#( personals dni. )
goldshadows · 1 month
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need i say more?
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foolshoujo · 3 months
&& with a sigh & a hand on her heart, orpheus looks upward toward ouranos --- the beautiful sky overhead, a dazzling blue only broken by the flight of white birds & a clock tower that seems to stretch upward beyond the heavens.
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lineage counts first; wealth a close second. the motto of o/uran academy, an illustrious school for those of the affluent. the children of politicians, businessmen, socialites, & celebrities all attending from grades that span from pre-school to even college. such budding little flowers cared for by the facility that holds the tasks of preparing these fledglings to grow into their wings & fly toward their future--- as well as provide various outlets of entertainment, leisure, & perhaps a waste of their free time. aris/ato mi/nato & min/ako are second years that have attended the school since their kindergarten days. the children of the living legends aris/ato kenta & hisako; a skilled orchestral conductor & a multilingual opera soprano, respectfully. while the pair continue to globally travel & perform their arts, they have also found themselves to be common among the social elite spanning the globe. enrapturing the rich, the famous, the many, the poor, the old with their talents & song. their biggest pride & joy being their children, the two who seem to harbor the same gift of music as their parents. mi/nato is hailed as a musical savant, able to learn with ease any instrument one places before him, writing new pieces & performing them at a young age. min/ako follows in the footsteps of her mother, her voice naturally siren-esc & talents honed by vocal tutors, choirs, & years upon years of practice. within their freshman year of high school the two take a sabbatical from the academy to journey with their mother to the southern region of france within the french riviera, théoule sur mer. hisako having to retreat from the public eye due to her sudden failing health. the twins believing that going with their mother was both what was best for the family as well as for their beloved mother convince their father to allow them to take the break from their education & join the two of them. for a year the family lives within this resort town until hisako is cleared to be able to return home--- && in doing so the twins make their return the same year a particularly interesting scholarship attendee joins in their freshman year....
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the twins are in class b--- affluent but not the top 1%. they are the same age as h/oney & m/ori, however due to pausing their education they are a year delayed making them second years vs third years. despite being away for a year the two are quite popular across grades & classes, often hanging out with various folks outside of their homeroom + social classing. many people speak fondly of the two & tend to seek them out if they are nearby. this is generally to allude to their in canon ability to create social links with people of all walks of life in p3/p & how they are easily able to touch the hearts of others. they are protags after all LOL.
regarding this, min/ato who tends to avoid musical clubs & focuses on kendo extracurriculars tends to be the more reclusive of the two due to his own battle with low social stamina. he is on course to be next captain of the kendo club once mori/nozuka graduates & acts a co-captain to help lessen the load to allow the aforementioned to attend the host club freely. this is the only connection the twins will have with the main cast of ohshc in this verse outside of future/potential interactions within the linked rpc.
on mina/ko's side, she is known as the idol of ou/ran. the moniker gained from her bubbly & friendly personality, knack for accidentally becoming the center of attention, & obviously her talent as a songstress. before the year abroad she was in gymnastics, choir, & dance extracurricular however after the twins return she tends to favor only choir & dedicates more time within student council at the behest of ki/rijo mi/tsuru, student council president valedictorian & heir to the enormous k/irijo group. mits/uru replaces the canonical to ohshc tosh/iyori in this verse, the accolades mentioned are ones carried from p3/p to this verse as well. though tos/hiyori serves as vice president, kana/n retains her status as secretary but hid/etoshi & chid/ori from p3/p are added as head of the disciplinary committee & treasurer to buff out the council as a whole. mina/ko holds a role of little importance, tending to the council's needs either for filing or gathering paperwork, getting drinks, cleaning, & organizing events or helping with. she's their little gopher.
speaking of mits/uru, the various members of SEES or other social links like rio or bebe are present in this verse in similar roles & are all as close as they are in canon. yuk/ari is the daughter of both an actress & head researcher within kiri/jo, jun/pei is the son of a baseball player, fu/uka's family works within the oot/ori medical hospitals in various fields, ak/ihiko the captain of the boxing team, shi/njiro son of a chef, k/en idk but he's there too. aig/is is a human idk man but you get it. the idiots are pals no matter the universe♥
while i won't carry over a lot of the incredibly dated outlooks that this media has, i am playing with gender roles in terms of the difficulties women face proving themselves within a patriarchal society especially among the one percent. in short, mi/nato will have zero issues in his life as he is both the son & technical first born where mina/ko as a woman is, despite her equal talents & a prodigy just like her brother, faced with having to maneuver her way into the same spaces. while their parents are never outright in these mindsets, min/ato does have some noted favoritism from them as well as those within his parents sphere of influence. this is the drive behind min/ako pushing her weight within the student council--- abusing her ability to stay near the incredibly powerful heir to the k/irijo group, mitsu/ru, & using this connection to create a web of networking. she's bright, she's smart, she's friendly. in the same way kyou/ya tends to abuse the host club & his immense talents to charm his way through hard work, research, & tbqh manipulation( positive ) of the cards in his hands to climb to the top--- m/inako is playing a similar gambit on her own. her greatest cards within her hand are the connections she's formed through the years & memorable personality. our girl is making sure her name is in your mouth ! you say hi to her as she walks through the gates of school ! you want her to sing at the party you're throwing this weekend ! you wanna tell you're very powerful parents about her :) ! while she is no short of talent on her own, she has to create a space for her to stand rather than wait for it to be offered. she will not sit down & wait for her to be forced to become some ceos wife & give up on her dreams against her will. it's her stage, you are her audience, & she will be remembered for her own merits & no one else's !
minat/o is totally in on this btw, you think he's letting his precious baby sister his twin his mirror the other half of his soul fail ? lmao. everyone loves twins, have another set of terrible twins♥
min/ako has no real desire to visit the host club. the idea behind all of this is just things that are happening alongside the various events of the series rather than something to supplement or change it for ease of rp as a whole & because the world of ohshc is very big, take this as another story being told within it's borders. however, her type would be the cool type but in situations where she attends( usually at the behest of her friends ) she tends to sit somewhat by herself & watch the club & it's guests rather than request a host to attend her. she is perfectly happy to watch people be surrounded by love ! she will tell ha/ruhi to list her name during these visits to abuse it toward their debt though.
this verse is both manga & anime compliant, however the manga was primarily in mind when creating this verse.
more can & may be added in the future !
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↳ edit of min/ako within the verse banner was created with art from the ohshc manga & p3p dear girls anthology as well as drawn assets & coloring by my hand ! gif was by me as well. don't take my shit or else.
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imaginarianisms · 1 month
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on house s.tark.
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goodheartt · 9 months
dennis reynolds does not cry.
at least that’s what he wants everyone to believe,  that’s what everyone  has  to believe.  how easy it was to fool everyone.  he had been doing it since he was a child,  after all.  years of practice.  it only takes a few slaps across the face from his mother to get the message across:  men are not emotional,  men do not show their true emotions.  
( was he even really a man,  anyway ??  who was …  what  was he,  really ?? )
dennis reynolds had perfected his mask at the age of ten.  he knew exactly what to say to make others happy,  to get his way,  to control the narrative.  what dennis  ( and dee )  wanted never really mattered,  it was always about their parents.  frank and barbara … what did they want ??  how could their children stop embarrassing them ??  
for dennis,  he needed to stop with that  ‘nancy boy nonsense’  as soon as possible.  tears suppressed, hobbies pushed aside.  men didn’t cry,  sing,  play with dolls,  paint their nails,  wash their face,  put on lipstick,  braid their sisters hair,  sleep with a stuffed elephant,  kiss other men.  men were strong,  charismatic,  smart,  watched football,  worked out,  drank beer,  smoked cigarettes,  kissed women. 
was he a man ??  is this what he really wanted ??  he knew the answer to those questions.  it never mattered what dennis really wanted,  he just had to keep the mask on.  even after thirty seven years of practice there were still times that his mask slipped,  the cracks in the surface widening and leaving some of his true self exposed. 
no one could ever see that side of him.  no one.
which is why he always hid in his bedroom on days like this,  firing off a text to someone from the gang saying that he was working on something important and he’d fill them all in tomorrow.  he couldn’t fake sick after all,  not unless he wanted mac breaking down his door.  thankfully he was surrounded by idiots that believed whatever lie was spoon fed to them. 
dennis reynolds does not cry,  but he was crying right now.  not one piece of onion in sight.  sat on the corner of his bed facing his floor length mirror.  he’s not sure why,  but he always watches himself cry.  there’s something about how his eyes turn a little bit red,  how the mascara begins to trail down his cheeks,  how his foundation turns all splotchy. 
it reminds him that he  can  feel. 
but why did he want to feel so bad ??  it hurt,  it always hurt so goddamn much. 
as he makes eye contact with the reflection staring back at him he can’t help but let out a small laugh.  it’s garbled by the tears,  stifled by the sniffles,  but he laughs anyway.  he had thought for a moment what barbara would say if she could see him like this.  he knows what his father would say.  no,  what  frank would say.  not his father.  then he thinks for a moment what  bruce  might say.  that only makes the tears fall faster,  shaky hands move to cup his face,  hiding his face from himself as he continues to sob.  he stays like this for a few more minutes,  finally prying his hands from his face and staring down at mascara stained palms.  hands return to rest on bony thighs,  eyes lifting to meet his reflection once more. 
“pathetic.”  he mumbles to himself,  sniffling as he tries to pull himself together.  as he stares into bloodshot eyes he remembers exactly why he can’t tell anymore about this.  not because of barbara,  not because of frank. 
because it was weak.  and whatever dennis reynolds was,  it wasn’t  weak.
so he stands from his spot on the bed to approach the mirror,  getting closer to the glass as he stares himself down.  hand moves to point at the shell that gazed back at him.  “pull yourself together,  man.”  he instructs,  repeating the order he had been given over and over again.  it takes a few more seconds,  a few more deep breaths,  but he’s able to slip the mask back on. 
he withdraws himself from the mirror and walks over to his beside table,  pulling a tissue out of the tissue box and wiping at his face.  “what a pain …”  once again he mumbles to himself,  “... i have to redo my makeup.”  the tissue is tossed into the small trash can on the side of his bed and as he leaves his bedroom to fix his face,  he can’t help but think how badly he wishes someone would be able to hand him a tissue.
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scribesmind · 26 days
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VIOLET & ELAIN / @lifebloomd
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thehouseofwayne · 2 months
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GENERAL PHYSICAL TRAUMA involves history of blunt trauma to penetrating to perforating trauma due to multiple instances of violence, blast impact, and other types of assault.
SIGNIFICANT SCARS: SCAR ON HIS KNEE, a thin line, almost just an inch, across his knee cap when he fell into the cave under the Manor when he was 8. CLAW MARKS across his chest courtesy of CATWOMAN from their first run in.  GUN SHOT SCAR. A through and through on his left shoulder from TWO FACE. There are plenty more through his earlier run ins with the police, but that one from Harvey is one of those that stubbornly left its imprint on his skin.  BURN MARK. A significant spot, just above where his heart should be. From one of his more deadly run-ins withTHE JOKER’S acid. It prompted an upgrade to his suit to offer more potential protection to corrosion and heat.  SURGICAL SCARS along his spine from his operation post-bane in KNIGHTFALL.  STAB WOUNDS [𝟣] made by his own batarangs after being used against him by the joker across both shoulder blades. Accompanied by a curve slash across the middle of his back, making a gruesome smile. STAB WOUNDS[2] from a stabbing bysword just below his heart, barely avoiding major organs, by RAS AL GHUL. STAB WOUNDS[3] on the lower right side of his abdomen, one of the training exercises with HENRI DUCARD. VARIOUS SMALL SCARS FROM CUTS AND WOUNDS AND BURN MARKS t during his 20 year runins with the law and rogues as THE DARK KNIGHT and especially that stint of running into Apokolips to bring back his son DAMIAN.
[ note : might be into sado-masochism or just has really really into aggressive intimate partners. - 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓃 ]
POISONING. Primarily due to attempted murder by poisoning from enemies but also partly due to self-inflicted training as an attempt to immunize himself to most poisons.
[ note : paranoia? obsessive compulsive disorder? suicidal? drugs? what is this guy on? ask alfred the butler. - 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓃 ]
PSYCHOLOGICAL HISTORY. A long history of undiagnosed and diagnosed mental health issues not limited to ptsd, depression and personality disorders.
CHILDHOOD. An undiagnosed history of symptoms showing signs that of explosive or uncontrolled temper and violence and being on the autism spectrum. Diagnosed with PTSD with symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies and Paranoia in response to his parents’ murder. ADULTHOOD. A recorded history of substance abuse and a list of undiagnosed suspected history that showed symptoms not limited to: anxiety, dissociative, mood, trauma and stressor-related, neuro-developmental, sleep-wake, substance-related, somatic symptom and personality disorder.
[ note : this is the number 1 bachelor of gotham 5 years running? probably paid by his company. the most divorced man i’ve ever met in complete denial. desperately need to talk to his ex wives and kids for more insight. whole family seems cagey. deep issues there. and clearly years more of therapy.- 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓃 ]
SPINAL TRAUMA / NERVE COMPRESSION. A deeply demoralizing and physically traumatic delivered to him by the rogue BANE. It is still contested whether the immediate surgery and panic in the aftermath of the trauma may have complicated or alleviated the pressure off the nerve that lead to his temporary inability to use his limbs. The damage was eventually better addressed by immobilization of the area, medication and physical therapy. Still posses the occasion symptoms of nerve pain from aggravation.
[ note : near paralysis from just from skiing? damage like that is too extensive but i guess not completely implausible. he’s too good at lying still. need to find out more on shondra kinsolving. experimental surgery. can’t be real. burning, electrical uncomfortable pain. how is he still alive? stress related? guilt? psychosomatic? looks like he doesn’t sleep for days. side effect or cause? - 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓃 ]
ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ: ᶦ ᵐᵃʸ ᵇᵉ ᵗᵃˡᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ᵃˢˢ ʷᶦᵗʰ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʳʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ˢᵉⁿˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ “ʳᵉᵃˡᶦˢᵗᶦᶜᵃˡˡʸ”
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goldshadows · 1 month
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queenifice · 1 month
alysanne really turns into a wolf to be reckoned with in s2, the only reason they didn't find c.heese after b&c is that her direwolf found the scent first, and alysanne watched him get torn to shreds and didn't say anything when a.egon ordered all the r.atcatchers to be h.anged.
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imaginarianisms · 3 months
something something daenerys being all the targaryen queens & female relatives before her & being all of them at once & not just another aegon or rhaegar, yes, they are a part of her, yes, she is aegon the conqueror come again, yes, she is as noble as rhaegar, but she is also rhaenys targaryen who was kindhearted, graceful, playful, curious, impulsive, given to flights of fancy with a mischievous nature, loved bards, singers & the smallfolk & who loved to fly more than anything in the whole world & visenya targaryen who was a harsh, austere beauty & a sensual, passionate, stern, serious & unforgiving woman & was known to dabble in dark sorcery, play with poisons & use blood magic & dress as comfortably as she does in armor as she does in silk & she was a dragonrider & a warrior. she is also the amethyst empress, valaena velaryon, alyssa velaryon, the good queen alysanne targaryen if she'd only had the opportunity to wield power in her own right alongside jaehaerys i as she was kind, gentle, loving & loved all her subjects lowborn & highborn alike & was well loved throughout westeros as she loved her women's courts & was also skilled in hunting, archery & was known for her charity & she would've been sent to the citadel had she been born male, rhaena targaryen the black bride of maegor i, who was initially more comfortable with animals than people, who was deemed the queen in the west while remaining at casterly rock in the westerlands & later the queen in the east while holding dragonstone & was furious when betrayed & scornful of those she did not trust & was said to love other women, saera targaryen who made a kingdom in her own right & was significant in volantis, viserra targaryen the primadonna girl, aemma arryn, rhaenyra targaryen the half year queen who tried to do what daenerys her descendant did but could not due to the misogyny of the realm, helaena targaryen the dreamer, daena targaryen the defiant, elaena targaryen who was shrewd & intelligent, larra rogare, naerys targaryen the devout, myriah martell, dyanna dayne, princess daenerys of dorne who saw no difference between highborn & lowborn, shiera seastar, the star of the sea who was the most beautiful woman of her time in westeros to the point where duels were fought over the right to sit beside her, men killed themselves when falling from her favor & poets outdid each other writing songs about her beauty, she spoke many languages & was a seductress & a witch who held a large arcana library, betha blackwood who was said to be willful, rhaella targaryen her mother who was always said to be mindful of her duty, forced to marry her abusive brother & died giving birth to her, & so many other girls & women who were overlooked simply on the basis of their gender. all of these women's blood is in daenerys' just as much as rhaegar & aegon's is. daenerys targaryen is the justice & vengeance of all the grandmothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, cousins & granddaughters who were overlooked in favor of their male relatives, their grandfathers, fathers, their uncles, their brothers, their cousins & grandsons simply on the basis of being girls & women in a world that denied them freedom.
daenerys targaryen will finally break that cycle & break that wheel that tied so many of these women to these fates that bound them, used them, abused them & murdered them, she is the daughter of house targaryen that gets to not only survive, but live, thrive & conquer in a way her female ancestors & even her male ancestors could only dream of doing; she will do what no other targaryen in her lineage let alone any valyrian has ever done before, raising not just one but three dragons, drogon, rhaegal & viserion, riding her own dragon drogon, conquering & laying waste to the cities of essos, rectifying the sins of old valyria by destroying the slave trade, uniting all of the unsullied & dothraki under her banner & many different peoples, armies & cultures together, & taking back her birthright & playing a great role in saving the world from the others & their wights, & after bringing fire & blood to westeros, she will ensure a new golden age, she will surpass all of them, & she is the best that house targaryen could ever ask for.
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politesper · 2 months
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𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈���𝐍 𝐎𝐅 : the struggle between man and god, being a 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘳 of the world, 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒻𝓊𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒, being the faceless flute player for ƬΉΣ BᄂIПD IDIӨƬ GӨD, losing yourself in your lies, pondering the nature of existence, the bitterness of being left out, thinking too much, having your life and dreams forcibly stolen from you, and conflicting loyalties. (carrd.)
   light novel based portrayal of itsuki koizumi from the haruhi suzumiya series  with inspo from rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead && lovecraftian mythos
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s1lentlamb · 10 months
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       𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 , i'm nassy , twenty6 . this is a selective MULTIMUSE blog featuring canon & original muses from various fandoms such as ; jujutsu kaisen , kinnporsche , my name , wheel of time , alice in borderland , and more ! triggering themes will be written in this blog .
       promo. docs.  aesthetic sideblog.
muse list under the cut ! ♡
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GOJO SATORU ; jujutsu kaisen . pinboard
MEGUMI FUSHIGURO ; jujutsu kaisen .
GETO SUGURU ; jujutsu kaisen .
RYOUMEN SUKUNA ; jujutsu kaisen .
KONG SHIU ; jujutsu kaisen .
TOGE INUMAKI ; jujutsu kaisen .
JEAN KIRSTEIN ; attack on titan .
EREN YEAGER ; attack on titan .
DO GANG-JAE ; my name . pinboard
CHOI MU-JIN ; my name .
OK EUL-TAE ; bulgasal . pinboard
SEO SEOK-WOO ; train to busan .
KIM SHIN ; goblin .
NIRAGI SUGURU ; alice in borderland .
SHIBUKI SAORI ; alice in borderland .
KYUMA GINJI ; alice in borderland .
PALERMO ; la casa de papel . ( request )
JILL HOLTZMANN ; ghostbusters .
MINORU SATŌ / KING OF HEARTS ; alice in borderland pinboard
VEGAS THEERAPANYAKUL ; kinnporsche . pinboard
TIME RATANAPAKORN ; kinnporsche .
VEERA RATANAPAKORN ; kinnporsche . pinboard
BI-HAN ; mortal kombat .
KUAI LIANG ; mortal kombat .
SANTINO D'ANTONIO ; john wick .
LEGOLAS ; lord of the rings . pinboard
GELLERT GRINDELWALD ; fantastic beasts .
CROWLEY ; good omens .
BEELZEBUB ; good omens .
COBB VANTH ; star wars .
ARMITAGE HUX ; star wars .
KOTALLO ; horizon forbidden west .
DRAKKA ; horizon forbidden west .
NIL ; horizon forbidden west .
ABADUND ; horizon forbidden west .
KAZUYUKI ASAKAWA ; ringu book .
THE SALESMAN ; squid game . pinboard ( will be featured here until the second season is out and then will be carried to his own solo blog on @salesmn . hehe . )
NELL CRAIN ( book ) ; haunting of hillhouse .
MIKA ; darren shan / cirque du freak .
THEODORA ( book ) ; haunting of hillhous .
ALANNA MOSVANI ; wheel of time .
LAN MANDRAGORAN ; wheel of time .
ELVEERA IL'MORA ( o.c ) ; wheel of time .
LARTEN CREPSLEY ; darren shan / cirque du freak .
KIM MI-CHA ; fandomless gang leader oc . about her
to be added ... ♡
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stagrot · 3 months
  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐓   is   an   indie,   extremely   selective,   &*   very   canon   divergent   take   on   ALASTOR   from   hazbin   hotel,   as   so   cannibalized   by   adore.   low   -   activity,   mutuals   only,   &*   will   be   based   mostly   off   of   head   -   canons.   if   you   are   under   the   age   of   twenty   -   one,   do   not   lurk   here.
   ▍   i. carrd  ii. pinterest  iii. playlist  iv. headcanons
  for   those   that   linger   :   written   here   will   be   recurring   themes   of   blood,   guts,   &*   gore,   as   he   is   both   THE   RADIO   DEMON,   &*   in   part   inspired   by   h.annibal   l.ecter   from   the   television   series   H.ANNIBAL.   i   implore   you   to   keep   in   mind   that   this   blog   is   DEAD   DOVE   (   DO   NOT   EAT.   )   this   is   not   to   be   taken   lightly. 
  ON   THE   MENU   TODAY   ?   the   obsession   of   man,   moral   balance,   the   decay   of   a   mind   gone   corrupt,   what   doesn't   kill   you   might   make   you   kill   them,   &*   the   pressing   question   of   what   he   will   devour   first:   you,   or   your   heart. 
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scribesmind · 1 month
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VIOLET + casual clothes / bonus nightgowns
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g1utton · 3 months
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     a private and mutual only blog for  beelzebub , from helluva boss .     written as an original character , adapted into multiple medias . loved by  saint    ,    non binary    , twenty three   ,    minors dni .    low activity .    established on march 5th , 2024 .      affiliated   with  : @666imp / all of chia's blogs , @ruingod ,
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temp info .
CREDIT : psd is hallow's eve by psychehelic
PSA : this blog does not support v.vivzie in any way , shape , or form . my bee is removed almost completely from that lore and is my own interpretation .
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goldshadows · 2 months
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pics jami took on your muse's phone
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w4shingtons · 1 year
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" you can feel it , can't you? that hunger . . the burning sensation crawling up your throat. you don't have to be afraid. enjoy it. " josh washington , as written by omen.
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