#( event | magical chaos. )
h-didanart · 21 days
It’s Au time >:3
What’s the au about? Dumping all my Bloodmoons into Deltarune dark worlds!
How did that happen? Uh, idk, I just wanted to draw them in different clothes and with different colors, tho I have thought through about three different Dark Worlds for three of them. Still, this will be a dump of the designs which I am very proud of :3
Cw for bright colors
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Separated!BM, Hunter and Harvest. They’re gardeners, aprons being used as their cape and skirt respectively, flower theme popping up here and there. Also there might be an anime reference in their designs.
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Lone!BM, Original. He’s a seamstress or whatever the term is, his clothes are made of various different fabrics stitched together with many different patterns which were an absolute hell to draw. He’s a magic user
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Retired!BM, Bloody and Harvest. They’re a mechanic, their weapon is a laser thing that can turn into any tool, and their clothes are probably supposed to look messier than that. Also yes, I know exactly what their color palette looks like.
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Magic!BM, Sturgeon and Harvest. Probably my favorite design, they’re a cook, a very messy cook, their magic is element based because cooking processes. They’re extremely salty at the fact they didn’t get the everything-weapon thing
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Ocean!BM, Bloodmoon. They’re a fisherman because ocean, yes those are socks on crocs, they look more like their family now! I really like their color palette.
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Swap!BM, Scythe and Fang. Demonic nun, need I say more? I had to redo their color palette cuz I really didn’t like the original one. They really despise the fact their magic is chain based
I’ll probably ramble more later, I just wanted to like dump this here at some point. Expect more Bloodmoons to come!
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layla-dubois · 2 years
Relief | Thomas & Layla
Continued from here. Layla was near her breaking point. She was so cold. She shook noticeably as she sipped on her Hot Toddy which did nothing to ease her chill. She knew it had to be magic, some institute trick but she couldn’t just stop searching for some kind of relief.
She was momentarily distracted when a stranger approached her. She smiled and answered through chattering teeth, “Not really,” only he spoke rather quickly again.
For a moment Layla’s chattering teeth stopped, just long enough to show her surprise. Her shivering returned moments later, a reminder that she would not be resting while she was like this, why not enjoy a small distraction while she waited for the spell to stop.
“O-o-o-k-k-ay...” she smiled, half laughing at her own theatrical reaction to her personal temperature. 
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“S-s-sorry, I-I’m f-f-f-r-ee-ezin’.”
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variantofmetal · 2 years
Spilling the Tea | Frankie & Steele
Should Steele have stayed home the moment they realized their favorite ability  was gone? Yes of course, but there was little fun in that. They would simply make sure they have so much to drink they won’t remember whatever secrets they spilled and make sure whoever overheard did either. 
Luckily they were in the company of a friend, someone they trusted to keep their secret. “Did I ever tell you that I murdered my sibling?” They asked taking a swing from their mead laughing.
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tech-kingthomas · 2 years
The witch was a loner, through and through.  He was the last survivor of his family, who were long dead after he pushed himself to the brink of life for so long, until he found the magic required to keep himself alive for so long.  You didn’t get by for almost two centuries alone by being touchy-feely.  Sure, it got lonely, but that was the price to pay, is what he always convinced himself.  He must have hit a breaking point here, though, because all he wanted was some sort of warm embrace.  For his bed to not be empty for once.  The first person he found he approached, unabashedly, not at all like his reserved, shier self.  “Are you having a nice evening?” he asked, barely waiting to hear the answer before continuing:  “Would you spend the rest of it with me?” @thaliaxmoore​
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feelings-fortilly · 2 years
Anonymous asked: TRADING PLACES: (Sonya)
When Tilly woke up older, she was at least familiar with the body she was in.  Aged and a little different here and that, she knew it was hers as well as the one she had been in the night previous.  This time, she woke up knowing immediately something wasn’t right; this was clearly not the same thing.
To her delight, though, she recognized the face in the mirror, as odd as it was to come to terms with.  The magic she had to get used to quickly around here, but this week was jarring her in more ways than one, and when she got over the fact that she no longer had her long blonde hair, or her wardrobe didn’t fit right - she ended up stealing clothes from another student’s cell - she marched herself over to the house, knocking quickly.  “Sonya, you home?” she called.  “I hope so, cause this is really fucking funny--” @xscottlandenbergx​
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deathxxbecomesxxher · 2 years
RHYME TIME: Muse can only communicate in rhymes and song. What will go right, and what will go wrong? 
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Persephone spent the last few hours writing poetry, while it wasn’t unusually for her, the topic was. They were all love poems that she wrote about the man she met on Halloween. Donnie, even his name had her feeling as if she ate a thousand butterflies. She hummed softly to herself pulled her phone out to text him.
Text: Hey I was thinking about you. I was going to get a cold brew, would you like some too?
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scarlettxmcknight · 2 years
AMNESIA: her time on the island
Scarlett looked around in complete and utter confusion. Why was she on some tropical island? How did she even get here? She took a few steps in a random direction but had no idea where she was going. As she looked around, she noticed some others had collars around their necks and she reached up to realize she wore one too. Scarlett tried to pull the collar off or unlock it but it wouldn't budge.
She didn't recognize anyone or any place around her, but she tried not to show her growing panic. Scarlett walked up to the nearest person and got their attention. "Hey, uh, can you tell me what's going on here? Where are we? And why won't this collar come off?"
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lilylynch · 2 years
“Would you to be a good person for me and get a reward?” She asked the them, reaching out to grasp their chin. Her grip was firm as she smiled at them, though it lack some of her usually warmth. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have a good time as well, darling,” she said letting go. “Come along, let’s have some fun.”
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OCC: Reblog, like or message me if you if you would like to do something with this Lilly.
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finncarlyle · 2 years
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Finn Carlyle in his 60s
Gary Oldman fc
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leibxedelman · 2 years
Magic was one hell of a thing to navigate as a human, so when he was back to his normal physical age, and had hopefully stopped being brought to completion every time he heard a specific word he was now somewhat terrified to say- he wasn’t quiiiite ready to go back to work out of fear that he’d need to bring half his wardrobe with him to be able to change pants every time. So he had employees who had no problem being around the library working while he tried to navigate being (hopefully) back to normal. 
It was during that navigation time that the popular librarian happened to notice a very familiar very beautiful woman he knew and with a grin he stepped up behind her, placing his hands over her eyes. “Guess who?” he crooned into her ear with a smile. Evie always made him feel good, being with her was always a delight, and he was always one to look for a good time. 
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wildxhayes · 2 years
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These are the M!A’s I have for Wild! Let me know if any of them look interesting and you want to plot! 
IRRESISTIBLE AURA: Is it their perfume? Is it their smile? Something about this muse is making them absolutely irresistible in a way they can’t control. Everyone who comes within a few feet of them finds themselves absolutely taken with them, wanting them desperately, regardless of their usual preferences.
SLAVE:  Regardless of their status on the island, muse is now compelled to serve those around them–nothing else could give them such joy, and they are compelled to follow any order given to them.
LOVE POTION NO. 9:  Muse is madly in love with another muse, to be specified by the asker. Feelings may or may not be reciprocated. (So this one was sent without a muse’s name, so if you sent this and wanted this one for someone in particular, please message me so I know how to play it!) 
HAUNTED: Celeste
ICE ICE BABY:  Muse is freezing cold and can only get warmth with physical contact—the more intimate, the more warmth they get, but it won’t last long after they stop.
MASTER:  Regardless of their status on the island, muse is now feeling extremely dominant, and other people feel it, too–every command they give must be obeyed.
HEDONIST:  Muse is seeing temptations everywhere, and they’re not interested in resisting them. Anything that would give the muse pleasure is irresistible. Will Power? Who’s that? Never met him.
PANTS ON FIRE: Muse is compelled to lie about even the smallest details. They couldn’t tell the truth about what they had for breakfast.
RULE 63:  Muse finds themselves in a body of the opposite sex. (FC: Shannon Sossamon)
HE SAID, SHE SAID: Cassie never wants to see you again
THE SAME COIN:  Muse is now split into two sides of themselves—two physical versions of one person, the good and bad qualities that make them a whole split between them.
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violetxlynch · 2 years
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These are the M!A’s I have for Violet! Let me know if any of them look interesting and you want to plot! 
RULE 63  Muse finds themselves in a body of the opposite sex. (FC: Willem De Schryver)
SCHWASTED: Muse is extremely inebriated and can’t seem to sober up. Hey, at least there won’t be a hangover in the morning, right?
SENIOR CITIZEN: 67  Muse is physically, but not mentally, aged to an age to be specified by the asker. (FC: Michelle Pfeiffer) 
IRRESISTIBLE AURA:  Is it their perfume? Is it their smile? Something about this muse is making them absolutely irresistible in a way they can’t control. Everyone who comes within a few feet of them finds themselves absolutely taken with them, wanting them desperately, regardless of their usual preferences.
CONFESSIONS: Muse has lost the ability to lie and suddenly feels the overwhelming urge to confess their secrets.
MASTER: Regardless of their status on the island, muse is now feeling extremely dominant, and other people feel it, too–every command they give must be obeyed.
OPPOSITES ATTRACT:  Muse finds themselves irresistibly attracted to the person they hate or fear the most.
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ashxromero · 2 years
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These are the M!A’s I have for Ash! Let me know if you want to plot any of them! 
HEDONIST:  Muse is seeing temptations everywhere, and they’re not interested in resisting them. Anything that would give the muse pleasure is irresistible. Will Power? Who’s that? Never met him.
FURRY OR FEATHERED: Muse is transformed into an animal, to be specified by the asker. (Monkey)
MASTER:  Regardless of their status on the island, muse is now feeling extremely dominant, and other people feel it, too–every command they give must be obeyed. (I got another one similar to this one as well, so I’ll just combine it as one, Ash is a dominant girl who knows what she wants, and is going to take it) 
THUMBELINA: Muse is now only a few inches tall. Try not to get stepped on!
SENIOR CITIZEN: 30s (FC: Tuppence Middleton)
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variantofmetal · 2 years
Patience might be a virtue, but it wasn’t one that Steele had acquired and after waking up needing to be with Wade, they never wanted to be a part for him. They sent him half a dozen texts ranging from asking where he was to if he missed them as much as they missed him, but they had no patience and made their way to his home, easily breaking in and lounging on his bed to wait for him.
They grinned when they heard the door opened. “Wade, I’ve been waiting for you.”
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tech-kingthomas · 2 years
Anonymous asked: MASTER
“Slave!” he barked in their direction.  Thomas had never revealed to anyone here his prior status on this island, at this place.  He never would admit it, but he always had thought that was a sort of weakness in him.  It was his own poor choices that landed him there for the first time, in the first place.  No one to blame but him and his bad investors.  Now, though, he couldn’t understand for the life of him why he never bothered to flip the script - it felt good to be on this side of the aisle, the one who was commanding, not the commanded.  “Why haven’t you knelt at my feet yet, or asked what you could do for me?” @rowanxaubri​
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feelings-fortilly · 2 years
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The fuck was wrong with the weather now? Edward was used to harsher temperatures, but when he woke up that morning on the island, there was absolutely nothing that got him out of this state of feeling cold : neither the shower, the layers of clothes or the sunlight had managed to warm him up. Bundled up in a cable knit sweater and a winter coat, he had approached yet another person who was dressed as tho the weather was not akin to the heights of winter. Was there something he was missing here? "Hi. So this is going to sound weird but... Don't you feel awfully cold right now?"
Anonymous asked: ICE ICE BABY
Tilly lived in California all her life and only ever went to colder regions during Christmastime, or in the summer when it wasn’t as brisk.  Therefore, none of her wardrobe was thermal by any means.  It was thin, flimsy - expensive, but meant to be showing off her features, bundle them up under fabric.  She had her favorite hoodie that didn’t seem to be doing anything for her, she was wearing jeans, had a blanket wrapped around her and still that wasn’t cutting it.  It was almost as if there was a wind biting through the fabric, even through her very skin and into her bones and it was horrible.  She could cry.  Someone else passing by, a rumpled looking man was all layered up too, and before she could even think, she found herself rushing over, barely paying attention to his words once she did.  “Yes, freezing - I’m coming under there,” Tilly said, throwing the blanket around his shoulders and pulling herself in under his jacket, sighing in relief at the proximity, from the heat his body seemed to bring.  “Oh, you’re warm,” she murmured, resting her head against his shoulder.
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