#( hey! they're stealing my show! ;; promo )
heubhyeolgwii · 2 years
【 tags 】
【 a fate that once looked grim it's now your chance to be saved 📿 in character 】
【  they'll hang me for what i have done 📿 closed rp 】
【 right now they're building a coffin your size 📿 text post 】
【 you swore you'd pull the trigger but now it's stuck 📿 main verse 】
【 if there's a god in hell let us pray let us pray 📿 likes 】
【 we always lose and our life is hell 📿 aesthetic 】
【 in between the darkness and the twilight 📿 images 】
【  the sweet sugar gun does not protect me 📿 starter call 】
【 you feed us lies from the tablecloth 📿 drabbles 】
【 i'll make a beast out of myself 🌂 visage 】
【 i've been chained too long my vision's so unclear 📿 self promo 】
【 you can feel his heart but you know he's mean 🔪 promo 】
【 oneul bam uri freaky freaky hae yea ☠️ shitposts 】
【 dragged you down below down to the devil's show 📿 musings 】
【 you should've known the price of evil 📿 head canons 】
【 men like you have such an easy soul to steal 📿 ask memes 】
【 they took for granted your soul and it's ours now to steal 📿 quotes 】
【 only time will alter your vision 📿 queue 】
【 aju nice !! ☠️ kassim speaks 】
【 nothing hurts my world just affects the ones around me 📿 speakers 】
【 time soaked with blood turns it's back 📿 asks 】
【 i’d rather be kentucky fried than alive and kicking in jersey any day ☠️ selca 】
【 maybe we’re just having too much fun ☠️ connections drop 】
【 i canʼt explain anything anymore anyway ☠️ hiatus notice 】
【 hey man i love you but no fucking way ☠️ semi hiatus notice 】
【 i'll exorcize you straight to hell !! 📿 crack 】
【 we gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife 📿 dash com 】
【 give me a chance to be that person i wanna be 📿 wishlist 】
【 no need to serve on your knees 📿 meta 】
【 immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption 📿 psa 】
#【 tags 】#【 oneul bam uri freaky freaky hae yea ☠️ shitposts 】#【 aju nice !! ☠️ kassim speaks 】#【 i’d rather be kentucky fried than alive and kicking in jersey any day ☠️ selca 】#【 maybe we’re just having too much fun ☠️ connections drop 】#【 i canʼt explain anything anymore anyway ☠️ hiatus notice 】#【 hey man i love you but no fucking way ☠️ semi hiatus notice 】#【 a fate that once looked grim it's now your chance to be saved 📿 in character 】#【  they'll hang me for what i have done 📿 closed rp 】#【 right now they're building a coffin your size 📿 text post 】#【 you swore you'd pull the trigger but now it's stuck 📿 main verse 】#【 if there's a god in hell let us pray let us pray 📿 likes 】#【 we always lose and our life is hell 📿 aesthetic 】#【 in between the darkness and the twilight 📿 images 】#【  the sweet sugar gun does not protect me 📿 starter call 】#【 i'll make a beast out of myself 🌂 visage 】#【 i've been chained too long my vision's so unclear 📿 self promo 】#【 dragged you down below down to the devil's show 📿 musings 】#【 you should've known the price of evil 📿 head canons 】#【 men like you have such an easy soul to steal 📿 ask memes 】#【 they took for granted your soul and it's ours now to steal 📿 quotes 】#【 only time will alter your vision 📿 queue 】#【 nothing hurts my world just affects the ones around me 📿 speakers 】#【 time soaked with blood turns it's back 📿 asks 】#【 i'll exorcize you straight to hell !! 📿 crack 】#【 we gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife 📿 dash com 】#【 give me a chance to be that person i wanna be 📿 wishlist 】#【 no need to serve on your knees 📿 meta 】#【 immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption 📿 psa 】
0 notes
alicepao13 · 6 months
Hudson and Rex S06E11
Retrospectively, this episode had a good promo, as it made it look more high-stakes than it actually was. That’s not to mean it was a bad episode but the actual episode made Rex's situation look decidedly less dire.
We get right into it, and I think I’d have preferred a first scene with Sarah picking up the phone and being told that Charlie is in the hospital, or a scene where they find Charlie. And their first interaction seems bland, sorry.
That lady is creepy. She could be an unsub on Criminal Minds.
Charlie’s threshold above which he can leave the hospital is: “Can I walk?” *limps, staggers* “Eh, good enough. Let’s go find Rex.”
I get why creepy lady had to treat Rex, script-wise, but after that point it was like his injury practically disappeared. Another miraculous recovery. 
"I never should have let him chase that trailer". What are you talking about, Rex chasing people is literally how you guys catch 80% of the criminals.
"I was being a cowboy". How this comes up after so many cases of both Charlie and Rex exhibiting this kind of behavior and is now considered cowboy behavior while in the past it has been considered police work, I don't know.
"Your bark is bigger than your bite"? The disrespect! Allow him to demonstrate.
"Rocky it is". Oh, hell no, lady.
You have to admire the astonishingly amateurish work of the thieves. They go to "steal" the horse, they get seen. They go back to get the clippers, they get seen again.
Hey, they're using Jesse as a detective again. Good for you, Jesse Mills.
They actually started searching the barns one by one? Oh, my.
Joe and Sarah keeping an eye on Charlie. But just. Keeping an eye.
Why is he talking with the guy like they had a mere brawl? Like, shove him against the wall, Rex is missing! I demand some violence for this.
I appreciate Sarah's tactile approach of making sure Charlie is okay every five minutes lol
Of course Rex, even injured and captured, would still be looking to get the murder weapon. A consummate professional.
"Cardinal rule of marriage, ask for forgiveness, not permission". What an idiot. You're at the divorce lawyer's door and you don't even know it, dumbass.
This might be the dumbest reason for a person to get caught in other people's bullshit and end up getting murdered. Being witness to a fake theft orchestrated by the person who actually owns the horse, and trying to stop it. In another show, the guy would become a vengeful ghost, rightfully so.
Oh yeah, that lady is scary. And apparently, abusive too.
Rex's ears perking up as he hears the sound of Sarah's car is like, "oh fucking finally, they've come to get me out of here". And then he gets sedated. Poor dog is having a hell of a day.
Charlie heard Rex's whine with... supersonic hearing? First the growling, now this. I think he's becoming part dog.
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Oh yeah, this is what people with concussions and limps should do.
"Another blow to the head could be serious". Oh, you mean, another, other blow? Also, another concussion even weeks later can actually cause second-impact syndrome, and kill him. I think he's due for a vacation.
"I'll keep my head down". That response alone warrants some violence.
"Not hurt are you?" Well, it's been like a full day since Rex was shot. He's totally fine.
I think the promo overhyped the episode, but it was still good. I needed a bit more emotion from everyone, to be honest. The hospital scene could be longer but at least they remembered to show the side effects of getting a concussion, somewhat. I still maintain that someone should have died for shooting Rex, but that would be to satisfy me personally. The excess of violence should be acceptable if someone shoots a dog. See John Wick. Also, at which point will they come up with the idea to put a GPS tracker on Rex? A GPS tracker on Charlie would be a good idea too, for a grown man he's surprisingly easy to lose :P
At some point, all of this should blow over to a scene where Sarah accuses Charlie of being reckless, but I'm not holding my breath.
Promo: The SJPD precinct continues to be a dangerous place to work. I'd say there are smarter ways of getting the police's attention than trying to hold one of their people at knife-point. But hey, I appreciate it regardless. I'm glad the tone of the season has changed from "we don't know what the fuck we're doing" to "Hudson and Rex, in which everyone is having a terribly dangerous time".
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magnumdays · 11 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
Actor Matthew Marsden asks Twitter for Biden's greatest accomplishments, hilarity ensues
Joe Biden lies. (Excuse us ... 'embellishes.') A lot. He lies so often, it's not even news anymore when he does it. Not that the mainstream media would make it news, they're too busy covering for or ignoring those lies. Whether it is about his academic history, his political history, his family, or even his own upbringing, the man lies like most people breathe. 
Recently, conservative actor Matthew Marsden -- who is as fed up with these lies as any normal person would and should be -- decided to have a little fun with Biden's tall tales and asked Twitter/X to list some of the 46th President's greatest achievements. The response from users was every bit as funny as you would expect.
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We're pretty sure Biden is old enough that this at least could be true. 
They don't call Biden 'the Maestro of the Med' for nothing, folks. 
Is that the same Sir Edmund Hillary who Hillary Clinton claimed she was named after? (Even though she was born six years before anyone knew who Edmund Hillary was.)
Those paintings of Biden and his troops rowing across the frigid, icy river that dark Christmas night have become indelible icons of America's victory over the British. 
Without Biden's ingenious method, we would have no reference point when we say, 'The greatest thing since...'
We never did trust that Al Gore. Trying to rip off Biden's invention like that. Shame on you, Al.
Yeah, the history books will try to tell you that was Abraham Lincoln. Don't you believe them? They're fake news. That was all Joey, baby. 
Our favorite passage in Exodus is when Biden boldly strode into Pharoah's hall, whipped off his aviators, took a lick of his chocolate chocolate chip double cone, and demanded, 'Let my people go, Jack.'
Biden played ironman football in that game too, offense and defense for both teams. He truly deserved to win all three Heisman trophies that year. 
And that's why Biden later had to free the slaves: he was appalled at what his invention was being used for. 
And he didn't even hide in the basement that time. 
It may look like an 'S' to us, but on Biden's home planet, that symbol he wears on his chest means 'hope.'
That was a busy week for Biden, to be sure. He needed a day of rest at the end of it.
Biden was originally going to be the subject of Christopher Nolan's recent movie, but the casting director couldn't find an actor handsome enough to play him, so Nolan had to rewrite the script. 
If Lincoln had kept his appointment for a chess lesson with Biden instead of going to see a play, history would have changed forever. 
Corn Pop may have been a bad dude, but Corn Pops are delicious with some nice, cold milk. Which Biden also invented. 
Many people died that day, sadly, until Biden showed up and the Germans all just laid down their arms and surrendered. Nobody messes with a Biden.
Look, not every accomplishment has to alter the course of human events, OK? Sometimes, Biden just wants to make our lives more convenient. 
Shhh. He hasn't released this one to the public yet. Don't try to steal Biden's thunder. He'll let us know about his cancer cure when he determines we are ready to receive his merciful bounty.
Hey, we know some of these things may seem farfetched, but hand to God, everything you've seen above is true. We ain't kiddin', folks. Come on man, don't take it from us. Just ask the man himself. He'll affirm everything you've read here happened, his word as a Biden. 
Editor's Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy's conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 40% off your VIP membership!
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m-ieli-blog · 7 years
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𝓈𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒷𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝒶𝑔 𝒹𝓇𝑜𝓅
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Hi! I miss you with all my heart! Still not over that Cheriam shit show last night. I read that comment today "Even Liam performance and Cheryl been there too didn't help the sinking ship #XFACTOR rating last night." Then i checked and wow, ratings is so bad as hell. Seems like Satan promo company didn't work. Still pissed that Cheryl stole all Liam audience and news. But not surprised at all. Their body language saying the truth - they're strangers.
Hey Nonnie!
Long post ahead: Honestly last night had me rolling because it was a trainwreck on so many levels. Those awkward IG stories, her being interviewed and kissing Satan’s ass, the way they forced Liam to make an exit with her. It was so bad, I can’t believe it actually happened.
Initially I was under the impression that Satan gave Liam to Chernobyl to revive her career and also to punish Liam for standing up to him after Zayn left. Upon further review, I think the entire point of this stunt is to promote XF, and both Chernobyl and Liam are pawns to an extent. She was desperate and would’ve agreed to anything to get back to her previous level of fame. Satan doesn’t have friends and I guarentee he doesn’t care if Chernobyl’s reputation goes down the toilet. She is a messy person, and people will watch her simply to see her fail. Drama and problematic people/situations are good news for Satan, which brings us to the cringe fest that was last night:
In case you missed the show (I’m referring to the entire day btw), it started out with IG stories where Liam hung out with his parents and Chernobyl’s mom made a weird guest appearance in what I assume was actually Chernobyl’s house. Poor Karen even had to awkwardly stir a pile of some type of food (???) and act natural. The general consensus from everyone involved was that they couldn’t wait for Liam to perform. This intrigued me because XF is not what it used to be, and Liam’s body language didn’t scream happy and excited, before or afterwards.
Anyways, moving on. Liam arrived at XF alone and Chernobyl popped up later to take pics with random fans. She was also interviewed and gave a shout out to Satan himself, but the best part was the dude behind her that mocked her (@ that dude, who are you, please marry me 😂). She popped into an XF IG story (that was completely unrelated to her in which Liam was thanking fans) with no comment, context, or contact from either party. Liam was stiff as a board and clearly over it.
Liam’s actual performance was amazing! I personally liked the Kiss House Party a bit more because it was lower pressure and the audience at XF was meh. Liam doesn’t usually let his nerves affect his performance but I could tell he was a bit off his game, and rightfully so. It was still stellar, right up until his exit. Liam tried to leave backstage like a normal human before he was forced to make a U turn, go out into the audience to give Chernobyl a hug (one armed and awkward as hell from both sides) before they both left mid-show. The host’s reaction was equivalent to mine: are you kidding me, why does this need to happen, y'all can’t wait 20 more minutes for the results etc
They vanished for a while and then popped up in what has to be the single most cringey, awkward moment of this entire stunt. If you haven’t watched the IG story of them in the car from last night, check it out. Liam sounds strange from the beginning, they are blaring classical music, and Chernobyl couldn’t get any further away from Liam. He basically said “life doesn’t get any better does it” and then left room for her to insert a comment and she literally just froze and smiled for 10 fucking seconds while Liam cackled like a crazy person. He ends it by saying how surreal his life is, which I assume was a shot at his teenage dream of dating her when he first auditioned at the tender age of 14 (which he managed to include in the first story she made an appearance in earlier that day btw).
Overall, the incredible lack of chemistry between them is a bit mind blowing. He’s more comfortable with strangers and random fans than this chick he’s supposedly in love with. Idk if she is just a robot all the time or if she’s terrible at acting too or what, but dang. Put them together in a room and video them for 10 mins and this stunt will end itself. They are uncomfortable as hell together.
The entire thing was essentially an extension of “supportive” Chernobyl. First she talked the talk on SM leading up to the performance and then she walked the walk last night. I don’t think Liam’s performance and the weird way they acted together made the impression or provided the exposure that Chernobyl and Satan are after though. What it did do, however, is get the public’s attention. Pretty much all the comments I’ve seen have been about how strange their relationship is. Chernobyl got her articles about being so supportive and loving which will help her image when the split happens (she did everything right and the big, bad, immature man broke her heart. So sad). People aren’t gonna tune in to XF and coo when she premieres some lame song while Liam cheers her on from the audience. Their relationship is boring, quite odd, and they’ve both shut down all angles that could take their relationship further and revive public interest (marriage and another baby).
You know what people might tune in for though? Chernobyl’s first appearance after a sudden shocking split just weeks after Chiam played the happy couple for the XF audience. People will be curious where it went wrong, and, if nothing else, they’ll tune in to bash Chernobyl. Considering I’m starting to think this whole relationship was designed to create drama and ultimately get exposure for XF, it’s very likely last night will be their last outing before a split.
I wouldn’t be too concerned about her stealing the show last night. It was never about him to begin with, and the entire thing was a huge joke. People know it’s weird for her to be so involved in his life, and they aren’t impressed. I think the GP is hypercritical of him because of his relation to her, and that should change when they split and his team does some damage control. Also the majority of XF viewers aren’t Liam’s target audience, and despite the mess, BF is rising on UK iTunes. I just hope he’s had a relaxing day today with his family. After that shit show, he definitely deserves a break.
(Sorry for being MIA so much. School has been crazy recently but I’ll do my best to answer more asks as they are sent)
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Edie & Diego
Edie: Aygo! I got a pitch, you buying? Diego: give me more to go on Edie: oh yea, you too young to know how it usually goes on casting couches, my bad lil homie Edie: you got any super 8 atm? Diego: Can get some Diego: a day or two? Edie: what u gotta clear ur schedule big man Edie: u on ur business boi respect Edie: well, i think we could do most of it in a day buuuuuuut i gotta secure a car to trash and i haven't convinced iggy he don't need that fuckin' hippie van so that'll be another day as and when, ye? Diego: I can give you that Diego: on your own with the car situ Edie: ye ye ye i won't get u in the shit Edie: what kinda big sister would i be?! Edie: but, similar vein, don't tell mum and dad where we shooting okay Edie: you'll be safe with me but they'd never sign off on it ya feel Diego: understood Diego: where we going? Edie: don't u like surprises? 😜 Diego: hard no Diego: get a car that goes so we can store the equipment before killing it I'd like that Edie: What about ones you can't hear, better or worse? cos I've got some fireworks that might be cool Edie: you don't like surprises but you wanna DIE Edie: boi i can't drive! Edie: I'll see if I can get someone to take us but if not, hitch ur wagon to my pushbike Edie: just like old times n'awwh Diego: I'll steer you do the pedals Diego: fireworks smell bad but I won't do fart jokes if you want the colours Edie: if we find a motor that runs Edie: know there's one that the O'Dwyer lads left under that dodgy underpass Edie: but I say we got only so long 'fore that's completely fucked/burned out Edie: time's a wasting boyo Diego: Can be ready day after tomorrow if you are Edie: not a cult classic but how you rate it? jake's usually a fittie but he's pretty dorky in that Diego: the special effects were bomb for the era Diego: I can give you the same commercial success with my skills Edie: dope 💎 Edie: i'll storyboard lowkey for u but i'm happy for it to be mostly in the moment real shit Edie: u can use editing magic after if ur so inclined lil dude Diego: send me the song Diego: I'll get a feel Edie: hoe u best hop on my soundcloud rn Edie: gimme them listens Edie: EDieM as you clearly forgot 😤 Edie: newest track on there Diego: I remembered how to sign it, giving you that promo to my friends, but yeah Diego: confusion Diego: you're you're name sign to me Edie: 🙌 ayo, jokes aside about being a musician with a load of deaf fans Edie: always amping that bass up so should be feeling it literal Diego: capitalise Diego: nobody else is Diego: take the silent disco concept and make it fresh Edie: 💸💸💸 Edie: i'm into it Edie: fuck the mainstream, making music for the kids at places like ur school n mine n all the other's who a lil fucked up Diego: Put that into your storyboard Edie: 😏 Edie: mightbebreakingintomyschool Edie: itseasyandriskfreedoneitbefore Edie: hey, d'ya reckon we could get our hands on some hearing aids and shit Edie: not about to suggest we break into your school, more to nick=not worth it Diego: Old people's home? Edie: yassss Edie: shame our grandparents are young as shit and we love 'em enough not to do it to 'em Edie: i'll give 'em a free performance, they'd LOVE that Diego: ma has my baby stuff kept cos she loves me real deeply Diego: won't be enough but its a start Edie: 🙄 lowkey a hoarder Edie: imma make billie n her go round all the antique shops, keep an eye out for those real old school ear trumpets Edie: that'd be sick Diego: my teacher has one of those! ill ask if we can borrow it Diego: he loves showing it around Edie: 👏 i've got a vision so hard now Edie: u can ask if any of ur friends wanna be in it but we'll have to do that 'round here Edie: look like pied piper paedo taking too many of yous away on a jolly Edie: esp. with a 🎥 in tow Edie: lord help me Diego: I'll do seamless cuts Diego: there's a girl that NEEDS to be in it Edie: I see how it is Edie: ur REAL muse Edie: better not be too cute, stealing my shine Edie: i'm the ⭐ remember Diego: Understood Diego: She's a good singer if you do need backup Diego: [Sends her soundcloud] Edie: oooooookuuurrr lil mama Edie: i see u Edie: if she's down then we can make it happen sure Edie: get you your boo thang 😍 Diego: I'll ask Diego: don't out me Edie: gon' get all shy? Edie: use your director swag Edie: just don't get #metoo wid it, Tarantino, alright? Diego: She's shy Diego: and with that voice Edie: or playing it Edie: best be chill then lil one Diego: You think she's faking coy? Edie: meh, might be too young to know how Edie: but that's what girls do Diego: do you? Edie: i'm not telling u all my signature moves! Edie: depends Edie: lots of lads don't like it if a girl is funnier, more mouthy and opinionated than they are, if that's what you're after, then sure Edie: some boys want that at the start, so they can 'tame' you and have that on their ego, so you end up pretending later Edie: but you'll get it as you grow Diego: Everyone's thinking too hard Diego: I just like her, she's nice and funny and talented Edie: you sweet sweet child Edie: don't ever grow up k Edie: once u hit 10, 11, you'll be a right dickhead Edie: always happens, the girls usually a bit before 'cos we're always ahead of yous Diego: Are not! Diego: and I'll be sick when I'm older you mean Edie: are so! Edie: we'll see Edie: not in my experience but prove me wrong Diego: I'll be the first Diego: Be ready Edie: 😂 believe it when i see it Edie: guess Junie isn't so bad but that's 'cos he's gay Edie: its different Diego: He's not? Edie: oh yeah shh Edie: keep that under your hat Edie: deal with that one later Diego: more importantly Diego: half the school want to be in this Diego: they're telling me Edie: ✋ hahaha yes brotha Edie: can do so much more with a full cast Edie: i'll make sure its fun, even if they can't come for the illegal bits Edie: love these kids, so hype 😂 Diego: im loving the song Diego: Feeling it Edie: forreal? Edie: u can be brutal, my ego can take it 😉 Diego: don't need Diego: it's bomb Edie: knew u was my fave Edie: feel free to rub it in w the others Diego: They'll state me a liar Diego: but you're on to something with these beats and you need to be told Edie: i got ya back Edie: i'll start bein a real cunt to 'em sharpish, like Edie: no room for doubt lmao Edie: gotta when u gassin' me up so hard Diego: ulterior motives Diego: can I use some of the footage for school Diego: If it turns out it's one less essay Edie: 'course you can Edie: its probably not all gon' be sfw, don't need the 'rents saying i got u in shit as prev. mentioned, but the salvageable shots, go for your life Diego: I'll do extra editing don't want you in the same trouble Diego: I'm trying to film what we do much as the whole fam'll stand it Diego: personal project Edie: Fair 'nuff, fill your boots Edie: I ain't camera shy Edie: And Rio and Gracie can't pretend they are either Edie: always pouting looking like braindead fish 😂 Diego: Got a mountain of footage of them already Diego: Only been doing a few days sly Diego: I want Billie's vibe but I can't catch her Diego: Iggy same Edie: Shoulda known 😂 Edie: yeah good luck with the rest, either too busy for the fam or moody lil fuckers Edie: take ya pick Edie: self included usually obvs but you know, wanna do this music thing proper so Edie: got 🍀 kid Diego: arrgh Diego: facts Diego: I'll keep at it Diego: maybe I'll strike it with them Edie: get gus to round 'em up Edie: hard to say no to Diego: Now that's an idea Diego: Bound to work Edie: i'd pay for that energy Edie: i do 😂 Diego: hahahah Diego: put a price on it Edie: if i could bottle what he has i'd be laughing Edie: don't give a shit what nobody thinks man, what a cool kid Diego: his piss bottles itself some of the time Diego: you're there Edie: ya nastys Edie: secured a ride Edie: ur equip is welcome Edie: but i gotta go now, favour fo' favour Diego: I'm in too then Diego: don't do anything I wouldn't Edie: 👌 Edie: like i said, don't grow up Edie: need that childlike wonder for my vision Edie: catch you on the flipside mofo Diego: not in my plans Diego: enjoy yours
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