#( it's hard to answer for my hsr dogboy bc he's still a big fckn question mark until we know more- )
daybreakrising · 2 months
What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
Would you say that your portrayal is canon divergent or not? 
Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
(do this for wrio vautrin and gallagher-)
canon questionnaire
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7. What's the best thing about the canon you are writing?
for wrio: i love the foundations we were given for him. he has such an interesting (and tragic) story and to come through all of that and be the man he is now? i love who he is, what he stands for, and the fact he can be so mature and healthy (for the most part) over what happened to him.
for vautrin: listen, they really just handed me a bare bones Ye Olde Wrio with a soft spot for hydro dragons and melusines, who is both savagely vengeful and devastatingly selfless. beautiful.
for gallagher: the possibilities of it. that's really all i can say for now since his story isn't complete yet, but i am Living for the mystery that surrounds him still.
8. What's the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
for wrio: bad fanon takes. that's it. that's the worst thing fdlkbgh
for vautrin: that there isn't more of it, aka, hyv should definitely hit me up so i can persuade them to bring him back as a funky lil primordial weirdo-
for gallagher: there's almost too much going on for my poor, fatigued, foggy brain to grasp coherently & so i feel like my thoughts are all over the place and have yet to weave together into something that maintains said canon
9. Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
answered for wrio here.
for vautrin: ............. i feel like this one speaks for itself dflkjglkdhnfg- obviously, yes, i have. even taking into account his 'past' verse, i've tweaked him a bit in terms of his background (of which there is none from canon), but obviously the biggest tweak is bringing him back to life 400 years later-
for gallagher: no.... not yet. there is a chance i will once the story is complete, if i don't like the way something plays out or simply want to expand on something that happens or a piece of information we're given.
10. Would you say that your portrayal is canon divergent or not?
answered for wrio here.
for vautrin: again, this one is obvious. absolutely he's canon divergent.
for gallagher: and, again, not yet. i'm holding back on building too much for him until the story is done, bc i don't want to put work into something that turns out to be so wildly wrong that i'd have to scrap it and start over. but....... there's a chance he will be in future.
11. Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
for wrio: not really, tbh. i like how he's portrayed & i love the little quirks to his personality.
for vautrin: again, i'm pretty happy with it. as i've said before, he's basically just a different flavour of wrio from another time, and whilst we don't get much of him from canon, i love what we do get.
for gallagher: for the moment, no. this may change in future-
12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
answered for vautrin here.
for wrio: this one is really hard for me to answer, not gonna lie. my poor tired brain is struggling. but i guess if i was going to say anything, it'd probably be his capacity to care, to love, to trust even after everything he's been through.
for gallagher: his entire existence, i guess ??? i'd answer this more in depth but he's still a developing character dkflbgdfh
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