#( ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't've fallen in love with. / && lou and stu macher. )
parvumchao · 3 months
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shesboundtobruise · 4 months
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: what the ever living shit is the economy coming to?
[text]: at this rate we'll be charging Ol rent before she's in sixth grade. (echoestm, stu, lou)
TEXT MEMES ARE THE BEST MEMES | accepting! ( @echoestm )
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( sms sent: Stubert ) Inflation's a real bitch, yeah. ( sms sent: Stubert ) Nah, no rent. Just make her do much chores. ( sms sent: Stubert ) Since her allowance is technically our money still...
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shesboundtobruise · 4 months
❛you  know, frisbees  are  traditionally  caught  with  your  hands,  not  your  face.❜ Stu has little reason to question the presented story. FIRST OF ALL... it's totally the kind of thing that would happen to him. He's caught plenty of frisbees and basketballs and other sports things to the face because a pretty girl walks by or he thinks he hears his name or he just generally spaces out and comes back to a loud and painful WHACK that makes him whine and bitch about foul plays.
Secondly.. what is actually is, is something that hasn't touched him at all except like in cheesy very special after-school episodes of shit. He's in the percentage of people who would be dumbstruck to find out that this kind of shit happens in his hometown, even while the whole time even worse and darker shit goes down in his hometown. The kind of shit he's a victim to and just... compartmentalizes, normalizes, maybe even romanticizes. Well.. for a bit. Before Billy set him straight. Fact is, he can look Lou's bruises straight in the face and never even for a moment think to imagine of her cop dad putting them there, let alone for what. He swallows the story hook, line, and sinker and not as some attempt to just look the other way. Hence the ribbing and the teasing before he's scooping her up to drop a kiss on her nose and carry off into the sunset.
"My poor girl. I ever see this frisbee, I'll make it sleep with the fishes." (echoestm, stu, lou)
( @echoestm )
"Maybe I wanted to see what it was like for dogs. You ever consider that?"
The day Lou can stop lying, can stop pretending to be so goddamn clumsy, is the day that Stanley Wolfe dies, and she doesn't see that happening for a while. So the lies continue, the purposeful trips and slips keep up. A walk into a door here, a fall into a ditch there. Anything that will convince people that all those bruises, the sprains, even the broken bones, all of them, are her fault and not done by the hands of her father. She's tried the truth before and it changed nothing. This façade feels better than the disappointment.
Would being honest with Stu matter? Would it help? Or would it just feel like a punch to his gut too? Would he recover from that quickly like seemingly everyone else?
She feigns a laugh, a smile, as Stu scoops her up, but once out of view, the pain of untruths hits her. She'd scowl at herself if she could, if it wouldn't hurt so goddamn bad.
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