#( dadvid is my sHIT and this is beautiful )
shadow-light19 · 6 years
The Wolf of Lilac Lake: Dr. Redwood and Mr. Hyde Act 2
Summary: David unleashes Hyde and soon realizes the mistake he has made.
Notes: There is one last part to this story. It became longer than I thought so I downsized it to compensate. Also, have some more Preston and David interaction as well as more dadvid! Just in case, David is capable of partial transformation. He elongates his nails and teeth as Daniel but the audience just thinks its special effects.
Previous Chapter: https://shadow-light19.tumblr.com/post/174324549652/the-wolf-of-lilac-lake-dr-redwood-and-mr-hyde
 Songs used in this act
Better Than You from Camp Camp (Daniel’s part only)
 Confrontation from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
 Act 2
“-ntermission! We will begin again in 10 minutes. If you have yet to visit the concession stand, please do so. All proceeds go to funding the camp. Thank you!”
Preston ducked back under the curtains. He walked past the stagehands setting up the next scene and sought out David and the trio.
“Beautiful, David! Absolutely stunning! I can just feel the disgust and distress from you.”
Max rolled his eyes.
“That’s because he is disgusted and distressed.”
He gestured to David who was sobbing and being comforted by Nikki. Preston frowned and walked over. Neil looked up at him and gestured for him to fix this.
“David? Why are you upset? You were amazing!”
David looked up from where he was sitting.
“A-All of those p-poor children! I know it’s fake but it hurts to imagine any of that happening to you kids.”
Max, Nikki, and Neil looked away. Preston patted David on the shoulder.
“Come on, David. I know it makes you sad but that’s because you have so much heart. It’s amazing to see because half of your acting is the real you! That’s why the audience loves it! Now, come on. I need you to get mean. What would you do if you ever encountered such abuse and neglect in real-life?”
David wiped his eyes. He looked at the ground before looking back up with a determined expression.
“I would make sure the kids are away from such an environment and I would give my last breath trying!”
Max, Nikki, and Neil looked at him in surprise.
“That’s right! What would you do to anyone who tried to stop you, to people who condone it?”
Preston continued to rile him up. David stood and smacked his fist into his palm.
“I would like to see anyone try to stop me! You can’t mess with me when I get hard!”
Preston raised an eyebrow at him. Max smacked his face with his hand and Nikki and Neil started snickering.
“Oh-kay… I can work with that! Now get ready, David, because I want you to funnel that emotion into the next act!”
David marched to the stage.
“Don’t forget to partially transform when you become Hyde!”
Preston called out before turning to the trio.
“You guys did astoundingly as well! You all are great singers but Max, I am especially impressed with you. The father-son dynamic you and David have going is so natural.”
Max raised a brow at Preston.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Preston smiled and held a hand to his heart.
“There’s something about the way you two interact that can’t be faked. I don’t know what it is but if I didn’t know you two, I would’ve assumed you were family.”
Max glared at Preston.
“That has to be the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard. Get away from me before I choke you with the cords for the stage lights for even suggesting that David and I could along like that.”
Preston shrugged his shoulders and went back to the stage to announce the next act.
“EVERYONE! Get to your places! We are beginning the next act!”
He walked back to the side of the stage.  David looked at him and he gave a thumbs up. Preston returned it before signaling for Nurf to dim the lights.
 *Evening in the laboratory
David looked at his notebook that contained another set of observations on Cassandra. She had come in with a broken wrist. The bruises on it looked like a hand. He could see that she was uncomfortable around her Aunt, who had brought her in today. David figured she was responsible but he needed more proof. The kids were hanging out in the living room, already fed and relaxing before bedtime. David had gone down to the lab to test the serum.
“Hey, little guy.” He grabbed the cage that had the mouse he had saved.
He tested the serum on it. David slipped a picture of a cat into the cage. The mouse ignored it.
Perfect. Next up.
He took a second serum and gave that to the mouse as well. When he slipped in another picture of a cat, it fled to the corner of the cage.
I think it works. Seems safe at least.
He grabbed the two serums and pocketed them. Then he walked out into the town.
*Night outside the Midler Residence
David pulled out the first serum as he approached the house.
If God, can’t stop them, I will.
He drank the serum. His convulsed as his hair turned bleach blond, his clothes turned white, his teeth sharpened into long canines, his fingernails became sharp claws, and his green eyes became icy blue.
“Well, well, well.” He looked at himself under the moonlight.
“This worked better than I hoped. Now, let's go find Alison’s father. I’d say he’s escaped justice for far too long.”
Daniel picked the lock. He silently pushed the door open and looked around.
 *Inside the Midler’s residence
He found the master bedroom and walked inside. Midler and his wife were asleep. Daniel unsheathed his knife, a long-crooked thing, and approached the man. The man shifted and woke up to the sound of footsteps. He screeched but Daniel muffled him with the blanket. The wife quickly woke up and huddled in the corner of the room.
“Good evening Mr. Midler. How does it feel to feel the same fear that your daughter, Alison, felt before you killed her?”
Midler sputtered and shoved Daniel’s hands off of him.
“Now listen you, I don’t know what’s going on but that was a freak accident! The stupid brat injured herself. Now get out of my house before I call the police!”
Daniel cut the cord to the phone that was by the bedside table.
“Oh-ho, sir. I must say I don’t take kindly to liars. All that negative emotion your releasing is poisoning the good people around us. It poisoned you, it poisoned your wife, and it poisoned your daughter.”
Midler backed up until he fell off the bed, then continued backing up until he was against the wall. He looked down at the knife in Daniel’s hand then back to the madly-grinning man.
“What are you going to do to me?”
Daniel spun the knife in his hand and cracked his head almost completely horizontally.
“I’m going to rid this world of your poisonous filth. You’ll never taint the purity of others around you EVER again.”
Midler shivered at his drawl.
“It wasn’t my fault! She made me do it! That piece of shit disobeyed me!”
Daniel tsked at him.
“You really are a monster. What a shame I couldn’t save that poor child.”
Midler bristled.
“You’re the monster! Breaking into my house, threatening me, torturing me like this!”
Daniel whipped the knife up the Midler’s neck. He pressed firmly enough to draw blood but not enough to kill.
“Sure, I am a monster by your standards but I’m just doing Zemoog’s work. Who’s the better man? The man who killed his daughter or the man who killed a murderer?”
Midler spat in Daniel’s face. Daniel let out a snarl of disgust before breathing deeply to calm himself down.
“You won’t get away with it, freak!”
Daniel let the pressure of his knife slacken. His chuckled slightly before it morphed into a loud cackle.
“Oh, you filthy, pathetic cretin.”
He caressed Midler’s cheek.
“You seem impressed by all your lies,
But I don’t find them that compelling.
You left her to her own demise,
And well, I think that’s pretty telling.”
Midler shoved Daniel away and lunged to attack him but Daniel side-stepped and tripped him. Midler landed heavily on the floor.
“And while we’re on the subject of,
How it all went from push to shove,
You, ought to know your you’ll pay your due.”
He pulled the man to his knees by his collar and got in his face.
“I know that might be hard to swallow.
This won’t take long and then I’ll leave.
You’re gonna die and soon this town will know what,
Child abusers will receive.”
He threw the man against the wall. He hit it forcefully. The man groaned and raised a hand to his head.
“You’ve been outdone,
Now you see who really won,
But it was fun.
Your end’s begun, and
Soon they’ll know I’m better than you!”
Daniel grabbed his collar and slammed him to the ground. He slashed his throat and stabbed the man multiple times, smiling as blood sprayed everywhere and the man gurgled a scream.
“And I’ll prove it to them too!
I’ll cut you up so gruesomely,
And then they’ll know that it was me.
You’ll rot in hell where you belong,
And join the screaming, writhing, throng,
Of sinners where justice is done.”
The man stopped struggling. His eyes stared sightlessly off ahead, wide in fear. Daniel cleaned the knife on the man’s shirt and sheathed it.
“They’ll know I’m better than you.”
The wife sobbed in the corner. Daniel turned his attention to her. She flinched.
“Now dear, don’t be afraid.” Daniel crouched in front of her.
“I know you had nothing to do with her death. This had to be done.”
The woman stopped sobbing but didn’t stop shaking.
“Did you know that you can be purified? Cleansed of your sins and the taint of negative emotions that surround you? What if I told you the world didn’t have to be so cruel and unforgiving?”
 *Afternoon at the clinic
David was preparing a room for his next patient with the radio on.
“The latest on the news is the recently discovered death of Joshua Midler, the principle of Sleepy Peak Elementary. The man was discovered brutally murdered this morning in his own home. Police on the scene could not find any information on this assailant. Barbara Midler was found huddled in the corner, dressed completely in white, while smiling and mumbling about purity and negative emotions. At the moment the police do not consider her to be a suspect. She has been released from police custody and allowed to return home to aid in her recovery from this traumatic event. Her daughter Alison Midler died two days ago from an accident. Barbara Midler is the last surviving member of her family.”
David turned the radio off.
It looks like my serum worked a little too well. I hope Barbara is alright. It sounds like she was traumatized.
David heard the bell ring for the clinic door and turned to see his newest patient, Harrison.
“Good afternoon, Harrison, Mr. Sanders.”
He saw Marshall enter with his hand on his son’s shoulder.
“Good morning, Dr. Redwood! How are you today?”
David smiled.
“Please, call me David! I’m doing well thank you. If you will step right this way, I’ll give you a checkup. Do you want your father to come in with you, Harrison?”
Harrison nodded.
“Okay, right this way then.”
David led them to the room he prepared and sat Harrison down on the chair. He gave him a quick check-up, noted down the healing bruises and cuts on his arms and back, and used his stethoscope to listen to his breathing.
“You’re breathing seems a little irregular, Harrison. Does it hurt to breathe deeply?”
Harrison tried to breathe deeper but he winced. David wrote that down as well.
“I got punched by a bully at school yesterday,” Harrison admitted shyly.
David went and grabbed a bottle of children’s Tylenol.
“I want you to take this if it becomes too painful, alright? Follow the directions I’ve written here for you. Other than that you’re good to go.”
They thanked him and left. David looked over his notes.
Too many cuts to be clumsy. I’d say some were intentionally made. Some bruises were varied in shape as though hit by different objects. I’d say maybe something blunt since there were rarely any cuts on the bruises. Maybe it really is a bully? I’ll ask Max when he gets home.
David sighed and locked up the clinic.
 *Evening in the house
David set his keys by the door and started on dinner. Neil was spending the night at his mother’s house today so he set the table for three.
“Hey, Dad! We’re home!”
David knelt down with his arms out. Nikki and Max ran up to him and hugged him. He guided them into the kitchen and brought them a snack.
“How was your guys’ day?” David asked.
Nikki started rambling about something funny that happened in math class. David listened as she talked and laughed when the story was over.
“And you, son?”
Max started working on his homework.
“Nothing really special happened today. Harrison left class early though.”
David nodded.
“He had an appointment with me today. That reminds me, does Harrison get bullied?”
Max looked surprised but nodded.
“Yeah but Nurf hasn’t been at school this week. He caught the flu.”
David frowned.
Okay, so Harrison lied to me. But why? Maybe there is more truth to the abuse case than I thought.
David helped the kids with their homework and once it was night time again, headed down into the lab. He pulled out a binder with the file on Cassandra in it and added his file on Harrison to it.
Two kids who are likely being abused. I’ll take care of Harrison’s father tonight since I have proof.
David grabbed another pair of serums and left the laboratory.
 *Afternoon of the next day in the house
David didn’t have many patients today and welcomed the relief of finishing work early. He wanted to hear the news to know what happened last night.
“There is belief that we have a serial killer in Sleepy Peak. Police are on high alert for a blond man that was seen leaving the Hayes’ residence last night. When police arrived, the aunt was brutally murdered and the daughter Cassandra Hayes was dead. It seemed she died by drinking juice containing rat poison. Cassandra did show signs of child abuse and the parents exhibited similar symptoms to Barbara Midler. Both we dressed completely in white and going on about negative emotions and purifying the innocent so that they may be saved. The man also visited the Sanders’ residence last night. Harrison Sanders was found dead by the same method as Cassandra and his father was brutally murdered. Harrison also showed signs of abuse.
In other news, there is a new religion rising in the town-”
David covered his mouth with his hand.
That isn’t what I wanted! Why are the kids dying?! Why did I visit Cassandra’s house too?!
“Because they needed to be saved!”
David froze.
Why did I just say that?
The strange feeling came over him again.
“If I didn’t save them, they would’ve continued to bathe in a negative rich environment all their lives until they died as tainted as the people who hurt them.”
David was paralyzed in terror. He ran into his bedroom where he saw his appearance on his full-body mirror. He was conscious this time as Daniel took over the body and David saw his other form fully in the mirror. He changed back to David.
“This is insane! What’s going on? I’m not supposed to be able to change without the serum!”
“Oh, my poor David. You really don’t realize? I’m getting stronger. Soon, I will control you and continue my God’s work!”
David snarled.
“You murdered children! I only wanted to kill those who were absolutely guilty but escaped justice!”
He tugged his hair with his hands.
“I never wanted this!”
“Yes, you did. Face it! What better way to save children, than to make sure they can never be hurt again? Zemoog will protect them. They have been saved from the negative emotions that clog this wretched world. We are down here suffering and clawing our way through the darkness of life. This is no life for innocent children! That’s why some people hurt them. They know how clean and pure children are and want that respite for themselves.” David clenched his hands into fists.
“What madness are you talking about, you monster! None of what you say makes any sense to me!”
Daniel smiled and cracked his neck.
“What a mean thing to say to yourself, David. After all, you are the one who created me remember? Daniel Hyde is your disguise! You wanted to murder those people, I just went through with your desires.”
David ran down to the lab and drank the second serum. He was terrified and panting harshly. He created and drank the second serum one more time to make sure it counteracted the effects of the one that created Daniel.
Never again will I take the serum. I do not like what I have become.
He dumped the serums together and then poured them down the drain. He took the recipe he created for the first serum and burned it.
Let this be the end.
 *Next night at the Laboratory
David finally calmed down. All day he worried about Daniel somehow getting out but nothing ever happened. David sighed and bent over his desk, hands in his hair. He was thankful this whole mess was over. Max, Nikki, and Neil were suspicious that something had been upsetting him and had done their best to cheer him up. He smiled as he thought of his precious kids. However, he didn’t want them to ever find out how low he had fallen.
All I heard on the news today was the continued investigation into Daniel’s murders and about some new religion that seems to parallel the beliefs that Daniel spouted.
David sighed and looks at the newspaper front lining the murders.
I never wanted those poor kids to die. My twisted sense of justice has caused so much pain and suffering… but now…
”It’s over now I know inside,
No one will ever know,
The sorry tale of Daniel Hyde,
And those who died…
No one must ever know.”
He closed the notebook and left it on the desk. He made his way over to the mouse in the cage. The little creature ran up to him and nuzzled his hand.
“They only see the tragedy.
They’d not see my intent.
The shadow of his evil,
Would forever kill,
The good that I had meant.”
He turned to his desk and picked up a photo of him and Max.
“Am I a good man?
Am I a madman?”
He hugged the photo close.
“It’s such a fine line
Between a good man and a…”
“Do you really think?
That I would ever let you go?”
David jumped.
No, but I-!
“Do you really think I’d ever set you free?”
David whirled around and ran to a bookshelf by the stairs. He tossed items aside as he looked through a drawer for a mirror.
“If you do I’m sad to say,
It simply isn’t so.
You will never get away from me!”
David gave up and slammed it shut.
He turned to his left and stomped to the center of the room.
“All that you are is a face in the mirror!
I close my eyes and you’ll disappear!”
He felt the change take over and suddenly his body was facing the right.
“I’m what you face when you face in the mirror!
Long as you live I will still be here!
David grasped control again and rushed to his desk. He started writing own ways to get rid of Daniel.
“All that you are is the end of a nightmare!
All that you are is a dying scream!
After tonight, I shall end this demon’s dream!”
Daniel resumed control and picked the book off the desk.
“This is not a dream my friend, and it will never end.
This one is the nightmare that goes on!”
He ripped the page out and shredded it.
“I am here to stay no matter what you may pretend,
And I’ll flourish long after you’re gone!”
David snarled and snatched control back. He plopped the book down and started writing on a new page.
“Soon you will die and my memory will hide you! You cannot choose but to lose control!”
“You can’t control me I live deep inside you!
Each day you’ll feel me devour your soul.”
David started grabbing chemicals and pouring them in beakers.
“I don’t need you to survive as you need me!
I’ll become whole as you dance with death!
And I’ll rejoice as you breathe your final breath!”
He felt Daniel hurl his consciousness from control.
“I’ll live inside you forever!”
David tried to gain control again.
“With Zemoog himself by my side!”
David could feel his strength fading. He tried with all his might to grasp control.
“And I know that now and forever,
They’ll never be able to separate Redwood from Hyde!”
David felt relief as he took over his body once again.
“Can’t you see it’s over now!
It’s time to die!”
He added the last ingredient to the solution. He backed away from the desk and gripped his head as Daniel forced his control again.
“No, not I! Only you!”
David felt a strong rush of fear. He didn’t have the mental strength to regain his body.
“If I die, you’ll die too!”
“You’ll die in me, I’ll BE you!”
If David could cry, he would.
“Damn, you Hyde! Leave me be!”
“Can’t you see? You are me!”
“No deep inside-“
“I am you! You are Hyde!”
“No, never!”
“Yes, forever!”
Daniel walked out of the lab.
“God damn you, Hyde! When I get my chance, I will end you!”
He threw the front door open and stalked out into the town.
“You will never break through. Ha-ha-ha… Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
10 notes · View notes