#( dw the awkwardness of 'you fight good' is still 100% just him being a dumbass
liishang-moved · 3 years
headcanon + concussion.
GENERAL. I always found Shang’s actions in the later part of the fight with Shan Yu a bit odd for him. He doesn’t fight like he normally would, he doesn’t chase after Shan Yu when he goes for Mulan like he normally would. Now that I re-watch Mulan I realize that it’s obviously due to some head trauma.
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EXAMPLE 1. after having pinned Shan Yu down for a time, he gets an elbow to the face, and a headbutt which knocks him out hard enough for Shan Yu to literally throw his limp body a few feet. That’s a prime example of a concussion, and this is where his behaviour changes immediately when it comes to combat.
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EXAMPLE 2. after he wakes up, he immediately draws a knife to defend himself (and Mulan) but does a (lets be honest here) shitty job at it. He’s also struck again by a fist which is holding a the hilt of a sword. That’s absolutely more head trauma. After this, Mulan throws her shoe to gain Shan Yu’s attention, and Shan Yu drops Shang. Shang stays on the ground, and doesn’t get up to pursue Shan Yu as he chases Mulan. 
CONCUSSION. a single strong hit to the head where he passes out is trauma enough, but to be struck hard a second time with basically a blunt object? yeah, Shang is hurting really bad. I believe he actually stays on the ground for a long time trying to regain some level of clarity (which likely doesn’t happen). 
CONCLUSION. he’s got head trauma and that’s part of the reason he’s not as... comfortable with his words and actions towards the end of the film. He lashes out in anger at the Emperor’s advisor which we haven’t seen before, at least not with physical violence. He also needs to ask the Emperor for clarity when the Emperor tells him to ‘go get your damn girl you idiot’. I truly don’t feel as though he wouldn’t have known what the Emperor was saying had he been clear of mind. 
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