#( okay i'm cold now peace out besties be good drink water unclench ur jaw )
soulrph · 1 year
i’m seeing an awful lot of people reblogging memes here and in the tags, going “i know i have some memes in my inbox” or “i promise i’ll answer the last couple of memes in a minute”, and i think we all know there’s very little i can do or say to soften the situation, so allow me to tell you the exact number of memes i have on my own rp blog, which contains precisely one muse!
i have 298 memes in my inbox.
nobody hates me for it. nobody is organizing a little mob of mutuals with pitchforks and torches to tear down my house and drag me for a shame walk through town!
they also didn’t hate me at my highest number of memes, which was 724. 
we need to re-evaluate how we talk about ourselves on this site, bc frankly nobody is entitled to hate you or dislike you for a silly number in your inbox, okay? you’re a fantastic bunch of people. you’re wonderful, talented, kind and creative. you don’t go around hating others for their inbox count! nobody does! don’t allow anyone to think it’s okay for them to have a problem with your inbox, and for the love of god, stop thinking your mutuals are a pack of wolves who’ll rip you to shreds for having more than zero memes in your inbox at a time!
you are all amazing, and wonderful, and talented, but 2023 is the year we start developing a little more self-confidence! doesn’t matter if you have five or fifty or five million memes in your inbox! you’re not a bad person for having them there, because you’re not a good person for having none there at all! the things that make you good are the things that were always there, regardless of that inbox. okay? now go reblog some memes. nobody in the world with an ounce of decency and good sense will say a thing against you for it, that’s a promise! and if anyone does say a thing against you for it, that just means they’re dummies.
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