I am scared?!" Chuckling and then laughing he shook his head. "We are not climbing the mountain and it's not because I'm scared." 
Looking to him you smirked "Bock bock bock." 
"Chicken noises really? I am not a chicken. I'm not scared." Crossing his arms over his chest he looked down at her and saw her still looking up at him with that teasing grin. "Don't they teach children to respect their elders where you are from?"
"I mean they do but I didn't know you when you were older and technically we don't know how old you are now so I could very well be your elder." 
'That'd not how that works." he grumbled.
"Oh come on it'll be fun." you smiled. Seeing his brow lower you wrapped your arms around one of his. "Please?" you begged in the sweetest voice you could.
Casting a glance down at her he saw her smiling sweetly at him, batting her lashes as a bonus. Sighing he dropped his head back. "You are going to be the death of me." 
"Second death, I wonder what world you will end up in this time?" 
"The next time I die I better stay dead." 
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 46
Liz opened the door to the same hotel suite she was in a week ago, clutching a tall cup of coffee and her cell phone.
“Hey, Liz!” Mark called from the couch, not bothering to look up from his phone, “How was Oregon?”
She raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that he was in such a good mood. When she had left LA for Oregon he was furious, yelling that she was throwing away her career and that no one would work with anyone that snubbed the biggest parties of the year. Apparently, he had been dead wrong and her evasiveness was being construed as mysteriousness. The cameras and corresponding photographers had tailed her to the hotel and it took a half an hour to find a safe entrance she could use. Finally, Travis had just thrown his jacket over her head and carried her in the kitchen door, using the service elevator to get her upstairs.
“Very Pacific Northwest… ish,” she muttered, setting her coffee down.
“Good… good. Ready for this?”
“Absolutely not,” she grumbled, turning when the bedroom door swung open.
Josie flew out of the room and into Liz’s arms, squealing like a twelve year old, “You’re here!”
“Josie, it’s six in the goddamn morning. Shhh!” Liz groaned, but was happy to see both her and Sarah, who appeared in the bedroom doorway looking just a little green.
Josie just laughed, “Right, right. Let’s go get started!”
“So then he stayed at my place the next night and after that I don’t really remember, but I just dropped him off a couple hours ago,” Josie giggled from the bed as Sarah ran a comb through Liz’s hair.
“Sounds like you and Rami really hit it off,” Liz said, staring wide eyed at her phone to cleanse her brain of the sex filled novel Josie just rattled off to her.
“It’s like fifty shades of Foo Fighters in here,” Sarah muttered. Liz met her eyes in the mirror and laughed. 
“Oh Liz, I’m sorry,” Josie sighed, “I’m telling you all about Rami when things ended so badly with Dave. He said the rest of the guys are super bummed about it.”
Liz coughed into her coffee cup, realizing she hadn’t talked to Josie since the night she left for Oregon. “Buckle up, Josie,” she smiled, “Cause I have one hell of a story for you.”
Hours later, Sarah and Josie stood back and studied Liz as she turned in front of the large mirror. Her dress was a mermaid silhouette, the bodice covered in deep indigo beading that faded down towards the train that ended in bright cerulean sequins. The straps holding the heavy gown up were so thin that Liz was willing to tape or staple or even sew the backless dress into her skin to avoid any disasters on the red carpet.
“You look like a mermaid that sold her soul to the sea witch for a man,” Sarah finally said.
“Damnit,” Liz replied, “I’d rather be the sea witch.”
Josie knelt to adjust the light blue train, “It is very oceanic, isn’t it?” She stepped back and furrowed her brow.
“At least I’m not wearing any pearls,” Liz offered. There wasn’t any time to change if Josie decided she looked too ‘theme-like’.
“No, we’re going to forget the diamonds tonight anyways,” Josie said, still considering the dress, “It’ll look like you looted a shipwreck.”
Liz pouted at the windowsill where a large pile of borrowed diamonds were laid out, sparkling brilliantly in the daylight.
“No, Liz,” Josie scolded, “They’re pretty, but it’s too much. This dress might already be wearing you.”
“Maybe if we pull her hair up? An updo as opposed to beach waves?” Sarah tried. They had already backed off on her makeup, removing the heavy cat eyeliner for a more natural look.
Josie nodded, “Yup, let’s do it.”
Liz scrolled through her phone as Sarah threw a sheet around her and began twisting her hair up when a text popped up on her screen.
How goes it?
“Tell me that’s him!” Josie called from the other side of the room as she tried to clean up a little from their busy morning.
“Yeah, it’s him,” Liz laughed.
Josie grabbed Liz’s hoodie off the bed and shook it, sending something flying out of the pocket and across the room. “What the hell is this?” she asked, rushing over to pick it up.
“Oh, Dave found it on the beach and I forgot it was in my pocket,” Liz replied, more concerned about the photo she was trying to take of her and Sarah in the mirror.
Josie flipped the shell over in her hand a couple times and rushed to the door, “I’ll be right back.”
Dave’s phone buzzed in his pocket just as he slid into the back of the SUV with his guitar.
It’s going! Slowly…
Dave smiled at the mirror-shot picture she had attached of her and Sarah surrounded by coffee cups and hair tools. 
What’s your dress like?
He stared down at his phone, waiting for her reply and drumming on his knee.
You’ll just have to watch the broadcast like the other three people that give a damn about what’s covering my ass
Dave thought about the conversation he had with Silva that morning about the media calling to ask if he was Liz’s date to the Oscars. No, he hadn’t been asked to go with her. No, he didn’t know why she didn’t ask him. No, he wouldn’t confirm they were seeing each other. No, he didn’t have any further comment on the matter. Deep down he knew why she hadn’t asked him. Everything was too new and they weren’t ready to confirm or announce to the world what they were when they didn’t even know themselves, but a very small part of him felt a little disappointed that she didn’t want him with her tonight.
I’m not a patient man, Elizabeth.
Her reply was almost immediate, Then learn, David.
At exactly 1:15, Liz, Josie, Travis and Mark said goodbye to Sarah and crammed into the hotel’s service elevator headed to the lobby.
When the elevator chimed its arrival in the hotel’s kitchen, Josie linked her arm with Liz’s, “Once we get to the car, remember to lay down, okay? I’m worried this dress will wrinkle.”
Travis and Mark led them through the bustling kitchen and Liz suddenly realized how hungry she was.
“I think I forgot to eat,” she told Josie as they stepped out of the kitchen and into the hotel bar.
“Well…,” Josie looked around them, “maybe we can hit up a taco truck on the way or something.”
They both giggled at that and leaned against the bar to wait for Travis to bring the car around. Liz felt infinitely better that Josie was with her this time and that she would be near her the entire night ensuring that she looked perfect for the next twelve hours.
Liz looked over her shoulder in the direction of the expletive and swore herself, “Goddamnit,” she whispered once she saw Johnny staring at her backless dress while gripping a glass of whiskey.
“Hi,” she gritted her teeth and turned to face him, “Funny seeing you here.”
He tore his eyes away from her body and smiled at her, “I booked a room. It’s convenient to the after party. You look exquisite, Lizzy.”
“Thanks,” she tilted her head as he kissed her cheek and heard Josie quickly order shots from the bartender.
“And how is dear David?” he asked, moving to stand just in front of her.
“Quite well, thank you,” Liz replied, watching the bartender pour shots of high end vodka. “We actually just flew back into LA this morning.”
“Oh?” he leaned his back against the bar to see her face better.
“We spent a few days in Oregon together,” Liz  nodded a thank you when the shot was set in front of her.
“Getting your multiple daily doses of vitamin d,” Josie muttered just loud enough that only Liz could hear before tipping her shot back. Liz coughed a little to try and hide her laugh.
“Sounds lovely,” Johnny said miserably, examining her dress again as he sipped his drink.
Liz lifted her shot and smiled, “We just needed to get to know each other without any… oh, I don’t know… interference,” she threw back the shot and winced at the burn in her throat.
“Car is ready,” Travis appeared behind them warily looking at Johnny.
“I’ll see you there, Lizzy,” Johnny smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek again when she sighed.
“This is stupid, just come with us,” she grumbled.
“I have my own car,” he tried, but Liz noticed he seemed sincere and it really was silly to take separate cars.
“No, there’s enough fucking traffic,” she linked her arm with his and let him lead her out of the bar. “This doesn’t mean you’re my date, though,” she laughed a little, not wanting this tense mood to hang over her the rest of the night.
“I’ll take what I can get,” he replied and stepped back so Liz could brave the media outside the hotel alone.
Dave leaned back on a black leather couch, refreshing the web page phone every few seconds. New photos of the Oscar red carpet would pop up, each of them more boring than the last. So many beige, black and red dresses that the even the famous faces began to blur together. He shoved the phone back in his pocket and sighed in frustration, taking a long drink from his beer as people hurried around him. He watched them for awhile when Taylor appeared and flopped down on the couch next to him.
“See her yet?” he asked, kicking Dave’s knee with his shoe.
Dave only shook his head and handed him a can of beer. Taylor popped it open and took a drink, sizing up his best friend’s mood when Ally weaved her way through the crowd towards them, her phone held high above her head. She shoved the phone into Dave’s hands with a bright smile on her face.
“She was smart to be one of the last on the carpet,” she said, wiggling herself in between Dave and Taylor on the couch. “She looks amazing.”
Dave scrambled to get his glasses off his head and onto his face, squinting at the blue shape that Ally said was Liz. He finally got the picture in focus and cleared his throat to disguise another noise which he was sure wasn’t human. Liz stood in front of a gold and white backdrop, her blue dress cascading behind her like an illusion.
“Down, boy,” Taylor laughed at the look on Dave’s face and Ally threw her elbow into his ribs. “Ow!”
Liz was smiling, but it wasn’t the smile Dave recognized. She seemed relaxed and calm, but to anyone that had been around her for more than an hour would know that she was faking it. Ally reached over and swiped the phone screen to the next photo, this one taken as she walked down the red carpet, her blue dress standing out among all the beige, black and red. Dave spotted a piece of jewelry in her hair and zoomed in to get a better look. His face broke into a wide smile when he recognized the shell he had given her had been tucked neatly into the top of the intricate knot at the nape of her neck. 
“Yeah, I thought you had something to do with that,” Ally said quietly and leaned into him.
He zoomed back out and examined the rest of the picture when he spotted Depp just off the carpet, smiling and waiting for Liz. He cleared his throat again and handed the phone back to Ally, forcing himself to smile. “Thanks, Ally,” he said quietly.
 “Dave... You know this is all business,” she frowned, seeing right through him, “You knew he was going. You knew they would have to do the press line together.”
“Yeah,” Dave nodded, knowing she was right, but it didn’t stop him from feeling a just little jealous, “I know.”
Liz followed Johnny down the ramp to the front of the theater, feeling more and more anxious the further she got to the stage. The general rule of awards shows was the closer you are to the stage, the more likely you are to win and she was preferring to be in the balcony at this point. An usher finally stopped along a row about five back from the stage and pointed to the two seats next to the aisle. Liz beamed when she saw Josie and Travis already seated and flopped down in the chair next to them.
“You’re here!” she cried, smiling even brighter when Travis handed her a flute of champagne
“Johnny said I was his plus one and Travis is yours, so here we are!” Josie tapped her glass against Liz’s and took a drink.
Liz turned back to Johnny as he settled in the chair next to her. “Why are you like this?” she demanded.
Johnny feigned innocence, “Like what, Lizzy?” he took a sip of the wine he had smuggled in from the lobby bar and smiled at her.
“Infuriating one moment and delightful the next.”
“I just want to see you happy, darling,” he replied, his gold tooth glinting sharply as the lights dimmed and the show began.
Liz uncomfortably sat back in her seat and leaned towards Josie, who immediately held her hand. “This is so exciting!” she whispered.
Liz only nodded, feeling her anxiety spike when a camera man kneeled just beside Johnny and aimed the lens directly at them. Go away, go away, go away, go away. Liz hadn’t thought about a camera being on her during this part of the show and she realized all at once that she had been seated next to Johnny to create buzz for their next film. Quickly reaching to grab her small clutch purse from Travis’s lap, she pulled out her phone and hid it in the folds of her dress while she tapped out a text.
Dave felt his phone buzz and almost flung it across the couch in his hurry to get it out of his pocket.
You up?
He shook his head at the screen, noting it was only six in the evening and quickly replied.
For you, yes.
“It’s starting, dude,” Taylor was still sprawled out on the couch next to Dave, pointing to a TV just to right of them.
They watched the opening montage featuring all the biggest films of the year with the show’s host poorly inserted into each of them when Dave’s phone chimed again.
Good cause I’m stuck next to the wind chime and I feel really bad about it.
“These award shows get worse and worse every year,” Taylor muttered.
The montage ended and the camera went from the host’s monologue to the crowd, pausing on each celebrity the host was desperately trying to make fun of. Liz appeared on screen looking indifferent and unamused while seated next to Depp. She was leaning as far as she could, practically in Josie’s seat, who was oblivious to her friend’s distress and smiling brightly.
“Look at that body language,” Taylor laughed. “She makes Depp look like a trap door spider.”
Dave grabbed his phone, We’re good, Liz. You look beautiful.
The camera remained on Liz as the host made another joke at her expense, something about her effortless leap from playing a politician to a pirate when she jumped a little and looked down at her dress. A happy smile finally spread across her face as the camera flashed back to the host.
“How long do you think the delay is on this?” Dave asked, looking back at Taylor.
Taylor gave him a confused look, “This is a monitor, dude. Real time.”
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