#( hope this is okay but lmk if changes are needed!! I'm soososooso excited <3 )
ultlie · 1 year
plotted & closed starter for @heraid
          the final wick of numerous staged candles met carefully with a match. their original labels have since then been scrawled and corroded by neglect of the handler - he'd simply forgotten about them in a box at the furthest corner of his lair. these candles in particular were made specifically with natural oils to alleviate stress and anxiety; a very potent scent for the mind and body of anyone in close proximity. he'd also set up a few patchouli incense sticks on auto burners for good measure. so .. why was Kokichi transforming his personal space into an aromatherapy chamber? well you see: he's expecting a very important guest this evening. precisely one week ago, a hand-written invitation adorned within a purple satin, wax sealed envelope was delivered to a doorstep drop box addressed to the ultimate nurse herself. presentation was important, and the goal here was to arouse attention - a plain white envelope was, well.. just plain boring! jabbing the bell multiple times then making a run for it to hide, he made sure to stick around and watch her open it. once the humble receiver retreats back inside her quarters, the supreme leader's plan was now set in motion: it's time to make preparations.
          a lack of overhead lighting was made up for with each lit cylinder of wax. he polished and dolled up a floor level table surrounded by cushions, even a fancy-looking tea set upon the sizeable furniture. the largest pot contains an herbal brew of chamomile and lavender; yet another remedy to soothe whoever may consume it. as soon as the ceramic vessel for raw honey was set, the buzzer to his lair was triggered: someone was requesting entry. he'd stay put at the very center as the mechanical door slides open, closing abruptly behind his guest. with arms open wide in a welcoming allure, Kokichi is exaggeratingly delighted with the appearance before himself.
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          ❝ I'm sooo happy you'd take time out of your busy busy day to join me, Tsumiki-chan! come now, make yourself at home ~ once you're settled in, I'd love to discuss some things with you, 'kay? ❞ the gentle vibe he'd worked so hard to set was perfect to the very last detail, but there was malice laid dormant somewhere in those shadows.
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