#( this is why u don't let me write metas i'll never shut up JFLKSDJFLJ )
kamipyre · 2 years
places this 📝 here gently for ray
instead of suki rambling u get ferre!! ( ft. meta time with @bloodxhound )
send me “📝 + A Character” for me to go all out about the relationship between my muse and that character!!
okay first of all, i must share this gif because it is absolutely a very accurate representation of their relationship on most days:
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( look that smug expression on his face...and how he's using his coffee mug to stop her from fiteing him JFSKLDJFLKJ he's 6'5" muscle bound detective...that makes him more than a foot taller than her and not to mention she's pretty dainty to be begin with....of course he could stop her with just one arm 🥲 this is just a normal day in the office where ray teases her and suki tries to win but cannot jdkflsdj )
alright so in all seriousness tho, seeing that they've been interacting for over a year, i think it's safe for me to say that they have a sibling like bond? he's the older brother figure she never had!! they bicker and fight like siblings ( or rather ray teases/tricks her and suki a. falls for it and b. gets upsetti sjdklfjs ), but ultimately? they have each other's backs, will support each other in their work endeavors especially considering the office politics that tends to build up in a workplace!! although that will not stop suki from tattletaling to mister godot once in a while.... 😂 while they both have their unique habits at work ( ray, breaking the rules and public vandalism and suki, the paper thing ) that others may find encumbersome, i love that while they might complain about it, they each ultimately?? put up with it because that's what you do with siblings!! you love them and hate them simultaneously. their bickering, i think, is their way of showing affection for one another since they don't really seem like people to exchange sappy words of affection ( although that might also be the entirety of the lapd rip 😂 ).
okay but now this is where i get to talk about how?? i find it SO FASCINATING how they kinda parallel each other?? like both were witnesses to a murder when they were both young children and as result developed a severe phobia of sorts that would make their jobs so much more difficult to do ( ray, a detective with hemotophobia in the homicide unit and suki, a forensics with pyrophobia specializing in arson cases ) and YET THEY STILL FACE IT HEAD ON IN THEIR JOBS jsdklfjkfsldj we love two hardheaded idiots 😂 i don't know if ( when ) they would ever come around to telling each other their personal histories, BUT i do think part of the reason they have each other's back is because of recognition of being in a similar place in relation to their jobs if that makes any sense?? and will most definitely cover for each other in those cases aka suki ( trying to ) shoving ray from a particularly bloody body to talk to the witness instead and telling him that she'll take care of gathering the evidence for him and ray doing something similar for her when the arson cases come up.
( also i like to think this parallelism also reflects in their aesthetics as well?? i mean, it's pretty opposite in that ray has a more masculine aesthetic, while suki's is much more feminine BUT....pink and red are very close to each other on the color wheel...not quite the same shade but similar kinda like siblings. they might seem disparately different people, but they share the same set of values of truth and justice 🥲 )
because he was one of the first ppl she met at the lapd and also in all technicalities, her first friend, suki is VERY attached to him. that might be because she's not used just having?? friends in general as she is still pretty lonely as when she joins the lapd so any friends she makes, she latches on HARD 🥲 this may also be obvious in how he comes up often in her other threads, even when he no longer works at the LAPD. utlimately, he's not just a fellow co-worker/partner, he's her friend, the older brother figure she never had ( and i would think ray sees her as a younger sibling of sorts...? since he will fight anyone who makes her cry 🥲 ), and also a role model as well. when he comes back to the lapd, please expect her to be folding his paperwork into flowers like the first time around....also pls praise her she was trying to emulate parts of him in the lost years :'D
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